The UQ Leadership Survey is a 360-degree feedback tool to support your development.The steps below outline what is required of you, and what you can expect throughout the process.

5. Receive the report and develop your action plan

Once the survey closes, a report summarising the responses will be generated. Read about the UQ Leadership Survey for more information about aggregation of responses, reporting, and how responses are used.

You'll receive the report a few days prior to a debrief session scheduled at a time that is convenient for you. Your debrief will be conducted with a consultant from the Organisational Culture and Capability team within HR. They will guide you through your survey report, and help you to:

  • Understand the data.
  • Reflect on your strengths and areas for development.
  • Begin formulating your action plan.

At the end of the debrief session, you should have some identified areas for action.

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