Casual academic salaries
This salary schedule is effective for The University of Queensland Enterprise Agreement 2021 - 2026.
For pay dates and deadlines for submitting and approving time sheets, HR forms and payroll claims, see:
The salary schedules listed do not include a UQ superannuation contribution.
On costs are also not included in the below salary schedules and can be calculated using the On costs for staff appointments calculator.
The rates listed here incorporate 25% loading.
Effective from 8 February 2025
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC10A | Basic Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $224.48 |
AC10B | Developed Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 3 hours associated work time | 4 hours | $299.31 |
AC10C | Specialised Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 4 hours associated work time | 5 hours | $374.15 |
AC10D | Distinguished person giving single lecture or small group of lectures. | 1 hour | $374.15 | |
AC10E | Repeat Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $149.66 |
Effective from 10 August 2024
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC10A | Basic Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $220.08 |
AC10B | Developed Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 3 hours associated work time | 4 hours | $293.44 |
AC10C | Specialised Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 4 hours associated work time, or | 5 hours | $366.81 |
AC10D | Distinguished person giving single lecture or small group of lectures. | 1 hour | ||
AC10E | Repeat Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $146.72 |
Effective from 10 February 2024
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC10A | Basic Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $215.77 |
AC10B | Developed Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 3 hours associated work time | 4 hours | $287.69 |
AC10C | Specialised Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 4 hours associated work time, or | 5 hours | $359.62 |
AC10D | Distinguished person giving single lecture or small group of lectures. | 1 hour | ||
AC10E | Repeat Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $143.85 |
Effective from 2 December 2023
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC10A | Basic Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $211.54 |
AC10B | Developed Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 3 hours associated work time | 4 hours | $282.05 |
AC10C | Specialised Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 4 hours associated work time, or | 5 hours | $352.57 |
AC10D | Distinguished person giving single lecture or small group of lectures. | 1 hour | ||
AC10E | Repeat Lecture/Seminar (Base Rate 3) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $141.03 |
Effective from 8 February 2025
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC20A | Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $162.85 |
AC20B | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $108.56 |
AC20C | Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $174.25 |
AC20D | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $116.15 |
AC20E | Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $192.61 |
AC20F | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $128.41 |
AC20H | Above Agreement | Specialist Music - per hour | 1 hour | $132.10 |
AC20I | Above Agreement | Institute for Modern Languages - contact hour | 1 hour | $85.73 |
Effective from 10 August 2024
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC20A | Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $159.65 |
AC20B | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $106.43 |
AC20C | Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $170.83 |
AC20D | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $113.88 |
AC20E | Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $188.84 |
AC20F | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $125.89 |
AC20H | Above Agreement | Specialist Music - per hour | 1 hour | $129.51 |
AC20I | Above Agreement | Institute for Modern Languages - contact hour | 1 hour | $84.05 |
Effective from 10 February 2024
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC20A | Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $156.53 |
AC20B | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $104.35 |
AC20C | Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $167.48 |
AC20D | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $111.65 |
AC20E | Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $185.14 |
AC20F | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $123.43 |
AC20H | Above Agreement | Specialist Music - per hour | 1 hour | $126.98 |
AC20I | Above Agreement | Institute for Modern Languages - contact hour | 1 hour | $82.41 |
Effective from 2 December 2023
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC20A | Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $153.46 |
AC20B | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $102.30 |
AC20C | Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $164.19 |
AC20D | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus Academic Judgement (Above Agreement) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $109.46 |
AC20E | Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 2 hours associated work time | 3 hours | $181.51 |
AC20F | Repeat Tutorial/Workshop plus full Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour delivery with 1 hour associated work time within 7 days | 2 hours | $121.01 |
AC20I | Above Agreement | Institute for Modern Languages - contact hour | 1 hour | $80.79 |
Effective from 8 February 2025
Pay code | Category | Min. Engagement | Hourly Rate |
AC30A | Standard (Base Rate 1) | No Minimum | $54.28 |
AC30B | Standard plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | No Minimum | $64.20 |
AC30C | Higher Level – Supervising Examiner | No Minimum | $74.82 |
Effective from 10 August 2024
Pay code | Category | Min. Engagement | Hourly Rate |
AC30A | Standard (Base Rate 1) | No Minimum | $53.21 |
AC30B | Standard plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2 ) | No Minimum | $62.94 |
AC30C | Higher Level – Supervising Examiner | No Minimum | $73.35 |
Effective from 10 February 2024
Pay code | Category | Min. Engagement | Hourly Rate |
AC30A | Standard (Base Rate 1) | No Minimum | $52.17 |
AC30B | Standard plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2 ) | No Minimum | $61.71 |
AC30C | Higher Level – Supervising Examiner | No Minimum | $71.92 |
Effective from 2 December 2023
Pay code | Category | Min. Engagement | Hourly Rate |
AC30A | Standard (Base Rate 1) | No Minimum | $51.15 |
AC30B | Standard plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2 ) | No Minimum | $60.50 |
AC30C | Higher Level – Supervising Examiner | No Minimum | $70.51 |
Music accompanying
Effective from 8 February 2025
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC40A | Normal (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | 2 hours | $108.56 |
AC40B | Normal plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | 2 hours | $128.41 |
Effective from 10 August 2024
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC40A | Normal (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | 2 hours | $106.43 |
AC40B | Normal plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | $125.89 |
Effective from 10 February 2024
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC40A | Normal (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | 2 hours | $104.35 |
AC40B | Normal plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | $123.43 |
Effective from 2 December 2023
Pay code | Category | Description | Min. Engagement | Unit Rate (Min Engagement x Base Rate) |
AC40A | Normal (Base Rate 1) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | 2 hours | $102.30 |
AC40B | Normal plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | 1 hour with 1 hour associated work time | $121.01 |
Other required academic activity
Effective from 8 February 2025
Pay code | Category | Workload | Min. Engagement | Rate |
AC50A | Base Rate 1 | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $54.28 |
AC50B | Above Agreement | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $58.07 |
AC50C | Base plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $64.20 |
AC50D | Above Agreement Other Clinical Teaching - Notional hour | Clinical Teaching - Notional hour | No Minimum | $97.01 |
AC50E | Other Clinical Teaching - Notional hour | No Minimum | $64.91 |
Effective from 10 August 2024
Pay code | Category | Workload | Min. Engagement | Rate |
AC50A | Base Rate 1 | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $53.21 |
AC50B | Above Agreement | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $56.94 |
AC50C | Base plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $62.94 |
AC50D | Above Agreement | Clinical Teaching - Notional hour | No Minimum | $95.11 |
AC50E | Other Clinical Teaching - Notional hour | No Minimum | $63.64 |
Effective from 10 February 2024
Pay code | Category | Workload | Min. Engagement | Rate |
AC50A | Base Rate 1 | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $52.17 |
AC50B | Above Agreement | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $55.82 |
AC50C | Base plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $61.71 |
AC50D | Above Agreement | Clinical Teaching - Notional hour | No Minimum | $93.25 |
AC50E | Other Clinical Teaching - Notional hour | No Minimum | $62.39 |
Effective from 2 December 2023
Pay code | Category | Workload | Min. Engagement | Rate |
AC50A | Base Rate 1 | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $51.15 |
AC50B | Above Agreement | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $54.73 |
AC50C | Base plus Subject Coordination or PhD (Base Rate 2) | Refer to the Enterprise Agreement for list of applicable activities | No Minimum | $60.50 |
- Professional staff and professional research staff salaries
- Professional staff allowances
- Senior administrative staff salaries
- Academic staff salaries
- Management and academic staff salary loadings
- Casual academic salaries
- Research academic staff salaries
- Research staff (Australian Research Council) salaries
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