The UQ Leadership Survey is a 360-degree feedback tool to support your development.The steps below outline what is required of you, and what you can expect throughout the process.

2. Select your survey respondents

Who to choose

There are several categories of people who can provide meaningful feedback. You are asked to nominate people who are internal or external to UQ in any of the following categories:

  • Manager or supervisor (select 1 person): the person most responsible for overseeing your work. If you haven't been working with them for very long, you may choose to invite your previous supervisor.
  • Peers and colleagues (select 3-5 people): people in this category are frequently fellow team members or people in similar roles to you across UQ. They may not necessarily work in the same organisational unit as you, but they must be reasonably familiar with your work and leadership style.
  • Direct reports (select 3+ people): you should generally include everyone you supervise. This will get a good spread of responses, ensure anonymity, and prevent any perception of favouritism or bias in the survey. If you believe you have a good reason not to include any of your direct reports, discuss this with the Organisational Culture and Capability team within HR before you finalise your respondent list.
  • Other contacts (select 3-5 people): this category includes customers, collaborators, industry representatives or members of community groups you work closely with. They must have had sufficient opportunity to observe how you work.

Consider what you want to achieve from the survey, and identify the people who are best placed to help you achieve this aim. For example, if you are most interested in the perceptions of your leadership on a particular project, you should select people who worked on that project.

The people you select need to be able to comment on your behaviour in a work context. We recommend selecting people:

  • You work with regularly.
  • You've worked with for at least 6 months.
  • Who can provide a balance of positive and constructive feedback.

Note: a total of five respondents (excluding self-ratings) must have completed the survey for a report to be generated. There must be 3 or more completed responses in a given category for it to appear in the report (excluding supervisor/manager category).

Can't find the answer?


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