UQ confers a variety of titles to recognise contributions and service.

Honorary or Adjunct titles

The University encourages the conferral of Honorary and Adjunct titles for people who are suitably qualified. This includes people of distinction and standing from academic institutions, industry, government and professions.

Honorary and Adjunct titles promote engagement and links with the community. 

Read the Honorary and Adjunct Title Holders Policy for more information.


You can nominate people for Level A–E Honorary and Adjunct titles through Workday. Please follow the step by step guide 'Create a Requisition' on the Systems Training Hub - Recruitment webpage to complete the nomination process. For additional assistance with nominations, please contact your local HR Client Partnering team. 

Professorial title nomination round dates

There are two rounds of nominations for professorial (Level E) titles each year. Nominations are considered by the Honorary and Adjunct Professorial Committee. 

Round 1 – For commencement on 1 July 2024

  • Applications open: Friday, 1 March 2024
  • Applications close: Friday, 12 April 2024
  • Committee meeting: Monday, 27 May 2024

Round 2 – For commencement on 1 January 2025

  • Applications open: Friday, 16 August 2024
  • Applications close: Friday, 27 September 2024
  • Committee meeting: Monday, 11 November 2024

Out of Rounds

In addition, in exceptional circumstances, an applicant may be considered for an Adjunct or Honorary Professorial Title 'Out of Round', subject to the consideration and approval of the Provost. For 'Out of Round' nominations, please contact the CAP team at cap@uq.edu.au prior to submitting a nomination.


For all renewals please follow the 'Fixed Term Contract Renewal' guide on Systems Training Hub - Managing Your Team webpage. For additional assistance, please contact your local HR Client Partnering team.

Emeritus Professor and Industry Fellows

Read the:

Any supporting documents outlined in the Policy and Procedures needs to be attached to the 'Job Requisition' in Workday.

Academic titles for health professionals

Visiting Academics

Both Form A and Form B, and other supporting documents outlined in the Policy and Procedures, needs to be attached to the 'Job Requisition' in Workday.

Finance and HR staff process payments using the:

Affiliate appointments

You can nominate a UQ employee for an Affiliate appointment through Workday via the Academic Appointments process. A Job Requisition is not required for this process. 

Conjoint or Academic Secondees

Contact your HR Client Services team for more information about: