Mould in Indoor Spaces
Moulds are the most common forms of fungi found on the Earth. There are many of different types of mould that can grow anywhere moisture is present. Water/moisture during and after natural weather events and water leaks from plumbing can lead to growth of mould and contamination of building materials, as can a malfunctioning, or incorrectly operated air conditioning system.
What are the health hazards of mould?
Exposure to mould can occur through inhalation, ingestion and skin contact. It may lead to:
- Itchy, runny, or stuffy nose
- Sneezing
- Itchy or watery eyes
- Itchy or sore throat
- Cough
- Wheezing
- Severe allergic responses (e.g., rhinitis, asthma, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis).
Most people experience no health effects from exposure to the moulds ordinarily present in normal indoor or outdoor air. However, some individuals with allergies may be more sensitive to moulds. The odour of mould may trigger a headache in people who get migraine.
People with pre-existing health conditions are more likely to experience symptoms associated with exposure to indoor damp or mould or poor indoor air quality. For example, immunocompromised individuals, allergic (atopic) persons, and individuals with pre-existing pulmonary diseases like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and cystic fibrosis (CF)
Why does mould grow within buildings?
Mould growth in buildings is a global problem. It increases with high moisture and increased humidity. This could be due to natural high humidity ambient conditions or extreme weather events such as heavy rain, cyclones, storms and floods. It could also be due to water leakage in buildings, condensation or moisture generated inside the space.
Moulds can grow on just about any material, if moisture and a food source are available. For example, excessive mould growth may occur on building materials, including carpet, ceiling tiles, insulation, paper, wallboard, wood, surfaces behind wallpaper, under windowsills, or in heating, ventilation duct work, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
When does mould grow within buildings?
The following conditions are necessary for mould growth to occur on surfaces:
- temperature range above 4°C and below 38°C
- mould spores
- nutrient base (most surfaces contain nutrients)
- moisture.
Spores are almost always present in outdoor and indoor air, and almost all commonly used construction materials and furnishings can provide nutrients to support mould growth. Dirt on surfaces provides additional nutrients.
How can I assist in reducing mould growth in my building?
Control of moisture is the only practical way to control mould growth. To reduce moisture and mould growth, you can:
- Take action as soon as water damage or mould growth is noticed by reporting this via the ARCHIBUS system.
- In airconditioned spaces, unless authorised otherwise, keep closed all doors and windows that open to outside ambient air, to prevent hot ambient air from entering the space.
- Don’t run the space on lower temperature unless it is a necessity for the operation and the space is designed for this temperature. Normal design condition for comfort is (23⁰C - 24⁰C) and relative humidity 45-60%.
- Report any building leakages to be cleaned and repaired/investigated as soon as it is noticed.
- Close fume cupboard sash if it is not in use.
- Keep surfaces dry.
- Remove any vegetation growth near outside air intake to the building.
- Don’t have plants indoors if mould is or has been an issue in the indoor space.
- Ensure natural ventilation is provided for non-conditioned spaces via openable windows.
- In the event of water leakage, rain or flood damage repairs, ensure building fabrics are dry before repair takes place.
What if I can see mould and/or the indoor areas of my workspace feel damp and/or the area smells musty or mouldy?
You should report this via the ARCHIBUS system and if you don’t have access to ARCHIBUS, report it through P&F Assist. it is important that you log mould issues into ARCHIBUS as follows – please ensure an Archibus request is individually raised for each impacted room code, the request is descriptive, photos are attached where possible, and requests are raised in a timely manner. Please also note, furnishings and equipment that are impacted by mould are to be raised as a user funded request.
An indoor work area that is damp, with or without a musty or mouldy odour creates an increased risk of some people experiencing health problems or at risk groups, such as those described above. Therefore, you should make arrangements to work in another area until a proper assessment and remediation of the area is completed
What if I am experiencing symptoms of mould exposure and the indoor areas of my workspace feel damp, smell musty or smell mouldy?
If you are experiencing symptoms similar to that described above, you should report this via an incident notification using the UQSafe system. You should make arrangements to work in another area until a proper assessment and remediation of the area is completed. You should also discuss those concerns with your general practitioner.
How long will it take for UQ to action my report about a damp, and/or musty/mouldy smelling indoor work area?
The more people potentially exposed to this type of work environment, the greater the likelihood of someone experiencing a related health issue. Therefore, the Properties and Facilities staff of UQ prioritise their response using the following criteria:
- The amount of mould
- if there has been a report of a potential adverse health impact consistent with the anticipated symptoms of exposure.
- Number of people currently working, or predicted to work, in the area.
- Number of people who normally move through the area, for example a busy corridor.
An inspection of your workspace to determine the source of the mould issues will be done by P&F and if needed by your local HSW practitioner and/or a UQ Occupational Hygienist. This inspection may include:
- Looking for ‘indicators’ such as water damage, excess condensation, odour, standing water, and, of course, mould that is visible.
- a visual assessment of point of water ingress (if known).
- a review of the ventilation and air conditioning system (if the space is air conditioned).
- a moisture survey.
- Humidity and temperature checks.
Can I clean away a small amount of mould, similar in look and amount to usual bathroom mould?
Cleaning away mould before it potentially grows/spreads into larger mould colonies is beneficial. You can either:
- Clean it away yourself (see below) and then report the presence of the mould using the ARCHIBUS system. It is important to still report the mould even if you have cleaned it away so that an assessment can be made as to whether water and nutrients are still present that may cause the mould to return, or
- Elect to not clean away the mould but report the presence of the mould using the ARCHIBUS system.
To clean small amounts of mould away yourself, do the following:
- Moisten a paper hand towel with water and soap/detergent or vinegar and water (80% v/v), and wipe the mould away. Place the used paper towel into a plastic bag and then into the general waste bin.
- Do not use other cleaning chemicals such as bleach, chlorine dioxide, quarterly ammonium salts, alcohols and similar as these chemicals can be hazardous to your health.
- Avoid vigorous scrubbing. Do not use a brush to scrub mould away.
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water afterward.
- Note UQ workers should only undertake mould clean-up for jobs where the mould is less than 1m2 in total size. All other jobs > 1m2 should be outsourced to UQ’s specialist mould remediator.
Is air monitoring required?
In general, we do not recommend testing for mould at all because there are no health guideline values for which to compare test results to. This means that test results cannot be used to determine if a health risk exists. Instead, efforts to remediate the mould and fix the cause are the priority.
Further Information
For further information, contact your local Work Health and Safety Manager/Coordinator or the HSW Division, phone: +61 7 336 52365 or email
Information can also be found at:
Department of Health and Aged Care. Biotoxins (indoor damp and mould) Clinical Pathway. November 2023.
enHealth guidance – Potential health effects of mould in the environment