Diversity and inclusion committees and networks
EDI Management Committee
UQ's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Management Committee, Chaired by the Deputy Provost, supports and advises the University in relation to student and staff equity, diversity, and inclusion matters. The committee plays a governance advisory role to the Vice-Chancellor through the University Senior Executive Team, and to Senate through the Senate Committee for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Age Friendly Committee
The UQ Age Friendly Committee drives greater inclusion and diversity with respect to age at UQ and the community it serves.
Cultural Inclusion Council
The Cultural Inclusion Council provides a consultative mechanism for developing and implementing inclusion initiatives focused on culturally and linguistically diverse staff across UQ.
Disability Inclusion Group
UQ's Disability Inclusion Group provides a consultative mechanism for developing and implementing disability inclusion initiatives across UQ.
Disability Inclusion Advocacy Network
The UQ Disability Inclusion Advocacy Network aims to promote and support disability inclusion within the University, helping to progress UQ as a safe and supportive space for staff with disabilities and those passionate about disability inclusion in society.
Gender Steering Committee
UQ’s Gender Steering Committee champions strategic and transparent governance, accountability, planning and reporting frameworks for gender equity, which reflects UQ’s broader commitment to diversity and inclusion.
UQ Ally Network
The UQ Ally Network is an award-winning program that provides a visible network of well-informed staff who create a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for sex, gender and sexuality diverse people at UQ and in the broader community.
UQ Ally Action Committee
The UQ Ally Action Committee drives greater inclusion and diversity of sex, genders and sexualities at UQ and the community it serves.
Network for carers of children with special needs and/or serious chronic illnesses
A UQ wide employee-led network established for staff and students who are carers of children with special needs and/or serious chronic conditions.