4. How to register

The online registers are available to applicable staff members through my.UQ dashboard. If you're not within the applicant scope for the register, you won't be able to access it.

To complete your disclosures:

  1. Go to your my.UQ dashboard.
  2. Click on 'My Requests'.
  3. Click on 'New Request'. 
  4. Select the register you need from the list and complete.

Alternatively, access the registers directly below:

Conflict of Interest

Secondary Employment

Sensitive Research

Foreign Influence

The following workflow diagrams visually depict steps for completing each disclosure:

View workflow for conflict of interest (PDF, 308.6 KB) View workflow for secondary employment (PDF, 247.2 KB) View workflow for sensitive research (PDF, 242.2 KB) View workflow for foreign influence (PDF, 195.4 KB)

Each register has a series of FAQs and other help resources. 

Casual, unpaid and honorary staff

If you're a casual, unpaid or honorary staff member and are unable to access the online registers but have a conflict of interest or item to disclose, you can complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) form. This form is different to the online register.

You're only required to complete the COI form if you have a perceived, potential or actual conflict of interest to disclose.


Disclosure and management of interests - who needs to register?

UQ has created an integrated framework regarding the disclosure and management of interests, which simplifies and clarifies policies and procedures to ensure ethical and legal compliance.        

All fixed-term and continuing staff members are required to complete the Conflict of Interest Register. Casual, unpaid and honorary staff who have a conflict of interest to declare are required to complete the Conflict of Interest form and submit to your supervisor in your organisational unit. Note that this form is different to the Conflict of Interest Register.

All professional staff (HEW 8 level and above) are required to complete the Secondary Employment Register.

All academic staff (continuing and fixed-term contracts of 12 months or longer; conjoint appointments where UQ is the lead employer) are required to complete the:

These registers must be completed annually, even if there is no item to disclose, and when circumstances change.