In an emergency:
Contact UQ Security on (07) 3365 3333.

Contact a First Aid Officer in your area if you or someone else is injured or ill.

You must also report incidents, injuries and illnesses that are work-related or occur in the workplace.


For first aid procedures, see:


UQ provides first aid training that is open to all staff.

You must complete accredited first aid training before you become a First Aid Officer. Check the training and induction requirements for First Aid Officers.

First Aid Officers

UQ-required First Aid Officers must:

  • hold current First Aid and CPR certification
  • administer first aid to UQ staff, students and visitors where necessary
  • maintain first aid facilities and equipment in their area
  • document occurrences of illness and injury requiring first aid treatment.

First aid requirements at UQ will vary across campuses and workplaces according to the nature of hazards, tasks and the size and location of the workplace. First-aid requirements must be implemented in accordance with the First aid in the workplace Code of Practice 2021 and the UQ First Aid Guideline.

The number of First Aid Officers needed in your area is determined by a risk assessment conducted by the head of the organisational area. Appendix A of the First aid in the workplace – Code of practice 2021 provides guidance on the first aid risk management process, number of first aid officers needed and relevant items to have in a first aid kit.

For further information please refer to First Aid Officers (FAOs) Section in  First Aid Guideline


As per the Enterprise Agreement – the FAO allowance is only an entitlement for professional staff.  Academic staff do not have this entitlement.
UQ professional staff who are required by the Head of the Organisational Unit to hold a First Aid Certificate:

  • are eligible to apply for payment of the first aid allowance in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement; and
  • must apply for the allowance by submitting a request though Workday.

FAOs who receive the allowance are obliged to respond promptly to any requests for first aid assistance and the application of first aid within the scope of their certified training at any UQ workplace.

The allowance is funded by the Organisational Unit and may be applied for annually by the required FAOs who have met the qualification requirements as outlined in section 3.3 of this procedure. Further information about applying for the allowance is available from local Human Resources Professional Services Teams.

Some UQ professional staff may be required to hold a first aid qualification and be required to provide first aid for certain tasks / activities for short periods of time during the year, such as field work.  In these circumstances, the FAO is entitiled to receive the FAO allowance for this period and can apply for this through Workday.

UQ workers who have first aid qualifications, but are not formally required by the University to hold such qualifications are not eligible for the First Aid Allowance. 

Applying for the allowance

Applying for the FAO allowance is an online process through Workday and must be discussed with the person’s direct supervisor prior to applying.

The current First Aid Certificate must be upload into Workday (see Add Certifications) to begin the process by the FAO, this will then appear in the supervisors staff profile. There are no notifications in Workday for this process, the applicant must notify their supervisor the certificate has been uploaded and that they must initiate the process.

The supervisor must submit a request to have the first aid allowance paid to the applicant in Workday (refer  Payment - Systems Training Hub, quick reference guide Submit Off-Cycle Compensation Change Request). Once submitted, the supervisor should notify the applicant and the WHSC that this has occurred.

Once the allowance has been approved, the applicant will receive a notification confirming this.

Additional information and any further queries can also be sought from AskHR.

First aid kits and supplies

First Aid Officers maintain first aid facilities, equipment and supplies in their area. You can order first aid supplies via the UQeMARKET other preferred suppliers.

For recommended items to include in a first aid kit, see 'Example of contents for a first aid kit' in the Queensland First Aid in the Workplace Code of Practice (PDF, 418.3 KB). Contact the Occupational Health Nurse Advisor for further advice.

Defibrillator Considerations

While having an AED is good practice, it is up to each org unit/location to assess if an AED is needed.  This is done through a Risk Assessment.

A Risk Assessment should incorporate the following 

  • Is the nearest AED further then a one-minute walk or run? 
  • Are there workers with known cardiac risk factors? 
  • Would there be a delay with getting trained medical personnel on the scene?
  • Is it a high-risk workplace, or workplace where there is a risk of electrocution?
  • Are there large numbers of members of the public in the area?

If there is a risk of cardiac arrest in the workplace then the following considerations will make having the AED in the workplace more effective:

Location – accessible, visible and central. Where people will see it and be able to access it quickly in the event of an emergency. High-traffic areas or areas where someone is most likely to go into sudden cardiac arrest.  Accessible to people with a disability.

Proper set up – follow the instructions as per manufacturer’s guidelines. Standardized bright signs and cabinets should mark AED locations. Consider purchasing an alarmed (audible or back to security) AED wall cabinet to house the AED and all of the accessories. This will make it stand out more, securely house the AED and all its accessories, alert bystanders or security of the medical emergency and deter theft or tampering.  

Training – while formal training is not required to use an AED, workers need to be aware that it is available at their workplace and given a demonstration.  This will ensure everyone feels comfortable to use it during an emergency.

Maintenance – routine maintenance (testing and inspection for damage and expiration) as per manufacturer’s recommendations are required to keep the AED in proper working order and is critical for ensuring that the defibrillator remains fully operational and effective. 

Defibrillator locations

Defibrillator locations is now accessible via UQ Maps (St Lucia only, Herston, Gatton and Long Pocket work in progress).

Campus or siteDefibrillator locationOrganisational Unit
St LuciaAdvanced Engineering Building (Building 49), Level 1, corridor adjacent to room 106BFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
St LuciaAdvanced Engineering Building (Building 49), Level 2, adjacent to liftsFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - School of Civil Engineering
St LuciaAdvanced Engineering Building (Building 49), Level 5, adjacent to liftsFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
St LuciaAIBN Building (Building 75), Reception level 1Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)
St LuciaAxon Building (47), Level 2, adjacent to liftsFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
St LuciaBuilding 69, Level 4, Clinical UnitFaculty of Medicine
St LuciaBuilding 69, Level 6, corridorFaculty of Science - School of Mathematics and Physics (SMP)
St LuciaCAI Building (Building 57), Level 1, Room 107, 7T MRICentre for Advanced Imaging (CAI)
St LuciaColin Clark Building (Building 39), Level 2, main entrance areaFaculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL)
St LuciaConnell Building (Building 26), Room 224Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences - Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
St LuciaConnell Building (Building 26), Room 330Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences - Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
St LuciaChemistry Building (Building 68), Level 3 receptionFaculty of Science - School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (SCMB)
St LuciaChemistry Building (Building 68), Faculty of Science Workshop, Room 141Faculty of Science
St LuciaHartley Teakle bld. (blb. No 83) level 3, cabinet is wall-mounted in the corridors across from S308Faculty of Science
St LuciaJohn Hines bld (bld. no. 62) level 3, next to 304 (male toilets)Faculty of Science
St LuciaGoddard Building, Level 2,Just outside School Reception (229)Faculty of Science
St LuciaUQ Science Store (Chemical Store) Building 99, The room number is 221Faculty of Science
St LuciaAndrew N. Liveris Building (64), Level 4 receptionFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - School of Chemical Engineering
St LuciaGerhmann Laboratories (Building 60), Level 2, Room 227, 3T MRICentre for Advanced Imaging (CAI)
St LuciaGerhmann Laboratories (Building 60), Level 4, FoyerFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - Advanced Water Management Centre
St LuciaGeneral Purpose South (Building 78), Level 2, adjacent to fire panelFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
St LuciaGeneral Purpose South (Building 78), Level 4, opposite liftFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
St LuciaHawken Engineering Building (Building 50), Level 3 EastFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
St LuciaHuman Movement Studies Building (Building 26B), corridor outside rooms 305 and 306Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences - Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
St LuciaHuman Performance (HP) Laboratories (Building 26A), Room 133Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences - Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
St LuciaJ.D Story (Building 61), Level 3, Room 304Central Administration
St LuciaBrian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 1, Entrance 
St LuciaBrian Wilson Chancellery (61A), Level 2, Entrance 
St LuciaLearning Innovation Building (Building 17), Room 225Teaching and Learning Innovation (ITaLI)
St LuciaMansergh Shaw Building (Building 45), the corridor, room 103Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - Innovation Group
St LuciaMansergh Shaw Building (Building 45), hallway outside 408AFaculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) - Innovation Group
St LuciaSteele Building (03) Level 2 Room 209, Student Admin officeFaculty of Science, School of Earth, and Environmental Sciences
St LuciaRichards Building, (05) Level 1 Room 197. In the foyer of the main entry off the Great CourtFaculty of Science, School of Earth, and Environmental Sciences
St LuciaChamberlain Building (35) Level 2 Room 297. Main entry near automatic glass doorsFaculty of Science, School of Earth, and Environmental Sciences
St LuciaMolecular Biosciences (Building 76), Level 2, adjacent to the liftsFaculty of Science - School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (SCMB)
St LuciaParnell Building (Building 7), Level 1, outside Room 120Faculty of Science - School of Mathematics and Physics (SMP)
St LuciaPhysics Annexe (Building 6), Level 2, outside Room 202 (next to lift)Faculty of Science - School of Mathematics and Physics (SMP)
St LuciaPrentice Building (Building 42), Level 2, Security OfficeProperties and Facilities - Security
St LuciaPrentice Building (Building 42), Level 5, Security OfficeProperties and Facilities - Security
St LuciaQBI Building (Building 79), Reception - Room 301Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
St LuciaQBI Building (Building 79), Room 744Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
St LuciaQueensland Bioscience Precinct (Building 80), Level 1, Outside the Electronics WorkshopInstitute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) 
St LuciaQueensland Bioscience Precinct (Building 80), Level 2, Outside the First Aid Room (corridor behind QBP Reception)Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB)
St LuciaQueensland Bioscience Precinct (Building 80), Level 5, Near the Passenger LiftsCSIRO
St LuciaRitchie Research Laboratories (Building 64A), Level 3, Room C394Queensland Brain Institute (QBI)
St LuciaSS Vehicle, mobile emergency vehicle and traffic buggyProperty and Facilities (P&F) - Security
St LuciaSeddon Centre Block (82B), Level 3, RB302School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
St LuciaSir James Foots Building (Building 47A), foyer between rooms 441 and 442Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI)
St LuciaSir William MacGregor Building (Building 64), Room 120Biomedical Sciences (SBMS)
St LuciaTherapies Building (Building 84), Level 2, corridor outside Room 209School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
St LuciaTherapies Building (Building 84), Level 5, corridor outside Room 516School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
St LuciaUQ Centre (Building 27A), receptionUQ Centre
St LuciaUQ Sport Aquatic Centre (Building 27), Front reception next to the wash station/lifeguard station UQ Sport
St LuciaUQ Sport Athletics Centre (Building 29A), entrance from track/ovalUQ Sport
St LuciaUQ Sport Fitness Centre (Building 25), Back wall of receptionUQ Sport
St LuciaUQ Sport Function Space (The Pavilion Building 53C), Back wall of First Aid roomUQ Sport
St LuciaUQ Sport Tennis Centre (Building 29), On the left of the window in the office areaUQ Sport
St LuciaUQ Sport Synthetic Fields, Viewpoint & Brewpoint (Building 33), Right side wall when standing at First aid entry doorUQ Sport
St LuciaUQ Boat House (Building 30), Inside wall of middle roller door - carpark sideUQ Sport
HerstonMayne Medical School Building (881), Level 2, in fire panel opposite main receptionFaculty of Medicine - Mayne Medical School
HerstonPublic Health Building (887), Level 2 ReceptionFaculty of Medicine - School of Public Health
HerstonUQCCR Herston Imaging Research Facility (918), Level 3, Room 345 - Sick Bay/First AidFaulty of Medicine - UQ Centre for Clinical Research (CCR)
GattonNW Briton Building Annexe (8101A), Level 1, Emergency RoomUQ Health Service
GattonUQ Sport Fitness & Aquatic Centre (Building 8145), Storage shelves in ReceptionUQ Sport
Long PocketBanksia Building (Building 1016), Level 2, main entrance receptionEngineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
Long PocketFoxtail Building, bottom of buildingEngineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT)
Brisbane CityUQ Brisbane City, 88 Creek Street, Level 4Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL)
Heron IslandBoating and Diving ShedFaculty of Science
Heron IslandReceptionFaculty of Science
Indooroopilly Mine SiteBuilding 638, Level 1Pilot Plant
Indooroopilly Mine SiteBuilding 642, Level 3, JK Centre Reception Stage 1Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (SMI-JKMRC)
Moreton Bay Research StationBuilding 776, Outside Room 116Faculty of Science
Pinjarra HillsBuilding 101 ReceptionCRC Mining
CharlevilleSouthern Qld. Rural Health training facilityFaculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
BundabergRegional Clinical Unit Building 0824 ReceptionFaculty of Medicine
Hervey BayRegional Clinical Unit Building 0819 Main corridorFaculty of Medicine
RockhamptonRegional Clinical Unit Building 0967 Reception L2Faculty of Medicine
ToowoombaRegional Clinical Unit Building 0808 Reception L2Faculty of Medicine

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