Faculty, institute and key division health, safety and wellness (HSW) committees fulfil both organisational requirements and Work Health and Safety Act 2011 statutory requirements. They oversee the management of health and safety matters and resources within their area.

HSW committees enable consultation between management, staff and students at the workplace level, promoting collaboration in developing and implementing health, safety and wellness policy, procedures, guidelines and programs at UQ.

For more information about HSW committees and their role see the Health and Safety Consultation Mechanism Procedure.

Reports to HSW Committees

The Health, Safety and Wellness (HSW) Division provides quarterly reports to HSW Committees. These updates are published on the HSW Communications page.

Members and minutes

Find HSW committee members for your organisational unit and information about HSW committee meeting minutes.

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)


  • Chair – Stephanie Jillet
  • Executive Officer – Sophie O’Neill
  • Committee Secretary – Sophie O’Neill
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Dulani Gamlaksha

Contact Brad Ryan at aibnohs@uq.edu.auto add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the AIBN intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to AIBN personnel.

Business, Economics and Law (BEL)


  • Chair – Katrina Tune
  • Executive Officer – Chris Pye
  • Committee Secretary – Natasha Bromilow
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Peter McGarry

Contact Chris Pye at c.pye@uq.edu.au to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting..


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the BEL intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to BEL personnel.

Centre for Advanced Imaging (CAI)


  • Chair – Simon Nevin
  • Executive Officer – Simon Nevin
  • Committee Secretary – Lesley Green and Simon Nevin
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Peter Mcgarry/Viet Le Bao

Contact Lesley Green at pa@cai.uq.edu.au to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


Contact Lesley Green at pa@cai.uq.edu.au for copies of the minutes from previous meetings.

Central Services


  • Chair – David Lavell
  • Executive Officer – Narelle McCallum
  • Committee Secretary – Julita Greda
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Narelle McCallum

Contact Narelle McCallum at n.mccallum@uq.edu.au​ to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


Contact Julita Greda at j.greda@uq.edu.au for copies of the minutes from previous meetings.

Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)


  • Chair – Professor Sue Harrison
  • Executive Officer – Ryan Anderson
  • Committee Secretary – Nicki Young
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – 

For more information, contact the EAIT HSW Manager, Ryan Anderson at ryan.anderson@uq.edu.au


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the EAIT intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to EAIT personnel.

Gatton Campus Health Safety and Wellness Committee


  • Chair - Susan Frost
  • Committee Secretary - Theresa Seru
  • Advisor (HSW Division) - Kerrin Henderson


Gatton Campus Health Safety and Wellness Committee meeting minutes are located on the Gatton Campus website.

Health and Behavioural Sciences (HABS)


  • Chair – Tricia Williams
  • Executive Officer – Brian Logan
  • Committee Secretary – Brian Logan
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Dulani Gamlaksha (Acting)

Contact Brian Logan b.logan@uq.edu.auto add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


Contact Brian Logan b.logan@uq.edu.au for copies of the minutes from previous meetings.

Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS)


  • Chair – David Mayocchi
  • Executive Officer – Chris Pye
  • Committee Secretary – HASS Executive Assistant
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Michelle Low

Contact Chris Pye at hsw@hass.uq.edu.au to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences SharePoint (staff login required). Access is restricted to Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences personnel.

Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)


  • Chair - Dr Bruce Wyse
  • Executive Officer – Dr Donna Easton
  • Committee Secretary – Emily Graham
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Kerrin Henderson

Contact Emily Graham at e.graham@imb.uq.edu.auto add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


Contact Emily Graham at e.graham@imb.uq.edu.afor copies of the minutes from previous meetings.



  • Chair – 
  • Executive Officer – Dr Paul Lovelock
  • Committee Secretary – Mary Schneider
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Carolyn Spiertz

ContactMary Schneider at med.fem@uq.edu.auto add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the Faculty of Medicine intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to Faculty of Medicine personnel.

Pinjarra Hills


  • Chair - A/Prof Kevin Jack
  • Executive Officer - Vacant
  • Committee Secretary - Ms Carlin Long
  • Advisor (HSW Division) - Darren Partridge


Contact the Pinjarra Hills Research Facility for copies of the minutes from previous meetings.

Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI)


  • Chair – Michael O’Shea
  • Executive Officer – Tracy Murray
  • Committee Secretary –Allara Cooper (On secondment)
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Dulani Gamlaksha

Contact Tracy Murray tracy.murray@uq.edu.au to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


Contact Tracy Murray tracy.murray@uq.edu.au for copies of the minutes from previous meetings.

Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)


  • Chair – Helen Hume
  • Executive Officer – Ross Dixon
  • Committee Secretary – Virginia Nink
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Darren Partridge

Contact Virginia Nink at v.nink@uq.edu.au to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the QBI Intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to QBI personnel.

DVC Research & Infrastructure Portfolio HSW Committee

Medium-high risk / lab focussed committee for the areas/centres/divisions

  • Chair – Paul Bonnington
  • Executive Officer – Brad Ryan
  • Committee Secretary – Brad Ryan
  • Advisor (HSW Division) –

HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the DVCRI Intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to DVCRI personnel.

DVC Research and Infrastructure Portfolio HSW Committee

  • Chair – Mark Blows
  • Executive Officer – Brad Ryan
  • Committee Secretary – Brad Ryan
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Jacqui Dean

HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the DVCRI Intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to DVCRI personnel.



  • Chair – Professor Melissa Brown
  • Executive Officer – Dr Kelly Cosgrove
  • Committee Secretary – Dr Kelly Cosgrove
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Dr Peter McGarry

Contact Kelly Cosgrove at k.cosgrove@uq.edu.auto add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the Faculty of Science intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to Faculty of Science personnel.

Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)


  • Chair – Maureen Hassall
  • Deputy Chair – Melissa Glendenning
  • Executive Officer – Tyson Cronin
  • Committee Secretary – Annie Cox
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Jennie Trinder 

Please contact your SMI committee representative to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


HSW Committee meeting minutes are located on the SMI intranet (staff login required). Access is restricted to SMI personnel.

UQ Biological Resources (UQBR)


  • Chair – Kevin Wathen-Dunn
  • Executive Officer – Rebecca Bruce
  • Committee Secretary – Katrina Geary
  • Advisor (HSW Division) – Mimosa Mulvogue

Contact Katrina Geary at br.traincomp@uq.edu.au to add an item to the agenda of the next meeting.


Contact Katrina Geary at br.traincomp@uq.edu.au for copies of the minutes from previous meetings.

Committee Secretary resources

There are resources available to help you undertake secretariat support duties.

HSW Operational Management Plan

An annual HSW Operational Management Plan (DOCX, 96.4 KB) must be developed and approved during the first HSW Committee meeting for the year.

The plan also must be reviewed and discussed at subsequent meetings throughout the year.