LGBTQIA+ inclusion at UQ
UQ is committed to developing and maintaining a safe, positive and inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual and aromantic (LGBTQIA+) people that is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.
The commitment to a culture of diversity, inclusion, respect and acceptance at The University of Queensland has been recognised once again with a Gold Employer ranking in the 2022 Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI). The index is the definitive national benchmark for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the workplace and means that UQ has scored in the top 10 per cent of employers nationally.
We value and are committed to the diversity of gender, sex and sex characteristics, and sexuality among our staff, as demonstrated in the UQ Strategic Plan.
Our initiatives include:
- the UQ Ally Network
- educating staff on gender, sex and sexuality diversity inclusion through Ally workshops and other resources to create a well-informed and inclusive UQ community
- policies that use a definition of partner and families that is inclusive of same-sex partnerships and family units
- policies, informed by legislation, that demonstrate UQ’s strong commitment to removing any barriers that LGBTQIA+ community members may face
- support for gender affirmation/transition in the workplace
- events to celebrate and recognise national and international days of significance
- gender-inclusive categories in HR systems.
Ally Network
The UQ Ally Network is an award-winning network of well-informed staff who create a safe, welcoming and inclusive space for sex, gender and sexuality diverse people at UQ and the broader community.
We received a Gold award in the 2022 Pride in Diversity Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI), Silver award in 2019 and Bronze in the 2016, 2017 and 2018 AWEI.
The commitment to a culture of diversity, inclusion, respect and acceptance at The University of Queensland has been recognised once again with a Gold Employer ranking in the 2024 Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI). The AWEI is the definitive national benchmark for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the workplace and means that UQ has scored in the top 10 percent of employers nationally. Futhermore, UQ has been recognised as the winner of the 2024 Trans & Gender Diverse Inclusion Award.
UQ was awarded a Silver Employer award in 2020 and 2019, and a Bronze award in the 2018, 2017 and 2016 Pride in Diversity Australian Workplace Equality Index.
In 2011 UQ was named as one of the top 10 most LGBTIAQ friendly Australian employers by Pride in Diversity.
UQ values diversity and inclusion and welcomes job applications from LGBTQIA+ people. Our LGBTQIA+ Recruitment Guide gives potential candidates an overview over the benefits of working at UQ and answers to the most common questions from the community.
If you belong to this community and are concerned about this impacting an application to work at the University, please contact for a confidential discussion with staff who are trained in LGBTQIA+ inclusion, and specifically in trans and gender diverse experiences, about how we can remove some of those barriers.
Pride in Diversity membership
UQ is an active member of Pride in Diversity, an Australian not-for-profit organisation that works with Australian employers to promote LGBTQIA+ inclusiveness in the workplace.
We work with Pride in Diversity to:
- develop and maintain an inclusive work environment
- report annually on programs, initiatives and objectives in regards to this commitment
- build resources to further educate the UQ community on LGBTQIA+ inclusiveness.
As a member of Pride in Diversity, we have access to resources to support the inclusion of the diversity of gender and sexuality. These resources are for UQ staff only and should not be shared publicly.
- Let's Talk Gender (staff login required) (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- A Managers Guide to LGBTI Workplace Inclusion (staff login required) (PDF, 2.6 MB)
- Pride in Diversity Employers’ Guide to Intersex Inclusion (PDF, 956KB)
- Supporting Employees Affected by the Debate on Marriage Equality (PDF, 918.7 KB)
- LGBTI Inclusion: Walking in Rainbow Shoes (staff login required)
Staff development and guides
UQ recognises that the LGBTQIA+ community faces specific forms of bullying, discrimination and harassment. For more information, we recommend all staff read these fact sheets from the Australian Human Rights Commission:
Other useful resources:
- Trans @ Work from the Queensland Human Rights Commission provides information on how to develop and maintain an inclusive workplace for trans people.
- Homophobia in the Workplace (PDF, 1.1MB) is an excellent resource for identifying, preventing and removing homophobia in the workplace.
- Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) publish a range of online publications, some of which are available in hardcopy through UQ. Contact Workplace Diversity and Inclusion for more information.
- UQ uses the Australian Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex and Gender
- Domestic Violence in Rainbow Families describes the unique challanges faced by LGBTQIA+ families.
- UQ Ally Workshop training program.
Support services
You and your immediate family can access LGBTQIA+ specific support through the Employee Assist Program (EAP).
If you are travelling for work, and either yourself or your travel companions are LGBTQIA+ people, we recommend you regularly check the UQ ISOS Portal and complete the ISOS training on LGBTQIA+ travel.
If you are experiencing LGBTQIA+ related bullying or harassment, report it immediately to Workplace Diversity and Inclusion. We can support you to follow the staff grievance resolution procedure. We have specially trained Discrimination and Harassment Contact Officers who are also Allies, and who can provide specialised, sensitive information and support in these cases.
Students should refer to the UQ Union, UQ Union Queer Collective, a member of the Ally Network or Student Services for support and advice.
External services:
- PFLAG (Parents and friends of Lesbians and Gays)
- Diverse Voices is a not-for-profit organisation with a focus on the wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community
- Rainbow Service, Relationships Australia provides a relationship counselling service for the LGBTQIA+ community
- Open Doors Youth Service supports LGBTQIA+ young people, providing services such as case management, social groups, counselling, assistance with housing, employment, education etc, and emergency supply of food, toiletries and clothing
- Queensland Aids Council provides a number of services and resources for the LGBTQIA+ community:
- The LGBTI Legal Service Inc is a non-profit and unfunded community-based legal service
- QLD Police LGBTI Liaison Officers is a partnership program between the Queensland Police and the LGBTQIA+ community
LGBTQIA+ friendly health services:
- Gladstone Road Medical Centre
- Stonewall Medical Centre
- Holdsworth House Medical Practice
- Search DocDir to find LGBTQIA+ inclusive health professionals
UQ Ally Executive Champions
Professor Doune Macdonald, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning)
Professor Doune Macdonald is Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching & Learning) (PVC-TL). As PVC-TL, Professor Macdonald is responsible for achieving UQ’s teaching and learning objectives. Doune is also an alumni of UQ: she completed her Undergraduate and Honours degrees at The University of Queensland. After completing her PhD at Deakin University, Doune re-joined the School of Human Movement Studies as a lecturer in 1990. In 2012 Doune won the UQ Vice Chancellor’s Leadership award.
Doune has continually worked hard to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for gender, sex, and sexually diverse people at UQ and is extremely proud to be an Ally Executive Champion. As an Ally Executive Champion, Doune continues to actively support the efforts of the network to advocate, develop and maintain an inclusive environment for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, aromantic, and queer (LGBTQIA+).
Doune believes that we do our best work when we feel safe and supported and can bring our whole, authentic selves to work and study, and she encourages every student and staff member to do their part to foster a UQ community that is free from discrimination, harassment, and bullying.
Professor Heather Zwicker, Executive Dean (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)

Professor Heather Zwicker is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Science (HASS). As Executive Dean, Heather is responsible for the academic and administrative leadership of the Faculty of HaSS, ensuring that its Schools, Centres, and Institutes contribute effectively to the University’s goals in learning, research, and engagement. Heather completed her Undergraduate degree with Honours in English at the University of Alberta in 1988, and her PhD in 1993 from Stanford University.
Professor Heather Zwicker joined UQ’s Ally Network as an Executive Champion in 2020. Heather is proud to acknowledge the University’s commitment to LGBTQIA+ staff and students. As Ally Executive Champion, Heather is looking forward to being able to give back to the queer community and she intends to focus on the expression of diverse gender and sexual identities.
Being an Ally Executive Champion allows Heather to help other people “live with more joy and less heartbreak”. Heather would like to see UQ approach LBGTQIA+ issues in an intersectional way – so that while we are creating a supportive environment for people of gender and sexual diversity, we are also addressing other forms of discrimination within our communities. According to Heather “it’s about learning from one another – which is what a University is all about.”
Professor Craig Franklin (President, Academic Board)
Professor Craig Franklin is the President of the Academic Board and a Professor in Biological Sciences at The University of Queensland. He has been a member of academic staff at UQ since 1995.
Craig actively champions diversity and inclusion within all aspects of his life - at work, in his communities, and within society more broadly. He is an Ally Executive Champion supporting the LGBTQIA+ community and upholds the fundamental values of mutual respect, tolerance and honesty. He always aims to maintain a sense of humour in facing life’s challenges.
“I am most humbled to be an Ally Executive Champion for the Ally Network and all that it stands for. When I arrived at UQ in 1995, there was no Ally Network and no visibility nor acknowledgement of the LGBTQI+ community in any meaningful way. Thankfully, times have moved on, and the formation of the Ally Network in 2004 provided a giant leap forward,” Professor Franklin said.
Outside of work, he is a cook, gardener, lover of the oceans, bush & wildlife, and gets enjoyment sharing good food & wine with his partner Noel, family and friends, and from being a grandfather.
Dr Dino Willox (Director, Student Employability)
Dr Dino Willox is Director, Student Employability, and a Senate Member, at The University of Queensland and a Principal Fellow of AdvanceHE. They are responsible for developing and coordinating the strategic direction, framework, and services that assist students to become game-changing graduates. Working in partnership with internal and external stakeholders, Dino’s work spans professional, academic, curricular, and extracurricular spaces, taking a multidimensional strategic approach to embedding employability.
Dino is an Ally Executive Champion and works with colleagues and the UQ Ally Action Committee to ensure that diversity, inclusion, and intersectionality are recognised as vital for creativity and innovation and is a former Board Member and Secretary of the Brisbane based LGBTIQ Legal Service.
Dino’s pronouns are they / them.
LGBTQIA+ young people are more likely to experience financial hardship and homelessness during their time at university than their heterosexual, cisgender peers.
Established in 2013, the UQ LGBTQIA+ Bursary supports UQ students of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities experiencing financial hardship at any point of their studies.
The UQ Ally Network proudly supports the Bursary with fundraising activities throughout the year, including The Annual Great Rainbow Bake Off, and since the start of 2021, over $30,000 has been donated to the fund.
Each year, scholarships of between $500 and $2000 are awarded to LGBTQIA+ students in need of support, including costs associated with changing their name.
Your support is highly appreciated and you can donate here. For more information, contact UQ Scholarship Office at
Alumni Pride Scholarship
LGBTQIA+ young people are more likely to experience financial hardship and mental health issues during their time at university than their peers, due to social stigma and discrimination.
Our goal is to establish The Alumni Pride Scholarship by creating an endowment fund, enabling an annual award of approximately $4,500 to help advance the educational experience of one LGBTQIA+ student experiencing financial hardship, every year, in perpetuity.
Thanks to the support of Alumni Friends, Professor Heather Zwicker, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and collective donors, we are close to reach our fundraising goal and start awarding the scholarship.
We are immensely appreciative for the generous support of our UQ community, and we would be grateful for your help to ensure higher education is affordable to LGBTQIA+ students at UQ. You can donate here.