Health and safety governance and responsibilities
Staff responsibilities for health and safety
Health and safety responsibilities of staff and safety officers.
UQ safety network contacts
Contact details for UQ safety network staff, including Work Health and Safety Coordinators, Health and Safety Representatives, other safety officer roles and OHS committee members.
Health and safety managers and coordinators
Resources for Health Safety Wellness (HSW) Managers and Work Health and Safety Coordinators (WHSC).
Communications from Health, Safety and Wellness
Communications from the Health, Safety and Wellness Division for the UQ community, including safety notices, incident alerts, memos, newsletters and communiqués.
Occupational health and safety committees
Overview of the role occupational health and safety committees in assuring effective consultation about OHS matters, resources for committee secretaries, and committee meeting minutes.
Auditing health and safety practices
OHS management systems audit program, including audit tool and template, OHS inspections and template, and chemical safety inspections and template.
Health and safety complaints and issue resolution
Find out how to resolve a health, safety and wellness issue, including how to lodge a complaint or provide feedback.
Health and safety legislation
Overview of relevant occupational health and safety legislation and its application to UQ.