This guide is for sites built in the new version of Drupal (like Study or Scholarships).
If you're working on a Drupal 7 (UQ Standard) site, see events on Drupal 7.

Understanding events

Event pages are used on Study to publicise upcoming events for prospective students. We publish UQ events, some high-priority external events (e.g. TSXPO) and international agent events.

Event pages can be used for:

  • one-off events with a single session, or events with multiple sessions
  • in-person or online events (or events with a combination of in-person and online sessions).

Event pages are automatically archived 24 hours after the start time of the last session. This removes them from event listings on the site.

See example events

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Creating a new event

Before you create a new event page, check to see if a previous version already exists in Drupal. If it does, edit the existing event page. See how to find and edit event pages.

If the event doesn't already exist:

  1. Once you log into Drupal, hover over 'Content' in the Drupal menu then select 'Add content' > 'Event'.
  2. Complete all required fields.
  3. Select a workflow status and save.

Choose the appropriate workflow status: 

  • Draft if you're still working on the page and want to save an unpublished version. 
  • Needs review if you want to send the page to another editor for internal review. Enter the email address of anyone you want to notify (select 'Add another item' to add multiple recipients). To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.
  • Ready for publishing (on Study and Scholarships) if you want the page to be reviewed by a publisher and published to live. This should trigger a notification to the site publishers, so they'll know the page is ready for review. To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.

Site builders and publishers can save pages as Published or Archived.

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Editing events

After you log into Drupal, you can either navigate to the page and click 'Edit' or access pages via the Drupal menu:

  1. In the Drupal menu, select 'Content'
  2. Search for the page (filtering by content type: 'Event' can help narrow down the results).
  3. Select 'Edit' for the relevant page.
  4. Complete all required fields.
  5. Select a workflow status and save.

Choose the appropriate workflow status: 

  • Draft if you're still working on the page and want to save an unpublished version. 
  • Needs review if you want to send the page to another editor for internal review. Enter the email address of anyone you want to notify (select 'Add another item' to add multiple recipients). To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.
  • Ready for publishing (on Study and Scholarships) if you want the page to be reviewed by a publisher and published to live. This should trigger a notification to the site publishers, so they'll know the page is ready for review. To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.

Site builders and publishers can save pages as Published or Archived.

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If your event is an agent event, see the International agent event guide (PDF, 254.1 KB).

For all other events, you'll need to add content to the following fields. If a field isn't listed, leave it blank.

FieldCompleting the fieldRequired or optional
TitleEnter the page title. This will display as the H1 heading.Required
Lead text

Enter a sentence to display below the page title, summarising the event's key purpose or selling point.

Event typeSelect the relevant event types.Required
Study area
  • If the event is relevant to specific study area/s, select all relevant parent and child study areas.
  • If the event is generally relevant to any or all study areas, you don't need to do anything in this field.
Event audience

Select the audience for this event.

If you're selecting undergraduate, postgraduate or research student audiences, the event must be aimed at prospective students in these categories. E.g. if an event is about a master's degrees, select 'postgraduate students' - not 'undergraduate students' even though some of the target audience may be current undergrad students.

Hero image
  • Select 'Add media', then search for an image. Select the image, then select 'Insert selected'.
  • To upload a new image, see how to add hero banners.
Required (except for agent events)
Teaser image
  • Teaser images appear in event listings around the site so they should be relevant to the event topic or experience.
  • Select 'Add media', then search for an image. Select the image, then select 'Insert selected'.
  • To upload a new image, see how to add teaser images.
  • Enter 1-2 sentences to describe the event. Make sure this doesn't repeat information elsewhere on the page.
  • This will appear as an introduction above the event sessions.
  • Enter information about the event. Structure your information under relevant headings, such as:
    • What to expect / What you'll learn / What's involved
    • Who should attend
    • Cost
    • Contact
Event sessions

For events that will be held in person, select 'In-person Event Instance' from the dropdown and click ‘Add new event’ session, or ‘edit’ an existing session. See fields to complete for in-person events.

For online events, select 'Online Event Instance' from the dropdown and click 'Add new event session'. See fields to complete for online events.

You can create an event with both in-person and online sessions.

To display event session titles on the event page, tick the 'Display event title' box. Only tick this if there are multiple sessions and titles will help users distinguish between them.


In-person events

FieldCompleting the fieldRequired or optional

Event sessions > Title

Enter the title of the session.

Max 30-40 characters.

If you're entering multiple sessions, use the title to clearly differentiate between them if needed (e.g. by topic, audience, delivery mode).

If you choose to display the title to users, make sure it's concise and meaningful (e.g. 'Biological sciences', 'In-person event'). Don't repeat the event name in the session title. Don't display the title if the only difference between the sessions is the date.

Required (Display to users is optional)
Event sessions > Room/building

For on-campus events, leave this field blank.

For events at other locations, enter the name of the room or building the session will be hosted in. Enter details from least specific (e.g. building) to most specific (e.g. room) to reflect how users will find the location e.g. Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Boulevard Room

Event sessions > Campus/city

Start typing and select the campus or city the event will be hosted in.

If your event is being hosted at UQ's Brisbane CBD location, select 'Brisbane City'.

If it's at an off-campus or non-UQ location in Brisbane, select 'Brisbane' (for example, TSXPO at Brisbane Showgrounds).

Event sessions > Address > URL

For on-campus events, link to the specific building, location or room using UQ Maps if possible.

If a location does not have a UQ Maps link, enter the Google Maps ‘Share’ URL for the address.

Event sessions > Address > Link text

Enter the address.

For on-campus events, enter the building name, with room details if relevant. Enter details from least specific (e.g. building) to most specific (e.g. room) to reflect how users will find the location e.g. Parnell building, room 402

Event sessions > Date and time > Start dateEnter the start date.Required
Event sessions > Date and time > End dateEnter the end date.Required
Event sessions > Date and time > Timezone

Select the correct timezone for the session. You can start typing to search or scroll through the list and select.

By default, 'Brisbane' will be selected. If the session will be held in a different timezone, make sure you change the selection.

The timezone will display on the event page as the GMT value and timezone abbreviation e.g. 'AEST' (where available).

It will also ensure that the calendar invite converts to the correct time for a user when they download it.

Event sessions > Register link > URLEnter the URL for registration.Optional
Event sessions > Register link > Link textEnter ‘Register’.Optional
Event sessions > Calendar invite > Calendar subject

Add a subject to display in the calendar event.

If left blank, the session title will be used. Make sure you consider whether this is appropriate and useful for a calendar event.

Event sessions > Calendar invite > Calendar description

Add a description to display in the calendar event.

If left blank, the content from the event body will be used, but will appear as plain text only with links and other formatting stripped out.

Event sessions > Calendar invite > Calendar location

Add a location to display in the calendar event.

If left blank, the content from the Room/building field will be used. Make sure you consider whether this will provide enough information for event attendees. If the Room/building field is blank, nothing will appear in calendar location.

Related events

Start typing to select related events.

If left blank, events will be automatically selected.


Online events

FieldCompleting the fieldRequired or optional
Event sessions > Title

Enter the title of the session.

Max 30-40 characters.

If you're entering multiple sessions, use the title to clearly differentiate between them if needed (e.g. by topic, audience, delivery mode). 

If you choose to display the title to users, make sure it's concise and meaningful (e.g. 'Biological sciences', 'In-person event'). Don't repeat the event name in the session title. Don't display the title if the only difference between the sessions is the date.

Required (Display to users is optional)
Event sessions > Register link > URL.Enter the URL for registration.Optional
Event sessions > Register link > Link textEnter ‘Register’.Optional
Event sessions > Link for the online event > URL

If you have a website to link to with more information about the event, add the URL.

Event sessions > Link for the online event > Link text

Enter the text for your additional info.

Event sessions > Event region

For events aimed at audiences in Australia, start typing and select 'Australia'.

If the event is relevant to a specific UQ campus, you can also enter and select the campus name. If you need to enter UQ's Brisbane CBD location, select 'Brisbane City'.

For events aimed at audiences outside Australia, start typing and select the specific markets (countries or cities) that are relevant for the event.

If the event is for a global audience, enter the top 10 markets (click 'Add another item' for each):

  • India
  • United States
  • Indonesia
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Canada
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Vietnam
  • United Kingdom

If the event is for both Australian and international audiences, enter a relevant combination of cities, countries and campuses.

Event sessions > Date and time > Start dateEnter the start date.Required
Event sessions > Date and time > End dateEnter the end date.Required
Event sessions > Date and time > Timezone

Select the correct timezone for the session. You can start typing to search or scroll through the list and select.

By default, 'Brisbane' will be selected. If the session will be held in a different timezone, make sure you change the selection.

The timezone will display on the event page as the GMT value and timezone abbreviation e.g. 'AEST' (where available).

It will also ensure that the calendar invite converts to the correct time for a user when they download it.

Event sessions > Calendar invite > Calendar subject

Add a subject to display in the calendar event.

If left blank, the session title will be used. Make sure you consider whether this is appropriate and useful for a calendar event.

Event sessions > Calendar invite > Calendar location

Add a location to display in the calendar event.

If left blank, nothing will appear.

Event sessions > Calendar invite > Calendar description

Add a description to display in the calendar event.

If left blank, the content from the event body will be used, but will appear as plain text only with links and other formatting stripped out.

Related events

Start typing to select related events.

If left blank, events will be automatically selected.

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