Basic page
This guide is for sites built in the new version of Drupal (like Study or Scholarships).
If you're working on a Drupal 7 (UQ Standard) site, see basic pages on Drupal 7.
Basic pages are the simplest content type to create and edit. Basic pages are generally organised around a single topic.
Create a basic page
To create a basic page:
- In Drupal, hover over 'Content', then select 'Add content', then 'Basic page UQ'.
- Complete the following fields:
- Title – this is the name of your page. Use keywords and keep your title short and meaningful to users. Don’t use organisational unit names.
- Summary – this is a meta description for your page that will appear on search engine results and on listing pages. It should be no more than 155 characters. Leave blank to use a trimmed value of full text as the summary.
- Body – this is the main content on your page. Use the WYSIWYG (text editor) ribbon to format the text and add links and images.
- Content owner – this is the person who signs off on content changes. Find out more about content owners.
- Show in navigation – choose whether your page will display local navigation. In most cases, basic pages should display local navigation. You’ll need to follow the steps to add local navigation to your page.
- Once these fields are populated, choose the appropriate moderation state, then 'Save'.
Moderation states
You'll need to save your page in different states depending on what you need to do. You can update the moderation state at the bottom of the page.
Choose the appropriate workflow status:
- Draft if you're still working on the page and want to save an unpublished version.
- Needs review if you want to send the page to another editor for internal review. Enter the email address of anyone you want to notify (select 'Add another item' to add multiple recipients). To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.
- Ready for publishing (on Study and Scholarships) if you want the page to be reviewed by a publisher and published to live. This should trigger a notification to the site publishers, so they'll know the page is ready for review. To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.
Site builders and publishers can save pages as Published or Archived.
Edit a basic page
Once you've logged in to an existing page on Drupal, you'll see tabs along the top:
- View – displays the current version of the page (whether published or unpublished).
- Edit – edit page information, including meta data and menu settings.
- Revisions – view and compare previous versions of the page.
- View previous versions by clicking on them.
- Compare different versions by selecting the radio buttons, then the 'Compare selected revisions' button. Toggle the 'Layout' options to see different views.
- Preview link — generate shareable links to the latest page draft to allow non-Drupal users to see a page before it's published.
If you don't see the tabs you need, you probably don't have access to edit the page. Contact your Digital Presence Coordinator.