Academic APD process

When is the formal Academic APD process?

The formal Academic APD process is conducted between September and February.

  • July–August 2023: APD preparation and IAP review and update. 
  • 4 September 2023: APD process commences. 
  • 16 October 2023: Self-evaluation is due for all academic staff.
  • 22 December 2023: Academic APD conversation completed and Manager evaluation due.  
  • 29 February 2024: HoS / Institute Director approval due. APD process closes. 

Who is included in the Academic APD cohort?

The Academic process applies to Levels A - E.

Academic staff set goals and reflect against the following goal domains (as aligned with the Criteria for Academic Performance Policy:

  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Supervision and Researcher Development
  • Citizenship and Service

When completing these tasks, reflection on the Academic Categories Policy of the staff member is recommended. All academic categories contribute equally important but distinct roles in advancing UQ’s mission.

For further information on the different Academic Categories and specific guidance and resources for Teaching Focused (TF) academic staff, please review the Teaching Focused information pack.

What is required for the Academic APD Process?

5. Mid Year

At around the mid year mark, a mid-year check-in is encouraged to review progress against goals and development areas.

This is an informal process and provides opportunity to update and add goals or record progress via Workday.  For further information, please view the online course, APD Mid-Year Check-In.