Academic APD process

    Who is included in the Academic APD cohort?

    The Academic process applies to Levels A - E and to each of the Academic Categories:

    a. Teaching and Research (T&R)
    b. Teaching Focused (TF)
    c. Research Focused (RF) (inlcuding RF academics whose focus is research infrastructure or platforms)
    d. Clinical Academics (CA)
    e. Teaching Associates (TA)

    Academic staff set goals and reflect against the following goal domains (as aligned with the Criteria for Academic Performance Policy:

    • Teaching
    • Research
    • Supervision and Researcher Development
    • Citizenship and Service

    When completing these tasks, reflection on the Academic Categories Policy of the staff member is recommended. All academic categories contribute equally important but distinct roles in advancing UQ’s mission.

    For further information on the different Academic Categories and specific guidance and resources for Teaching Focused (TF) or Teaching Associate (TA) academic staff, please review the Teaching Focused information pack or Teaching Associate information pack. For specific guidance and resources for Research Focused (Platform) academic staff, please revivew the Research Focused (Platform) information pack.

    When is the formal Academic APD process?

    The formal Academic APD process is conducted between September and February.

    • July–August 2024: APD preparation and IAP review and update. 
    • 2 September 2024: APD process commences. 
    • 1 November 2024: Self-Evaluation is due for all Academic staff.
    • 20 December 2024: Academic APD conversation completed and Manager evaluation due.  
    • 28 February 2025: HoS / Institute Director approval due. APD process closes. 

    What is required for the Academic APD Process?

    The following guides have been created to assist with the completion of the APD in Workday:

    3. APD Conversation and Manager Evaluation

    Supervisors will receive a notification when the APD documentation has been submitted by the staff member and is ready for review and input in Workday.

    It is recommended that Supervisors draft the Manager Evaluation in Workday but don't submit until after the APD conversation to allow further input and discussion with the staff member. 

    1. Supervisor to review self-evaluation and prepare for APD conversation
    2. Staff member and Supervisor conduct the APD conversation to discuss goals and achievements from the year, relevant domains in the Criteria for Academic Performance, identification of performance ratings, goals for the year ahead and any other discussion points required.  
      • In the APD conversation the Supervisor may ask the staff member to amend any of the information in Workday (using the ‘send-back’ function) before adding their comments. 
    3. Finalise documentation in Workday. Submit commentary, domain ratings and overall rating in Workday.