This guide is for Drupal 7 (UQ Standard) sites. If you're working on a site built in the new version of Drupal (like Study or Scholarships), see events on new Drupal.
What is an event?
Use the 'Event' content type to publicise details about upcoming events. It can be used for multi-day events with multiple sessions, or for one-off events with a single session.
Before adding this content type to your site, think about whether your event should instead be added to UQ's central events website UQ Events.
See an event page (staff login required)
Use the event content type for:
- displaying details for upcoming events.
Events shouldn't be used for:
- internal or team events
- old events that have already passed – this makes your site look dated.
How to create an event
Events have two parts: the event and its sessions. Every event must have at least one session.
Events can be created, edited and deleted by:
- editors
- site coordinators.
Create an event
- Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then go to 'Add content' > ‘Event’.
- Enter a title and a description for the event.
- From the side menu at the top of the page, select an 'Event type' from the drop-down menu.
- Tick the boxes for 'Registration required' or 'Payment required' to specify registration or payment details for the entire event. Alternately, you can add unique registration or payment details to each session (see 'Create a session' below).
- Click the 'Add event contact' button to include phone or email contact details for the event. You can add more than one contact per event.
- Add a session by following the instructions under 'Create a session' below.
Create a session
- Click the 'Add new session' button in the event.
- Enter the session name, date and time. Click the ‘Add another item’ button to add more dates and times for the session.
- Enter a summary of the session. This will appear on the event page.
- Click the ‘Add new location’ button to include the room and address of the session.
- Tick the box for 'Registration required' or 'Payment required' (if relevant). You can use the parent event's details or customise details for each session.
- Upload a teaser image for the session by clicking the 'Browse' button. The image will display on the Events page.
- Click the 'Create session' button to save the session.
- Click the 'Publish' button to save and publish both the event and the session.
To create another session, repeat these instructions.
Best practice
- Include a brief summary for each session (less than 100 characters). This will appear on the event listing page.
- Use brief and clear session titles (40 to 60 characters).
- Don't put all your session details in the 'Event description' field – use the appropriate fields for each session.
Related functionality
Event sessions are automatically listed on Event listing page. If you add more than one session to your Event, each session will appear under 'Upcoming sessions' when it is published.
Once the session is over, it will automatically move to a 'Past sessions' tab.
Fill in all required fields and as many optional fields as possible to provide the best user experience.
Event fields
Field name | Required field? | Notes |
Title | Yes | Name of the event or event series. |
Event summary | No | Provides a short description of the event that displays in teaser listing views of events and when shared on social media. |
Event description | No | Provides a description that displays on the event and its sessions so details don't need to be duplicated for each session. |
Event type | No | Organises events using event type taxonomy terms. |
Registration required | No | Allows you to add registration details that can apply to all sessions or be customised on each session. |
Registration URL > Title | No | Provides link text for the registration button on your event. |
Registration URL > URL | No | URL to event registration form or process. If using an external link, use an absolute path. |
Registration date | Yes if 'Registration required' box is ticked | Provides a start and end date for event registration. The registration button will only display for users during the entered date range. |
Payment required | No | Allows event to display any payment requirements, which can apply to all sessions or be customised on each session. |
Payment description | No | Provides a short description of any payment requirements. |
Contacts > Display name | No | Allows you to add the name of the person looking after the event. Multiple contacts can be added to an event. |
Contacts > Phone | No | Allows you to add the phone number for the person looking after the event. |
Contacts > Email | No | Allows you to add the email address for the person looking after the event. |
Teaser image | No | Small image that displays in teaser list views. |
Hero image | No | Banner image that displays on the parent event. |
Tags | No | Allows the event to be tagged against available taxonomy terms. |
Sessions | Yes | All events must have at least one session. |
Session fields
Field name | Required field? | Notes |
Session Name | Yes | Title of the session. If the event has multiple sessions, unique session names should be used. |
Session status | Yes | Defaults to 'Scheduled'. |
Display session status message | No | If this field is ticked, it will allow you to display a message about the session status at the top of the page. |
Session status message | No | Allows you to add a status message about session – displays in a red bar at the top of the session page. |
Session date | Yes | Defaults to the current date and time if a date range is not set. |
Session summary | No | Provides a short description of the session. This displays on the event listing page. |
Session description | No | Description of the session that lists anything that isn't already covered by the event description. |
Location > Room | No | Allows you to add a specific room number to the location of your event. |
Location > Address | No | Allows you to add the address where your event is taking place. |
Registration required | No | Allows individual sessions to require registration. Registration is not managed through the Drupal system, another event management system must be used. |
Use parent event registration | No | If the 'Registration required' box is ticked, this will default to ticked as well. The session will use the registration details of the parent event. |
Registration URL > Title | No | Provides link text for the registration button on your session. |
Registration URL > URL | No | URL to session registration form or process. If using an external link, use an absolute path. |
Registration date | Yes, if 'Use parent event registration' box is ticked. | The registration button will only display for users during the selected date range. |
Payment required | No | Allows sessions to specify unique payment requirements. |
Use parent event payment | No | If the 'Payment required' box is ticked, this box will default to ticked, and the session will use the payment details of the parent event. |
Payment description | No | Available if 'Use parent event payment' is unticked. Allows sessions to specify unique payment descriptions, rather than inheriting them from the event. |
Teaser image | No | Displays on the event listing page. |
Tags | No | Allows individual sessions to be tagged against available taxonomy terms. |
Status | Yes | Defaults to 'Published'. |