UQ Wellness Behaviour Change Programs
UQ has partnered with Bupa to develop a series of behaviour change programs for staff looking to improve and prioritise their health and wellbeing.
The 12-week online programs will run throughout the year, each focusing on a different mental or physical wellbeing areas.
Mood Food nutrition program to enhance your gut, brain and mental health, Goal Set program will focus on physical wellbeing and Mind Set program focuses on mental fitness
- Format: programs will be facilitated by qualified experts through an external provider
- Eligibility: all fixed-term, continuing and casual staff, regardless of whether you are a Bupa member are eligible to participate
- Cost: free to all eligible staff
- Data collection: UQ staff who submit an expression of interest to take part in a program will need to provide their name and relevant contact details. The details of participants selected to take part in a program will be passed to Bupa for the purpose of program administration (for example, program communications, calendar invitations, pre/post surveys etc.)
- Cancellations: if you are no longer able to participate in the program, please advise UQ Wellness at wellness@uq.edu.au.