UQ safety network contacts
Find contact details for UQ safety network staff in your area.
Select your organisational unit below to find safety network staff for your area, including:
- Health, Safety and Wellness Managers (HSW Managers)
- Work Health and Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
- Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
- First Aid Officers
- Drugs Officer/Drug Commodity Approver (DO)
- Radiation/Laser Safety Officers (RSO/LSO)
- Controlled Substances Officer/Chemical Commodity Approver (CSO)
If you can't find the contact you need for your area, contact the relevant area of the Health, Safety and Wellness (HSW) Division for further information. To find out more about the roles and responsibilities of safety officers, see staff responsibilities for health and safety.
Business, Economics and Law (BEL)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
BEL Faculty | Chris Pye | 07 3443 1274 c.pye@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
BEL Faculty | Erin O'Brien | 07 3443 3781 erin.obrien@uq.edu.au |
BEL Faculty | Arka Basu | 07 3443 3781 arka.basu@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
BEL Faculty Office | Renee Rohrlach | 07 3346 8070 r.rohrlach@uq.edu.au |
School of Business – Brisbane City | Sylvia Bonny | 07 3346 8031 s.bonny@business.uq.edu.au |
School of Law – TC Beirne | Loretta Smyth | 07 3365 8824 l.smyth@uq.edu.au |
School of Economics | Joe Symons | 07 3365 6781 j.symons@uq.edu.au |
UQ Business School | Donna Moodie | 07 334 61383 d.moodie1@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
School of Business – Academic Staff | Eric Tan | 07 344 32007 e.tan@business.uq.edu.au |
Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
EAIT Faculty | Ryan Anderson | 0413 468 757 ryan.anderson@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
EAIT Faculty | Brian Logan | 07 3365 8820 b.logan@uq.edu.au |
School of Architecture, Design and Planning | Katie Gollschewski | 07 3365 3824 k.gollschewski@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemical Engineering | Aaron Seow | 0436 100 213 a.seow@uq.edu.au |
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Shohreh Sabbagh Tabrizi | 07 3346 9574 shohreh@eecs.uq.edu.au |
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering | Jonathan Read | 0419 179 473 j.read2@uq.edu.au |
School of Civil Engineering/UQ Innovate | Shep Inglis | 0424 205 807 shep.inglis@uq.edu.au |
Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology (ACWEB) | Dr Philip Keymer | 0400 176 328 |
Innovation Group | Kelvin Heng | 0406 735 908 kelvin.heng@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering | Hugh Russell | 07 3365 3685 h.russell@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Faculty Workshop Group | Grant Tayles | 07 3365 3611 g.tayles@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemical Engineering | Vicki Thompson | 07 3345 6195 v.thompson@uq.edu.au |
School of Civil Engineering | Shane Walker | 07 33654410 s.walker@uq.edu.au |
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Shohreh Sabbagh Tabrizi | 07 3346 9574 shohreh@itee.uq.edu.au |
Prototyping team (EAIT) | Mark James | 07 3365 4142 m.james1@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering | Jonathan Read | 0419 179 473 j.read2@uq.edu.au |
Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology | Dr Andrea Hernandez | 0452 490 030 a.hernandezvallejo@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemical Engineering | Christopher Lilburne | 07 3365 8592 c.lilburne@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemical Engineering | Aaron Seow | 0436 100 213 |
Radiation/Laser Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
EAIT Faculty– Radiation/Laser Safety Officers | Ryan Anderson | 0413 468 757 ryan.anderson@uq.edu.au |
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – Laser Safety Officer | Bassem Henin | b.henin@uq.edu.au |
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – Laser Safety Officer | Karl Bertling | 0431 141 856 bertling@itee.uq.edu.au |
Health and Behavioural Sciences (HaBS)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
HABS Faculty | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
HABS Faculty | Cindy Tan | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Recovery Injury Research Centre, Herston | Joanna Willimott | 07 3346 4763 j.willimott@uq.edu.au |
School of Human Movement Studies | Gary Wilson | 07 3365 6445 gwilson@hms.uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy and QAEHS | Danielle Kendrick | 07 3443 4210 pacewhsclabmanager@uq.edu.au |
School of Psychology | Taryn Farago | 07 3365 6270 t.krynauw@uq.edu.au |
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences | Dion Scott | 07 3365 2006 shrs_ohs@uq.edu.au |
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work School of Dentistry | Tania Brooks | 07 3366 9014 t.brooks1@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
School of Dentistry | Vacant | Vacant |
School of Pharmacy and Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS) | Chun-Yin (Julia) Lin | c.lin@uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy and Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS) | Pritesh Prasad | p.prasad@imb.uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
HABS Faculty | Selina Blyton | 07 3443 2494 s.blyton@uq.edu.au |
Centre for Youth Substance Abuse – K Floor Mental Health Centre, RBWH | RBWH Hospital ER | 07 3646 1600 |
School of Dentistry | Leah Beaupeurt | 07 3365 8040 l.beaupeurt@uq.edu.au |
School of Dentistry | Jade Utz | 0429 119 985 j.utz@uq.edu.au |
School of Dentistry | Karan Gulati | 07 3365 8031 k.gulati@uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy | Margaret Gorman | 07 3346 1900 m.gorman1@uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy | Duncan Stark | duncan.stark@uq.edu.au |
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences | Kathryn Bulmer | 07 3346 7459 k.bulmer@uq.edu.au |
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences | Katrina Kemp | 07 3345 4564 k.kemp@uq.edu.au |
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences | Adele Venter | 07 3365 2652 a.venter@uq.edu.au |
School of Psychology | Annabella McHugh | 07 3346 7553 a.mchugh@uq.edu.au |
Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS) | Yan Li | y.li24@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
HABS Faculty | Cindy Tan | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
HABS Faculty | Brian Logan | 07 3365 8820 b.logan@uq.edu.au |
HABS Faculty | Tania Brooks | 07 3366 9014 t.brooks1@uq.edu.au |
School of Dentistry | Nigel Bennett | 07 3365 8168 n.bennett@uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy | Tania Brooks | 07 3366 9014 t.brooks1@uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy | Katie Rablin | 07 3346 1825 k.rablin@uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy and QAEHS | Danielle Kendrick | 07 3443 4210 d.kendrick@uq.edu.au |
Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences (QAEHS) | Ben Tscharke | 07 3346 1971 b.tscharke@uq.edu.au |
School of Human Movement Studies | Gary Wilson | 07 3365 6445 gwilson@hms.uq.edu.au |
Radiation/Laser Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
HaBS Faculty | Cindy Tan | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
QAEHS and HaBS Faculty | Brian Logan | 07 3365 8820 b.logan@uq.edu.au |
School of Dentistry | Raahib Dudhia | 07 3365 8066 r.dudhia@uq.edu.au |
School of Dentistry | Dr Chun Xu | 07 3365 8127 c.xu3@uq.edu.au |
School of Dentistry | Graham Miller | g.miller@uq.edu.au |
School of Pharmacy | Vacant | |
School of Human Movement Studies | Gary Wilson | 07 3365 6445 g.wilson2@uq.edu.au |
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
HASS Faculty | Chris Pye | 07 3443 1274 c.pye@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
HASS Faculty | Erin O'Brien | 07 3443 3781 erin.obrien@uq.edu.au |
BEL Faculty | Arka Basu | 07 3443 3781 arka.basu@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
School of Communication and Arts | Dolores Element | 07 3365 2593 d.element@uq.edu.au |
School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry | Chat Marasinghe | 07 3365 1970 c.marasinghe@uq.edu.au |
School of Social Sciences | Julia Michel-Clark | 07 3365 1544 j.michel-clark@uq.edu.au |
School of Education | Lisa McGruer | 07 3365 6226 l.mcgruer@uq.edu.au |
School of Political Sciences and International Studies | Marja Knuuttila | 07 3365 2858 m.knuuttila@uq.edu.au |
Institute for Social Science Research – Cycad building (1018), Long Pocket Campus | Rebecca McEwen Smith | 07 334 67471 |
Institute for Social Science Research – Dianella building (1021), Long Pocket Campus | Vacant | |
Faculty Office | Maria Di Mauro | 07 3365 2254 m.dimauro@uq.edu.au |
UQ Art Museum - Building 11 | Effie Skoufa-Klesnik | 07 3443 1741 e.skoufaklesnik@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
School of Communication and Arts – all Academic Staff | Christian Rizzalli | 0438 723 137 c.rizzalli@uq.edu.au |
School of Education | Ann Tew | 07 3365 6864 a.tew@uq.edu.au |
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Faculty of Medicine | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Infrastructure and Research operations – incl. The Prince Charles Hospital, Frazer Institute, Centre for Health Sciences Research, Southside Clinical Units | Deon Knight | 0419 524 362 deon.knight@uq.edu.au |
Infrastructure and Research operations – incl. School of Public Health (SPH), RBH Clinical Unit, Mayne Medical | Jenyl Brady | 0437 018 138 jenyl.brady@uq.edu.au |
Infrastructure and Research operations – incl. School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS), St Lucia Clinical Unit and Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development (CIPDD) | Robyn Oram | 07 3365 3221 r.oram@uq.edu.au |
Infrastructure and Research operations – incl. School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS), St Lucia Clinical Unit and Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development (CIPDD) | Tanya McDonald | 07 3365 1269 |
Child Health Research Centre | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) | Dr Simon Cridland | 07 3346 5558 s.cridland@uq.edu.au |
UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) | Tracey Harvey | 07 3346 6108 |
UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) | Dominika Butkiewicz | 07 3346 6076 d.butkiewicz@uq.edu.au |
Rural Clinical School – Bundaberg and Hervey Bay sites | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Rural Clinical School – Toowoomba,Rockhampton, Bundaberg and Hervey Bay sites | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Mater Research Institute - UQ | Joanne Leerberg | 0484 183 724 joanne.leerberg@mater.uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) – Office and Administration | Luminita Vlad | 07 3346 5500 l.vlad@uq.edu.au |
Rural Clinical School | Vacant |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Faculty of Medicine | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Faculty of Medicine – CHSR | Vicki Hobson Green | 07 3176 7250 v.hobsongreen@uq.edu.au |
Faculty of Medicine – Infra and Res Oper (Med) | Jenyl Brady | 0437 018 138 jenyl.brady@uq.edu.au |
MRI-UQ | Julie Gibson (Clinical Nurse) | 07 3163 2524 j.gibson2@uq.edu.au |
School of Biomedical Sciences | Laura Seidl | uqlseidl@uq.edu.au |
School of Biomedical Sciences | Rui Li | 07 3346 9718 r.li1@uq.edu.au |
School of Biomedical Sciences | Christopher Simpson | chris.simpson@uq.edu.au |
Rural Clinical School – Hervey Bay | Jules Bennet | 0407 760 865 j.bennet@uq.edu.au |
Rural Clinical School – Bundaberg | Leanne Oakley | 07 4130 1919 l.oakley@uq.edu.au |
Rural Clinical School – Toowoomba | Alana Hughes | 07 3443 9706 alana.hughes@uq.edu.au |
Rural Clinical School – Rockhampton | Ruth Thompson | 07 4931 2913 ruth.thompson@uq.edu.au |
Greenslopes Clinical Unit (Gallipoli Research Lab) | Kim Bridle | 07 3346 0698 k.bridle@uq.edu.au |
Research Strategy and Support (Medicine) | Cathy Swart | 07 3365 5528 c.swart@sph.uq.edu.au |
Hidden Vale Research Station | Samuel Morison | 07 5351 5072 samuel.morison@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Faculty of Medicine – all sites | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Faculty of Medicine – all sites | Deon Knight | 0419 524 362 deon.knight@uq.edu.au |
School of Biomedical Sciences | Neville Butcher | 07 3365 2684 n.butcher@uq.edu.au |
School of Biomedical Sciences | Robyn Oram | 07 3365 3221 r.oram@uq.edu.au |
Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development (CIPDD)/School of Biomedical Sciences | Andy Kuo | 07 3346 9365 a.kuo1@uq.edu.au |
Greenslopes Clinical Unit (Gallipoli Research Lab) | Kim Bridle | 07 3346 0698 k.bridle@uq.edu.au |
Child Health Research Centre | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) | Dr Maxine Preston | 07 3346 5558 f.preston@uq.edu.au |
UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) | Tracey Harvey | 07 3346 6108 |
Radiation Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Faculty of Medicine and School of Biomedical Sciences | Cindy Tan (Acting) | 07 3365 4468 s.tan5@uq.edu.au |
Frazer Institute | Alison Pratt | 07 3343 7028 a.dahler@uq.edu.au |
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Faculty of Science | Dr Kelly Cosgrove | 07 3365 8504 k.cosgrove@uq.edu.au sciohs@uq.edu.au |
Manager, Boating and Diving | Jody Kreuger | j.kreuger@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
AGFS Gatton, SVS, ODGC, UQSkills | Tanya McKenna | 07 5460 1144 |
AGFS Gatton, SVS, ODGC, UQSkills | Dr Myat Kyaw-Tanner | 07 5460 1966 m.kyawtanner@uq.edu.au |
Moreton Bay Research Station | Vacant | |
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability | Olivier Cheneval | 07 336 52441 o.cheneval@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | Jasmyn Cridland | 07 3345 3918 j.dunn1@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | Ai-Leen Lam | 07 33652173 a.lam2@uq.edu.au |
School of Mathematics and Physics | Dr Ian Lane | 07 3346 1457 i.lane@uq.edu.au |
School of the Environment | Suzanne O'Hagan | 07 3365 6528 s.ohagan@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
Veterinary Laboratory Services (VLS) | Brian Bynon | 07 5460 1818 b.bynon@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | Bryan Tay | 07 3365 4606 b.tay@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | Sharon Chow | 0416 866 571 k.chow@uq.edu.au |
Agronomy Trials Coordination team (ODGC)/Office of the Director, Gatton Campus | Matthew Redmond | 0427 151 484 matthew.redmond@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
School of Mathematics and Physics | Marina Lanz | 07 3365 3278 m.lanz@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Christine Cowell | 07 3365 0834 c.cowell@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Rebecca de Gier | 07 3365 0194 r.vercoe@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Graham Panzram | g.panzram@uq.edu.au |
School of the Environment | Michele Elmes | 07 3346 9994 m.elmes@uq.edu.au |
School of the Environment | Dr Ai Nguyen | 07 3346 7636 aiduc.nguyen@uq.edu.au |
Moreton Bay Res Station | Martin Wynne | 07 3346 3046 m.wynne@uq.edu.au |
Moreton Bay Res Station | Liz Borey | 07 3346 3050 e.borey@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UQ Science Store | Robert Rose | 07 3365 4437 rose.r@uq.edu.au |
UQ Science Store | Alex To | 07 3365 4363 a.to1@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | Jasmyn Cridland | 07 3365 3918 j.dunn1@uq.edu.au |
Faculty of Science - AGFS/SENV/SMP | Dr Ian Lane | 07 3346 1457 i.lane@uq.edu.au |
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability | Jane Morley | 07 3365 2002 j.morley@uq.edu.au |
School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability | Emma Putland | e.putland@uq.edu.au |
Faculty of Science - SVS | Dr Myat Kyaw-Tanner | 07 5460 1966 m.kyawtanner@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Debra Laws | 07 5460 1867 d.laws@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Professor Paul Mills | 07 5460 1852 p.mills@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Danielle Hindmarsh | d.hindmarsh@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Heidi Jane Niland-Rowe | 07 3346 7398 h.nilandrowe@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Vithaya Chakitdee | 07 5460 1863 v.chakitdee@uq.edu.au |
Radiation/Laser Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | Dr Kelly Cosgrove | 07 3346 9070 k.cosgrove@uq.edu.au |
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | Paul Bernhardt | 07 3365 4266 p.bernhardt@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science | Jade Vellacott | 07 5460 1370 j.vellacott@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science – Laser Safety Officer | Dr Erika Meler | 0454 601 249 e.meler@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science – Laser Safety Officer | Melissa Lindert | 0454 601 788 m.lindert@uq.edu.au |
School of Veterinary Science – Laser Safety Officer | Steven Zedler | 07 5460 1382 s.zedler@uq.edu.au |
School of Mathematics and Physics | Dr Gil Toombes | 07 3365 3429 labmanager@physics.uq.edu.au |
Faculty of Science | Dr Ian Lane | 07 3346 1457 i.lane@uq.edu.au |
School of the Environment | Suzanne O'Hagan | 07 3365 6528 s.ohagan@uq.edu.au |
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
AIBN (and StemCARE, STEMCORE, PEF, ANFF, CPN, CBI and CTCMS) | Sophie O'Neill | 07 3346 3968 aibnohs@uq.edu.au |
Work Health and Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Facilities – Building/Infrastructure | Luke Matthew | 07 3346 3938 ifm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 2 and Pandanus Building | Kyra Cottrell | 07 3346 3837 l2fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 3 | Heather Pegg | 07 3346 3062 l3fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 4 | Colm Cahill | 07 3346 3426 l4fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 5 | Colette Godfrey | 07 3346 4167 l5fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Operations | Tracy Murray | 07 3443 4644 tracy.murray@uq.edu.au |
Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) | Dr Simon Nevin | 07 3365 7198 simon.nevin@uq.edu.au |
Mary-anne Migotto | 07 3365 4100 m.migotto@uq.edu.au | |
Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) | Miller Zivkovic | 0492 939 121 m.zivkovic@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
Professional and office | Luke Eppell | 07 3346 3953 l.eppell@uq.edu.au |
AIBN | Vacant |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
AIBN | Sophie O'Neill | 07 3346 3968 sophie.oneill@uq.edu.au |
AIBN | Luke Matthew | 07 3346 3938 ifm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 2 and Pandanus Building | Kyra Cottrell | 07 3346 3848 l2fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 3 and Ritchie AIBN lab | Heather Pegg | 07 3346 3062 l3fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 4 | Colm Cahill | 07 3346 3426 l4fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Level 5 | Colette Godfrey | 07 3346 4167 l5fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) | Dr Simon Nevin | 07 3365 7198 simon.nevin@uq.edu.au |
Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) | Mary-Anne Migotto | 07 3365 4100 m.migotto@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) | Dr Simon Nevin | 07 3365 7198 simon.nevin@uq.edu.au |
Radiation Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
AIBN – X-ray | Luke Matthew | 07 3346 3938 l.matthew2@uq.edu.au |
AIBN (and StemCARE, STEMCORE, PEF, ANFF, CPN, CBI and CTCMS) - Laser Safety Officer | Sophie O'Neill | 07 3346 3968 aibnohs@uq.edu.au |
Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI) | Dr Simon Nevin | 07 3365 7198 simon.nevin@uq.edu.au |
Mary-anne Migotto | 07 3365 4100 m.migotto@uq.edu.au |
Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
IMB Safety Manager | Dr Donna Easton | 07 3346 2211 d.easton@imb.uq.edu.au |
Work Health and Safety Managers or Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Facilities – Building/Infrastructure | Chris Barnett | 07 3346 2200 c.barnett@imb.uq.edu.au |
Level 2 | Mikiko Miyagi | 07 3346 2320 m.miyagi@imb.uq.edu.au |
Level 3 | Christine Fraser | 07 3346 2330 c.fraser@imb.uq.edu.au |
Level 4 | Vacant | |
Level 5 | Maria Nguyen | 07 3346 2350 maria.nguyen@uq.edu.au |
Level 6 | Vacant | |
Level 7 | Maddie Dallaston | 07 3346 2370 m.dallaston@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
IMB | Thomas Burke | 07 3346 2261 t.burke@imb.uq.edu.au |
IMB | Dominic Hunter | 07 3346 2335 d.hunter@imb.uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
IMB | Dr Donna Easton | 07 3346 2360 d.easton@imb.uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
IMB/GIH/QEDDI/UQSF | Dr Donna Easton | 07 3346 2360 d.easton@imb.uq.edu.au |
IMB/GIH/QEDDI/UQSF | Christine Fraser | 07 3346 2330 c.fraser@imb.uq.edu.au |
IMB/QEDDI | Maddie Dallaston | 07 3346 2370 m.dallaston@uq.edu.au |
Radiation Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
IMB | rso@lists.imb.uq.edu.au |
Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QAAFI | Tracy Murray | 0402 073 064 tracy.murray@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QAAFI | Danila Elango | 07 3346 2139 d.elango@uq.edu.au |
QAAFI | Bec Archer | 07 3343 2477 r.archer1@uq.edu.au |
QAAFI | Meiliana Siauw | 0429 579 014 m.siauw@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QAAFI | Danila Elango | 07 3346 2139 d.elango@uq.edu.au |
QAAFI | Fanny Lombard | 07 3343 2477 f.lombard@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QAAFI-Animal Science | Dr Cornelia Turni | 07 3443 2463 c.turni1@uq.edu.au |
QAAFI | Danila Elango | 07 3346 2139 d.elango@uq.edu.au |
QAAFI | Fanny Lombard | 07 3343 2477 f.lombard@uq.edu.au |
QAAFI | Tracy Murray | 0402 073 064 tracy.murray@uq.edu.au |
Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QBI | Ross Dixon | 07 3346 6411 r.dixon@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Facilities – Laboratories | Clare Seaman | 07 3346 6410 c.seaman@uq.edu.au |
Facilities – Building/Infrastructure | David Wheeldon | 07 3346 6409 d.wheeldon@uq.edu.au |
Animal Behavioural Facility | Mei Zhou | 07 3346 6415 m.zhou2@uq.edu.au |
QBI | Katrina Hegarty | k.hegarty1@uq.edu.au |
QBI | Hao Gong | 04 0275 1314 hao.gong@uq.edu.au |
QBI | Lingrui Zhang | 04 0275 1314 lingrui.zhang@uq.edu.au |
QBI | Mason Musgrove | 04 2303 0782 m.musgrove@uq.edu.au |
QBI | Amber Sargeant | 07 3346 3342 a.sargeant@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QBI | Ross Dixon | 07 3346 6411 r.dixon@uq.edu.au |
Radiation Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QBI | Ross Dixon | 07 3346 6411 r.dixon@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
QBI | Ross Dixon | 07 3346 6411 r.dixon@uq.edu.au |
QBI | Clare Seaman | 07 3346 6410 c.seaman@uq.edu.au |
QBI | Mei Zhou | 07 3346 3342 m.zhou2@uq.edu.au |
Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
SMI | Tyson Cronin | 0457 214 908 t.cronin1@uq.edu.au |
SMI (Acting) | Stuart Janson | s.janson@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
SMI - CMLR and CWiMI (St Lucia) | Marcia Lopez | m.lopez@uq.edu.au |
SMI - JKMRC (Long Pocket) | Helen Tang | |
SMI - JKMRC & W.H. BRC (Indooroopilly) | Mitchel Alexander | 07 3365 5883 |
JKTech | James Gordon | james.gordon@uq.edu.au |
SMI ICE Chile | Alexander Dabner |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
CMLR | Natasha Ufer | 0435 124 812 n.ufer@uq.edu.au |
Sustainable Minerals Institute | Bronwyn Battersby | 07 3346 4043 b.battersby@uq.edu.au |
JKMRC | Kellie Teale | 07 3365 5950 k.white@uq.edu.au |
SMI | Mitch Alexander | m.alexander@uq.edu.au |
SMI | Sherrin Brundle | s.brundle@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
SMI | Vanessa Glenn | 07 3346 3138 v.glenn@uq.edu.au |
SMI | Tyson Cronin | 0457 214 908 t.cronin1@uq.edu.au |
Radiation Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
CMLR | Nick Cook | nick.cook@uq.edu.au |
JKMRC | James Gordon | james.gordon@uq.edu.au |
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
HSW Managers / Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Finance and Business Services (FBS) | Clyne Roche | 0400 550 771 c.roche@uq.edu.au |
FBS – Financial Planning & Analysis | David Dellit | 07 3365 3497 d.dellit@uq.edu.au |
FBS – Procurement and Payment Services | Bruce Pain | 07 3343 4373 b.pain@uq.edu.au |
FBS – Corporate Finance | Matt Toomey | 07 3365 1148 m.toomey1@uq.edu.au |
FBS – Science Faculty | Jurgens Liebenberg | 0470359888 jurgens.liebenberg@uq.edu.au |
FBS – BEL & HASS Faculties | Cherie McGuire | 0410 190 853 |
FBS – EAIT Faculty | Elma Spooner | 07 3365 9062 e.spoonermarurai@uq.edu.au |
FBS – HMBS Faculty | Phil Carter | 07 3365 5033 p.carter@uq.edu.au |
FBS – Finance Systems & Transactional Services | Angela Lawton | 0423 924 175 a.lawton@uq.edu.au |
FBS – Business Partnering | Bharat Raniga | 0431 259 449 b.raniga@uq.edu.au |
FBS – COO Portfolios | Tiffany McKibbin | 0481 588 412 t.mckibbin@uq.edu.au |
FBS – DVC Portfolios | Timothy Robinson | 0422 308 462 t.robinson1@uq.edu.au |
FBS – UQ Print | Danielle Barry | 0431 963 141 danielle.barry@uqprint.com.au |
Governance and Risk | Craig Hutely | 0409 168 562 |
Health, Safety and Wellness Division | Carolyn Spiertz | 07 3365 4883 c.spiertz@uq.edu.au |
Human Resources Services | Kierra Champion | 0402 604 994 k.champion@uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services | Estie van Tonder | 0413 966 473 e.vantonder@uq.edu.au |
Applications Development and Support - St Lucia | Deb Roberts | 07 3365 3049 |
Applications Development and Support - Toowong | Mark Ruddell | 0422 008 722 m.ruddell@uq.edu.au |
Customer Support Services | Karl Blakeney | 07 3346 4282 k.blakeney@uq.edu.au |
Customer Support Services | Sven Proescher | s.proescher@uq.edu.au |
Customer Support Services | Mohammad Alam | mohammad.alam@uq.edu.au |
IT Governance | Vacant | |
IT Infrastructure Operations | Beau Mason | 07 3346 6653 b.mason@uq.edu.au |
IT Infrastructure Operations | Vacant | |
IT Infrastructure Operations AusCERT - Long Pocket | Geoffroy Thonon | 07 3365 4417 g.thonon@its.uq.edu.au |
Integrity Unit | Susan Moran | 07 3365 3355 susan.moran@uq.edu.au |
Legal Services | Christine Phoenix | 07 3443 1439 c.phoenix@uq.edu.au |
Properties and Facilities | HSW Senior Manager (vacant) | |
Kathy Hung | k.hung@uq.edu.au | |
Babar Siddique | 0490 014 659 b.siddique@uq.edu.au | |
Joshua Bagetti | 0439 655 501 j.bagetti@uq.edu.au | |
Properties and Facilities – Customs House | Ben Hawley | 07 3365 8923 b.hawley@customshouse.com.au |
Marketing and Communication | Cooper Yuan | 0433 803 348 jian.yuan@uq.edu.au |
Marketing and Communication (M&C) | Cassandra Hughes | 0412 648 623 c.hughes6@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
Property and Facilities Division – Logistics Team | Aaron Chen | 07 3365 1231 aaron.chen@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Grounds | Blanche Beresford | 0401 316 117 b.beresford@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – P1 CFC | Clinton Shooks | 0460 319 273 c.shooks@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – P2 CFC | Jake Purvis | j.purvis@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – P3 CFC | John Findlay | 0408 244 660 j.findlay1@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – P4 CFC | Duncan Platt | d.platt@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Maintenance | Joel Frizzell | joel.frizzell@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – St Lucia Grounds | Angus Allen | a.l.allen@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Finance & Business Services | Maree Brooks | m.brooks@uq.edu.au |
Governance and Risk-Insurance Services | Vacant | |
HR Governance, Transformation & Strategy | Dr Silviu Risco | 07 3365 1420 s.risco@uq.edu.au |
Health, Safety and Wellness Division | Carolyn Spiertz | 07 3365 4883 0 428 723 639 ohna@uq.edu.au |
Human Resources | Robyn De Vlugt | 07 3443 1711 r.devlugt@uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services - Prentice Building Levels 1, 3 and 4 | Security | 07 3365 3333 security@pf.uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services - Prentice Building Level 1 | Rees Sachse | r.sachse@uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services - Prentice Building Level 1 | Daniel Bradshaw | daniel.bradshaw@uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services - Prentice Building Level 3 | Maree Mason | m.mason@uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services - Prentice Building Level 4 | Ian Duncan | i.duncan@uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services AusCERT - Foxtail Building Level 4 | Security | 07 3365 3333 security@pf.uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services AusCERT - Foxtail Building Level 4 | Marcus Schull | m.schull@its.uq.edu.au |
Information Technology Services - Gatton Campus | Covered by UQ Health | |
Information Technology Services - TRI, PACE, Herston Campuses | Covered by hosting location | |
Marketing and Communication | Cooper Yuan | 0433 803 348 jian.yuan@uq.edu.au |
Strategic Program Office | Kierra Champion | 07 3365 4970 k.champion@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Engineer Services | Gabrielle Trubshaw | 07 3365 1054 g.trubshaw@pf.uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Director's Office | Donna Biddle | 07 3365 1054 d.biddle@pf.uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Maintenance | Mark Luther | 0423 782 166 m.luther@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Maintenance | Chris King | 07 3365 0435 c.king@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Fire Safety | Anthony Waldron | 07 3346 9723 a.waldron@pf.uq.edu.au |
Finance and Business Services-Collections and Receivables | Vacant | |
Property and Facilities Division-EA | Megan Fitzgerald | 07 3365 4970 megan.fitzgerald@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division-Commercial Operations Unit | Vacant |
Provost – Office of the Deputy Provost
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Confucius Institute | Vacant | |
Planning and Business Intelligence | John O'Brien | 07 3365 1967 john.obrien@uq.edu.au |
Planning and Business Intelligence | Janice Kovacich | 04 3159 1966 j.kovacich@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Planning and Business Intelligence | Janice Kovacich | 07 3366 7739 j.kovacich@uq.edu.au |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Academic Services Division | David Bradbury | 07 3365 6151 d.bradbury@uq.edu.au |
University of Queensland Library | Julie Oates | 07 3346 0548 j.oates@library.uq.edu.au |
University of Queensland Library | Natalie Hull | 07 3443 6384 n.hull@library.uq.edu.au |
Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation | James Cornish | james.cornish@uq.edu.au |
Student Affairs Division | Meagan Crabb | 07 3346 9216 m.crabb@uq.edu.au |
Student Affairs Division | Matt Parsons | 07 3365 2242 matt.parsons@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
UQ Library – Library Digital Learning | Natalie Hull | 07 3443 6384 n.hull@uq.edu.au |
UQ Library – Gatton Library and Warehouse | Joshua Sickinger | 07 3443 9100 |
UQ Library – ATSI Collections & Services, Digitisation, Fryer Library and Archives | Lucy Langford | 07 3443 3394 |
UQ Library – The Office of the University Librarian, Client Services Librarians & SCARS | Kate Rowe | 07 3346 9628 k.rowe@library.uq.edu.au |
UQ Library – Library Client Service Officers and Spaces & Site Services | Rebekah Kelly | 07 3346 0547 |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation | Brenda Parker | 07 3365 1075 b.parker@uq.edu.au |
Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation | Liam Stewart | 07 3365 9132 l.stewart@uq.edu.au |
Global Experience Team (Student Employability Centre) | Ettenyl Parinas | 07 3365 9075 e.parinas@uq.edu.au |
Academic Services Division | Diego Rodriguez Perez | 07 3365 1321 d.rodriguez2@uq.edu.au |
Academic Services Division | Livia Cawley | 07 3365 7405 livia.cawley@uq.edu.au |
Academic Services Division | Irina Bulgakova | 07 3365 3393 i.bulgakova@uq.edu.au |
Academic Services Division (Student Financials) | Chris Anstee | 07 3346 8342 c.anstee@uq.edu.au |
UQ Library | Naminda Peiris | 07 3365 6752 n.peiris@library.uq.edu.au |
UQ Library | David Symons | 07 3365 1529 d.symons@library.uq.edu.au |
UQ Library | Lisa Clayton | 07 3443 2707 l.clayton@library.uq.edu.au |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Global Student Recruitment & Admissions | Aurelie Bowden | 07 3365 1681 a.bowden2@uq.edu.au |
Entrepreneurship | Hong Lee | |
PVC (Global Partnerships) | Kelly Vink | 07 3443 2551 k.vink@uq.edu.au |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement)
Safety Coordinator (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
DVC (Indigenous Engagement) and ATSIS Unit | Melita Gratwick | 07 3443 1445 m.gratwick@uq.edu.au |
Vice-President (Advancement and Community Engagement)
Safety Coordinator (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
VC Advancement and Community Engagement - St Lucia | India Thompson | 07 3346 3900 india.thompson@uq.edu.au |
VC Advancement and Community Engagement - Long Pocket | Braden Asujamaa | 07 3443 3206 b.asujamaa@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officer
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Advancement and Community Engagement – Level 1 (JD Story – Alumni Office) | Braden Asujamaa | 07 3443 3206 b.asujamaa@uq.edu.au |
Advancement and Community Engagement – Level 7 (JD Story – ACE) | Warren Jackson | 07 3346 3114 w.jackson@uq.edu.au |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
HSW Managers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
DVC (Research and Innovation) | Bradley Ryan (Brad) | 0447 982 388 b.ryan1@uq.edu.au |
DVC (Research and Innovation) | Katrina Geary (Acting) | 07 334 60785 k.geary@uq.edu.au |
Safety Coordinators (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis | Dr Candice Goodwin | 0414 624 712 candice.goodwin@uq.edu.au |
UQ Materials Performance (UQMP) | Philip Bennet | 07 3346 7781 p.bennet@uqmp.uq.edu.au |
Graduate School | Danielle Lefebvre | 07 3443 1150 d.lefebvre@uq.edu.au |
UQ Biological Sciences | Rebecca Bruce | 07 3346 4213 r.bruce1@uq.edu.au |
Katrina Geary | 07 334 60785 k.geary@uq.edu.au | |
Office of DVC (Research and Innovation) | Megan Craig | 07 3346 0570 m.craig2@uq.edu.au |
DVC (RI) Research Office | Vacant | |
DVC (RI) Research Partnerships | Noemi Haring | 07 3443 3100 |
DVC (RI) Research Computing Centre (RCC) | Bronwyn Munsel | 07 3365 8350 |
DVC (RI) Research Strategy & Performance | Ellin Tewari | 0410 403 305 |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Work group | Name | Contact details |
UQBR – AIBN Facility | Kym Kelly-Taylor | 07 3346 3816 k.kelly-taylor@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – Aquatic Facilities | Michael Le Roux | 07 3346 2064 m.leroux@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – HMRC Facility | Blair McEwan | 07 3346 4606 b.mcewan@uq.edu.au |
Centre Microscopy and Microanalysis | Heike Bostelmann | 07 3365 4390 h.bostelmann@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – QBI Facility | Vacant | |
UQBR – PACE Animal Facility | Rachel Smith | 07 3346 1764 r.smith14@uq.edu.au |
UQBR –TRI Facility | Alexander Hutchinson | 0428 128 443 uqahutc5@uq.edu.au |
UQBR - TRI Facility | Amanda Scott (Deputy HSR) | 07 3363 7167 a.girling@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – SCMB/OTTO Facility | Tanya Kellen | 07 3345 2545 t.kellen@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – Long Pocket | Matthew Bates | 07 3346 3956 matt.bates@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UQ Graduate School | Anil Naidu | 07 3345 0528 a.naidu1@uq.edu.au |
UQ Graduate School | Christie Viggers | 07 3346 0527 c.viggers@uq.edu.au |
UQBR- AIBN | Barb Arnts | 07 3346 3829 b.arnts@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – Herston Medical Research Centre | Sharni Smith | sharni.smith@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – QBI Animal Facility | London Lusk | 07 3346 6310 l.lusk@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – TRI Animal Facility | Nicole Cufflin | n.cufflin@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – Zebrafish Facilities, Seddon/Otto/IMB | Michael Le Roux | 07 3346 2164 m.leroux@uq.edu.au |
UQBR - QASP | Stacey Groves | 0437 415 712 s.groves@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – QBP Animal Facility | Katie Thomson | 07 3346 2270 k.chittenden@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – Genetic Research Services Facility | Chris Smith | 07 3365 1739 c.smith4@uq.edu.au |
UQBR – SCMB/OTTO Facility | Tanya Kellen | 07 3345 2545 t.kellen@uq.edu.au |
Research Computing Centre | Jake Carroll | jake.carroll@uq.edu.au |
Research Computing Centre | Bronwyn Munsel | b.munsel@uq.edu.au |
Research Computing Centre | Shelly Harris | shelly.harris@uq.edu.au |
Research Computing Centre | Aaron McDowall | aaron@uq.edu.au |
Research Computing Centre | Melissa Burke | m.burke@uq.edu.au |
Drugs and Poisons Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UQBR | Cora Lau | 07 3346 0785 c.lau1@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Barb Arnts | 07 3346 3829 b.arnts@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Blair McEwan | 07 3346 4606 b.mcewan@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Dr Christina Cho | y.cho@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Kym Kelly-Taylor | 07 3346 3816 k.kelly-taylor@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Lauren Windt | 07 3443 7152 l.windt@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Lisa Foster | 07 3346 1764 l.foster1@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Maya Patrick | 07 3346 3878 maya.patrick@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Milou Dekkers | 07 5460 1888 m.dekkers@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Morgan Leigh | 07 3346 6310 m.leigh@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Sean O'Loughlin | 07 3346 4604 s.oloughlin@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Stacey Groves | s.groves@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Chelsea Baker | chelsea.baker@uq.edu.au |
Protein Expression Facility (PEF) | Kyra Cottrell | 07 3346 3837 l2fm@aibn.uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Ashleigh Deschamps | 07 3365 4652 a.deschamps@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Karen Knox | 07 3443 7161 karen.knox@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Rebecca Mills | 07 3346 2270 r.coulter1@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Robyn Rachow | 07 3346 6309 r.obrien2@uq.edu.au |
UQBR | Rodrick Rupan | 07 3443 7161 r.rupan@uq.edu.au |
Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis | Dr Candice Goodwin | 0414 624 712 candice.goodwin@uq.edu.au |
Radiation Safety Officers
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis | Anya Yago | 07 3365 4212 a.yago@uq.edu.au |
Safety contacts
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UniQuest | Gabrielle Howes | 0438 608 838 g.howes@uniquest.com.au |
UQ Sport
Safety contacts
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UQ Sport | Katie Pack | 07 3365 6223 kpack@uqsport.com.au |
UQ Gatton Campus
HSW Managers/Safety Coordinator (WHSC)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Properties and Facilities | Scott Lennon (HSW Manager) | 0448 180 685 s.lennon@uq.edu.au |
Properties and Facilities | Kendra Dewar | 07 3365 3154 kendra.dewar@uq.edu.au |
QAAFI | Tracy Murray | 0402 073 064 tracy.murray@uq.edu.au |
AGFS Gatton, SVS, ODGC, UQSkills | Tanya McKenna | 07 5460 1144 |
AGFS Gatton, SVS, ODGC, UQSkills | Dr Myat Kyaw-Tanner | 07 5460 1966 m.kyawtanner@uq.edu.au |
UQ Biological Resources (QASP) | Rebecca Bruce | 07 3346 4213 r.bruce1@uq.edu.au |
Katrina Geary | 07 3346 0785 k.geary@uq.edu.au |
Health and Safety Representatives (HSR)
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Gatton Farms/Office of the Director, Gatton Campus | Tanya McKenna | 07 5460 1413 t.mckenna1@uq.edu.au |
Veterinary Laboratory Services (VLS) | Brian Bynon | 07 5460 1818 b.bynon@uq.edu.au |
UQBR - QBI Animal Facility | Joshua Curson | 07 3346 6310 j.curson@uq.edu.au |
UQBR - SCMB Animal Facility | Tanya Kellen | 07 3346 3824 t.kellen@uq.edu.au |
UQ Library – Gatton Library and Warehouse | Vacant | |
Agronomy Trials Coordination team (ODGC)/Office of the Director, Gatton Campus | Matthew Redmond | 0427 151 484 matthew.redmond@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Grounds | Blanche Beresford | 0401 316 117 b.beresford@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Maintenance | Joel Frizzell | joel.frizzell@uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officer
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Maintenance | Mark Luther | 0423 782 166 m.luther@uq.edu.au |
Property and Facilities Division – Gatton Maintenance | Chris King | 07 3365 0435 c.king@uq.edu.au |
UQ Library – Gatton | Lissa Brown | 07 5460 1651 l.brown@library.uq.edu.au |
ITS-Gatton | Hugh Cansdell | h.cansdell@uq.edu.au |
UQ Health Care
Safety contacts
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UQ Health Care – Annerley Clinic (Cornwall St Medical Centre) | Hannie Henderson | 0457 618 002 h.henderson@uqhealthcare.org.au |
UQ Health Care – Logan Clinic | Jan Barnard | 07 3200 3792 jan.barnard@uqhealthcare.org.au |
UQ Health Care – Ipswich Clinic | Taha Tuahir | |
UQ Health Care – St Lucia | Dr Rosy Dobrijevic | 07 3365 6210 r.dobrijevic@uqhealthcare.org.au |
UQ Health Care – Gatton | Joseph Awhy | |
UQ Health Care – HO | Sean Van Woerkom | |
UQ Health Care Healthy Living Toowong | Shari O'Brien |
UQ College
Safety contacts
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UQ College | Sue Choi | 07 3346 6753 s.choi@uqcollege.uq.edu.au |
First Aid Officer
Organisational unit | Name | Contact details |
UQ College | Janet Nibbs | 07 3346 6770 |
UQ College | Niki Jepps | 07 3346 6770 |
UQ College | Malcome Kirkwood | 07 3346 6770 |
UQ College | Iris Henig | 07 3346 6770 |
UQ College | Allister Fagg | 07 3346 6770 |
UQ College | Callum Hughes | 07 3346 6770 |
UQ College | Sue Choi | 07 3346 6770 |
Staff in safety roles
If you’re new to a safety coordinator role (WHSC/HSW Manager) or changed units, complete the Work Health and Safety Coordinator (WHSC)/Safety Manager form (PDF, 147.5 KB)and email it to the HSW Division at hsw@uq.edu.au.
If you are new to a Controlled Substance Officer (CSO) role, complete the CSO appointment form (PDF, 198.4 KB) and email it to the HSW Division at hsw@uq.edu.au.
If you are new to a Radiation / Laser Safety Officer (RSO/LSO/NT-LSO) role, complete the RSO/LSO/NT-LSO appointment form and email it to the HSW Division at hsw@uq.edu.au.