APD overview

At UQ, performance and development is an ongoing process between staff and their manager. 

What does the APD Process involve

The APD process encourages staff to:

  • highlight their achievements and progress against previously set goals   
  • reflect broadly on their performance  
  • clarify their career and development aspirations   
  • set their goals and objectives for the year to come   
  • prioritise a designated time to connect with their Manager to discuss performance and career development.    

Who participates in APD

All continuing and fixed-term staff employed for more than one (1) year are required to participate in the APD process.  

Staff who are not required to participate will still receive the APD template and are encouraged to connect with their manager to have a performance and development discussion and clarify their goals. 

If you are a continuing academic staff member on a 3-year probationary period read probation for further information regarding the integration of APD.

Who participates in APD

Why the APD process matters   

The purpose of the APD process is to help people be more effective in their role, to drive development and boost engagement.

Through APD, the university is seeking a culture change away from a sole focus on traditional performance management (which predominately focuses on reviewing and assessing staff performance) towards a focus on performance development (supporting and developing our staff to acquire new skills and knowledge).