The UQ Leadership Survey is a 360-degree feedback tool to support your development.The steps below outline what is required of you, and what you can expect throughout the process.

3. Invite your survey respondents

Contact your respondents

Once you've selected your respondents, let them know you would like them to participate in the survey. You are asking people to do you a favour by taking the time to give you thoughtful, candid feedback, so it's appropriate for you to contact them before they receive an invitation from the survey system.

Let them know that:

  • You are undertaking the survey and what you hope to achieve.
  • You would value their input.
  • It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.
  • Their responses will be anonymous (aside from your manager).
  • They can find out more about the UQ Leadership Survey on the website.
Submit your respondent list

To nominate your raters, complete the template sent to you by the Organisational Culture and Capability team, and email it to 

Please make sure you:

  • check that the email addresses you provide for respondents are correct
  • include yourself as a self-rater.

The Organisational Culture and Capability team will arrange for invitations to be emailed from the survey system. Each person, including you, will receive a unique link to complete the survey online.

Can't find the answer?


Phone: (07) 3365 2623

Check the status of your requests and enquiries in my.UQ dashboard.