The Wheel of Wellbeing is the UQ Wellness framework to support staff wellbeing.

This framework supports the idea that there are many different influences on our sense of wellbeing.

Imagine these different influences are spokes in a wheel. It's important for all the spokes to function for the wheel to turn properly.

The seven wellbeing influences that help us to thrive are:

  • Physical - The lifestyle behaviour choices you make to ensure health, avoid preventable diseases and conditions, and live in a balanced state of body and mind
  • Mental - Experiencing positive emotions, feelings of inner happiness, self-acceptance, life satisfaction and ability to cope with life stressors.
  • Financial - The extent to which you are managing your current commitments comfortably, and having the financial resilience to maintain this into the future.
  • Social - Your experience of positive relationships and connectedness to others.
  • Environmental - Your sense of safety, comfort and connection with your physical surroundings.
  • Occupational - The personal satisfaction and enrichment you get from your work and feeling good about the work you do.
  • Spiritual - Your sense of life-meaning and purpose, including connection to culture, community, spirituality, and the beliefs, values, mental models and ethics you hold.

Downloadable posters

You can also download and print out the Wheel of Wellbeing poster (PDF, 117.1 KB) and Wellness@UQ blueprint (PDF, 94.6 KB) to spark a conversation in your work unit about wellbeing.

Health Promotion Campaigns

Monthly campaigns on different topics will include education, resources, events, suggestions or challenges to support UQ staff in increasing control over, and improving, their health or just serving as a timely reminder that maybe that area of their life could do with a bit of attention.

Let's talk

Wellbeing support

For practical advice about how to improve your sense of wellbeing, get in touch with the UQ Wellness team, or book a free coaching session through the Employee Assistance Program.