For pay dates and deadlines for submitting and approving time sheets, HR forms and payroll claims, see:

There are different requirements for recording time and attendance, and entitlements in accordance with the UQ Enterprise Agreement for different categories of employees. To find out about the requirements for your role, please select the category of employee that applies to you:

Professional Employees HEW 1-7

Academic Employees and Professional Employees - HEW Level 8 +

Casual Professional Employees

Casual Academic Employees

Updates to timesheets for Casual Professional and Professional Research Staff

From 20 July 2024, the University will be introducing changes to timesheets in the MyAurion system for casual professional and professional research staff to ensure we are meeting our compliance obligations regarding minimum periods of engagement and payment.

When completing your timesheet each fortnight and recording your hours worked, you will now be required to select your employee category.

By selecting the relevant employee category, the minimum engagement will be applied automatically to each engagement as per the table below.

For further information, go to the Casual Professional Employees webpage.

Changes to timesheet process for HEW 1-7 Professional employees

From February 2024, professional and research professional staff (HEW 1-7) are required to complete online timesheets via the MyAurion system. The move to a centralised system ensures UQ is meeting its requirements under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) to keep accurate and up to date time and wage records. It also allows local areas to manage staff workloads.

The rollout of online timesheets will be completed in two phases:

From 16 February 2024 for HEW 1-7 employees and their supervisors in the following portfolios:
•    Chief Operating Officer
•    DVC Academic
•    DVC Indigenous Engagement
•    DVC Global Engagement
•    DVC Research and Innovation
•    Office of the Provost
•    Vice-President (Advancement and Community Engagement)
•    Office of the Vice-Chancellor

From 15 March 2024 for HEW 1-7 employees and their supervisors in the following portfolios:
•    Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
•    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
•    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
•    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
•    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
•    Faculty of Medicine
•    Faculty of Science
•    Institute of Molecular Bioscience
•    Queensland Brain Institute
•    Sustainable Minerals Institute
•    Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation

Professional staff (HEW 1-7) in Customs House as well as Veterinary Science professional clinical staff, and professional P&F Security staff will be exempt from this process change. These staff groups will continue with their current time and attendance processes and record keeping.