The Digital Presence Procedure states: 

The head of each organisational unit (e.g. faculty, institute or division) is accountable for all digital touchpoints in their organisational unit. They must ensure that each digital touchpoint has a nominated individual who is responsible for managing the touchpoint in compliance with this procedure. 

To comply with this requirement, whenever you create a new web page in New Drupal, you must nominate a content owner and accountable owner. For example: 

  • content owner – Web Channel Manager 
  • accountable owner – Chief Marketing and Communication Officer. 

You can optionally add ‘Also consult’ content owners. 

Content owner roles and fields explained 

Content owner 

This is the person who can sign off on changes, including additions and deletions to content. This is usually at the senior manager level. They are the authority to make these changes, but do not need to be using the Drupal CMS.  Approvals can be managed outside the CMS, with an authorised editor making approved changes. 

Each page can have only 1 primary content owner. 

Accountable owner 

The accountable owner is the head of the content owner’s org unit. This is selected automatically when you choose the content owner. 

Also consult 

Use these fields to add other content owners for the page. For example, if there are international and domestic views of a page, or if different sections within the page have different owners.  

When approving changes, the content owner should consult with people named in these fields when changes impact their content. 


Add details to help future content editors maintain the content. This might include:  

  • a brief explanation of which content is owned by each owner, if additional content owners are named in the ‘Also consult’ fields own 
  • agreed author guides. 

Changes to content owners 

Drupal authors should contact the Web Channel Team if: 

  • a new content owner needs to be added to the taxonomy in Drupal 
  • the person in the ‘content owner’ or ‘accountable owner’ role changes. 

Email to request these updates. 

Content review process 

Ongoing maintenance  

Content owners should be aware of business (and other) changes that affect their content, and proactively maintain it as these changes happen. Updates might include things like changed fees or contact details, or services being discontinued. 

Annual reviews  

All content must be reviewed at least every 12 months. 

Each year, the Web Channel Team will extract reports from New Drupal websites and send accountable owners a list of all pages they own, copying in all content owners from that org unit.  

The accountable owner must ensure that all pages are reviewed for currency and accuracy by their responsible content owners. 

Content owners must either: 

  • mark the content as reviewed and current 
  • update the content and mark so 
  • decommission the content and mark so. 


If you have any questions about this requirement, please email