This guide is for sites built in the new version of Drupal (Study and Scholarships).
If you're working on a Drupal 7 (UQ Standard) site, see articles on Drupal 7.

Understanding articles

Articles are used on Study for news or longer-form editorial content that is more in-depth, niche, personal or time-sensitive than general website content.

Articles should address the information needs of our user personas and priority drivers of choice. They're intended to support lead nurture and drive traffic to relevant parts of the site.

Published articles automatically display on the Stories page. They can also display in Stories listing blocks on programs, plans, study areas and landing pages based on the selected study areas, topic, audiences and regions.

See an example article

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Creating a new article

To create a new article:

  1. Once you log into Drupal, hover over 'Content' in the Drupal menu then select 'Add content' > 'Article'.
  2. Complete all required fields.
  3. Select a workflow status and save.

Choose the appropriate workflow status: 

  • Draft if you're still working on the page and want to save an unpublished version. 
  • Needs review if you want to send the page to another editor for internal review. Enter the email address of anyone you want to notify (select 'Add another item' to add multiple recipients). To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.
  • Ready for publishing if you want the page to be reviewed by a publisher and published to live. This should trigger a notification to the site publishers, so they'll know the page is ready for review. To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.

Site builders and publishers can save pages as Published or Archived.

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Editing articles

After you log into Drupal, you can either navigate to the page and click 'Edit' or access pages via the Drupal menu:

  1. In the Drupal menu, select 'Content'.
  2. Search for the page (filtering by content type: 'Article' can help narrow down the results).
  3. Select 'Edit' for the relevant page.
  4. Complete all required fields.
  5. Select a workflow status and save.

Choose the appropriate workflow status: 

  • Draft if you're still working on the page and want to save an unpublished version. 
  • Needs review if you want to send the page to another editor for internal review. Enter the email address of anyone you want to notify (select 'Add another item' to add multiple recipients). To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.
  • Ready for publishing if you want the page to be reviewed by a publisher and published to live. This should trigger a notification to the site publishers, so they'll know the page is ready for review. To provide context, add a brief note to the 'Revision log message' field at the top right of the page.

Site builders and publishers can save pages as Published or Archived.

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Add content to the fields listed below. If a field isn't listed below, you don't need to enter anything.

FieldCompleting the fieldRequired or optional
  • Enter the page title. This will display as the H1 heading.
  • Think about keywords that your audience are likely to search for and that will help them identify which articles are relevant to them.
Hero image
  • Select 'Add media', then search for an image. Select the image, then select 'Insert selected'.
  • To upload a new image, see how to add hero banners.
Teaser image
  • Select 'Add media', then search for an image. Select the image, then select 'Insert selected'.
  • To upload a new image, see how to add teaser images.
Study area
  • If the article is relevant to specific study area/s, select all relevant parent and child study areas.
  • If the article is generally relevant to any or all study areas, you don't need to do anything in this field.
Article topic
  • Select the most appropriate topic.
Article audience
  • Select any relevant options.
  • In most cases, leave this field blank. If there is a subtitle you would like to include directly beneath the article title (H1) to help users understand the topic or purpose of the article, enter it here.
  • Enter the main article content.
Author card
  • Add an author card if the article has a specific author and it would add value for the user to identify them. Otherwise, ignore this field.
  • Select 'Add items', then search for relevant author card. Select the author card, then click 'Select micro-content'.
Related articles
  • Start typing to select related articles.
  • If left blank, articles will be automatically selected.
Reading time
  • Enter as 'X-minute read', using a numeral for the number e.g. 5-minute read.
  • Calculate time based on 220 words per minute (average Australian reading speed) and round to the nearest minute.
  • Select 'Domestic', 'International' or both for the article to display when the relevant region is selected.


Metadata won't appear on the page itself, but may help users identify the page in search results, browser tab titles and other contexts.

To edit metadata, expand the Metatags section near the top right of the page.

FieldCompleting the fieldRequired or optional
Page title (under Basic tags)
  • Replace '[node:title] - Current staff' with your intended title.This should be your H1 (or an abbreviated version).
  • Don't overwrite ' – '. This will display as "– The University of Queensland".
  • In total, the meta title must not exceed 60 characters.
Description (under Basic tags)
  • This is the summary of the article that will appear in search engine results.
  • It should end with a call to action (e.g. “Learn more.” or “Read her story.”).
  • This must not exceed 156 characters.
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