What is a person profile?

Use the 'Person' content type to add the profile of a UQ staff member to your website.

The profile will display the person's contact details, role at UQ and a short description. It can also display information specific to researchers, including supervisions and publications.

See a person page

Use the person content type for:

  • online profiles of academic or professional staff members.

The person content type shouldn't be used for:

  • testimonials – use Student story
  • people who are not UQ staff members
  • duplicating a profile that appears on another website.
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How to create a person profile

The person content type can be created, edited and deleted by:

  • editors
  • site coordinators.

You can add a person by manually entering their details or by importing their profile from Aurion. Submit an IT request to discuss the right method for your site.

Manually adding a staff profile

To manually enter a staff profile, first log in to Drupal and then:

  1. Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu and go to 'Add content' > ‘Person’.
  2. Complete the compulsory fields for 'Display name' and ‘Preferred (first) name’. The staff member's preferred name won't display on the website.
  3. Complete the optional fields for ‘Surname’ and ‘Postnominal', if required.
  4. Click the ‘Add new Position’ button and enter the:
    • Organisation ID
    • Organisation title
    • Position title
    • Staff group
    • Phone number.
  5. Enter the person’s email address and their location and availability.
  6. In the ‘Body’ field, enter a short description of the person and their role.
  7. In the 'Photo' field, click the 'Browse' button to upload a photo of the person.
  8. If the profile is for a researcher, fill in the research-specific fields (see below).
  9. Enter the person’s UQ username.
  10. Click the ‘Publish’ button to save and publish the profile.

Staff profiles for researchers

If you're creating a profile for a UQ researcher, you should also do the following:

  1. Add a short description of the person's research in the 'Researcher biography' field.
  2. In the 'UQ Researcher ID', enter the number from the person’s UQ Experts profile URL (if relevant).
  3. Tick the box ‘Researcher profile is public’ to include a link to the person’s UQ Experts page.
  4. Tick the box ‘Is a supervisor’ to include a link to the person's supervision record.
  5. Enter the person’s ‘eSpace Author ID’ to add a feed of the person’s publications.
  6. Select a research area (optional – only if your site has Research profile pages).
  7. Click the ‘Publish’ button to save and publish the profile.

Import a staff profile from Aurion

It's possible to import data from UQ's HR system to create staff profiles on your website. These profiles sync with Aurion overnight and automatically update any information.

Read more about profile importing

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Best practice

  • Contact ITS to discuss whether you should manually add a profile, or import it from Aurion.
  • Before creating a new 'Person' page, click the Drupal ‘Content’ menu and type the person’s name into the ‘Title’ field. This will search for other 'Person' pages that might already exist for the staff member.
  • Don’t manually create separate profiles for staff who have been imported from Aurion.
  • Follow the instructions for optimising images for the web to upload an appropriate profile image.
  • If you are importing a staff profile, any changes or updates must be made at the data source (Aurion) to feed through to your website.
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Fill in all required fields and as many optional fields as possible to provide the best user experience.

Field name

Required field ?


Display name


Displays the person's full name at the top of the page.

Preferred (first) name


Used to generate the page URL but is not displayed on the page.



Used to generate the page URL but is not displayed on the page.



Displays at the top of the page after the display name.



Paragraph containing multiple fields about the person's position. A person can have more than one position.

Position > Organisation ID


The ID for the organisational unit the person works in.

Position > Organisation Title


The name of the organisational unit the person works in.

Position > Position Title


Current position of the person. Imported profiles source this from Aurion.

Position > Staff group


Groups staff by type for filtering on UQ Contacts

Position > Phone


Phone number for the person.

Position > Fax


Fax number for the person.



Imported profiles source this from Aurion.



Provides a short description of the person and their role, including areas of responsibility.

Researcher biography


Imported profiles sources from UQ Experts.



Displays a photo of the person. Imported profiles source this from UQ Experts for UQ staff

UQ username


Allows external systems to reference the person. This is never displayed publicly.

UQ Researcher ID


Adds a link to the person's profile on the UQ Experts site.

Research profile is public


Defaults to ticked, which displays a link to the person's profile on the UQ Experts site (if available). Must be used in conjunction with the Researcher ID number.

Is a supervisor


If ticked, this adds a link to current and completed supervisions on the UQ Experts site.

eSpace Author ID


Provides an automated feed of the person's publications from eSpace.

Research areas


Allows researchers to be sorted by their research area.

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