This guide is for Drupal 7 (UQ Standard) sites. If you're working on a site built in the new version of Drupal (like Study or Scholarships), see articles on new Drupal.
What is an article?
The 'Article' content type should be used to publish temporary or time sensitive news-style information on your website.
See an article page (staff login required)
Use articles for:
- media releases, announcements or news
An article shouldn't be used for:
- static or informational web content
- event details or sessions
- creating an article that already appears on another website.
How to create an article
Articles can be created, edited and deleted by:
- editors
- site coordinators
Once you log in to your website:
- Hover over the Drupal 'Content' menu, then go to 'Add content' > 'Article'.
- Enter a title and summary.
- Add all article content to the 'Body' field.
- Enter the publication date and time.
- Add a teaser image, plus alternate text and 'Title' hover text.
- Click the 'Publish' button to save and publish the article.
Best practice
- Keep the article summary concise (less than 100 characters).
- Use brief and clear titles (40 to 60 characters).
- Add a relevant, visually engaging teaser image to encourage users to read the article.
Related functionality
Articles are automatically listed on News listing pages, which display all published articles, with a teaser image and short summary of the article.
Fill in all required fields and as many optional fields as possible to provide the best user experience.
Field name | Required field? | Notes |
Title | Yes | Page title and heading for the article. |
Summary | No | Provides a short summary of the article for the News listing page. |
Body | No | Main text of the article. |
Publication date | No | Date of publication that displays on the page. If not entered, this will default to the current date and time. |
Teaser image | No | Image displays in the card and teaser views on the News listing page. |
Hero image | No | Replaces the default page header with a hero banner header on the Article page. |
Related content | No | Allows other pages on the site to be referenced in a short list. |
Tags | No | Allows the page to be tagged with taxonomy terms. |
Creating a shell article
Rather than duplicating an article across multiple websites, we recommend creating a shell article on your site which redirects to the source article destination.
A shell article will display as a card in any listings on your site but when a user clicks on the article card they’ll be taken to the source news article. They will never see the shell article page on your site.
Shell articles need minimal content, but the mandatory fields must be completed to ensure the card displays correctly in your site’s listing.
Complete required fields
In your shell article:
- add a title
- add a teaser image
- provide a summary (optional)
- select tags (optional)
- tick 'Generate automatic URL alias'
- publish your article.
Creating your redirect
Create a redirect from the node ID of the article shell to the URL of the source article.
When you create your redirect, make sure to:
- in the path, enter the node URL of the article shell page you want to redirect (e.g. node/146)
- in the to field, enter the absolute URL for the destination article page (e.g.
Editing an existing shell article
To edit an existing article shell, you’ll need to find it in the Content list in the Drupal backend on your site and click 'Edit'.
If you click the article name it will redirect to the destination article.