Negotiating financial clauses

If you’re negotiating financial clauses for a contract or grant agreement, follow the guidelines for help negotiating realistic and achievable terms for financial reporting, invoicing of funders, and bank accounts.

Guidelines for negotiating financial clauses (staff login required)

Recording a non-research project in UniFi

Externally funded consultancy, contract and services projects need to be recorded in UniFi so we can track income and expenditure correctly.

Contact your Finance Professional Services team to arrange for a new project set up in UniFi.

Financial administration and reporting:

See the Contract Research and Grants Financial Management Procedures for more information about:

Contact your Finance Professional Services team if there are any changes to your project, such as:

  • the project is extended
  • you receive funding from an additional source
  • the person who authorises expenditure for your project (the budget holder) is leaving or needs to change for any other reason.

Information for finance staff