UQ is committed to developing and maintaining a safe, positive and inclusive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual and aromantic (LGBTQIA+) people that is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.

We value and are committed to providing a caring, inclusive and empowering environment for all, as demonstrated in the UQ Strategic Plan.

Our initiatives include:

  • the UQ Ally Network
  • educating staff on gender, sex and sexuality diversity inclusion through Ally workshops and other resources to create a well-informed and inclusive UQ community
  • policies that use a definition of partner and families that is inclusive of same-sex partnerships and family units
  • policies, informed by legislation, that demonstrate UQ’s strong commitment to removing any barriers that LGBTQIA+ community members may face
  • support for gender affirmation/transition in the workplace
  • events to celebrate and recognise national and international days of significance
  • gender-inclusive categories in HR systems.
  • The LGBTQIA+ Recruitment Guide, developed for LGBTQIA+ candidates and recruiters.
  • The Ally Award

The commitment to a culture of diversity, inclusion, respect and belonging at The University of Queensland has been recognised with a Gold Employer ranking in the 2024 Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI). The AWEI is the definitive national benchmark for LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the workplace. UQ has also been recognised as the winner of the 2024 Trans & Gender Diverse Inclusion Award.

Learn more about:

Pride in Diversity membership

UQ is an active member of Pride in Diversity, an Australian not-for-profit organisation that works with Australian employers to promote LGBTQIA+ inclusiveness in the workplace. We work with Pride in Diversity to:

  • develop and maintain an inclusive work environment
  • report annually on programs, initiatives and objectives on our commitment
  • build resources to further educate the UQ community on LGBTQIA+ inclusiveness.

As a member of Pride in Diversity, we have access to resources to support the inclusion of the diversity of gender and sexuality. These resources are for UQ staff only and should not be shared publicly.

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Gender affirmation in the workplace

The University recognises that a person's gender may not align with the gender assigned at birth and is committed to supporting someone who affirms their gender in the workplace.

A gender affirmation, or transition, process is different for everyone, but it may involve changing their name, appearance, dress, salutations, and other aspects of themselves to align with their true gender. The University is committed to supporting staff in affirming their gender in the workplace in a safe, positive, and inclusive way. University Staff who wish to affirm their gender have access to confidential and specific support, including special paid leave, to do so in the manner they choose.

The UQ guide for supporting gender affirmation or transition in the workplace provides information to staff and supervisors on how to best support staff affirming their gender in the workplace. Supervisors and colleagues are important in supporting staff to affirm or transition their gender in the workplace. The staff member affirming or transitioning their gender can work with their supervisor to develop a workplace gender affirmation plan to guide the process.

To develop a plan to assist and support staff during this process, download the:

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Gender inclusive practises

Using inclusive language

The UQ standard inclusive gender-neutral salutation is ‘Mx’. However, not everyone who is non-binary will use a gender-neutral salutation. People who are non-binary or gender diverse may also have the salutation of Dr, Associate Professor, Professor, Mr, Mrs, etc.

See the UQ Inclusive Language Guide for more information.

Indicating your pronouns at UQ

Everyone can indicate their pronouns by

  • Wearing a pronoun badge,
  • Adding your pronouns to your Zoom account,
  • Including your pronouns in your email signature: staff also have this option when using the UQ DAM email signature template,
  • Add your pronouns to your Office 365 and your Microsoft Teams profile,
  • Add your pronouns to your Employee/Worker profile in Workday. This will only appear if you have added pronouns under the Personal Information section of the Worker Profile.

The UQ Branding, UQ Ally Network, Student Employability Centre, and Student-Staff-Partnership teams have created a set of posters and stickers to help with pronouns:

Dress codes and uniforms

UQ inherently accepts all dress forms and doesn’t have a formal dress code. Staff can express themselves through clothing in any way they personally choose, regardless of gender.

There are few ‘uniforms’ within the UQ context, but where they exist, there are no gender differences or restrictions.

Learn more:

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All Gender Toilets

Why Gender-Inclusive Facilities Are Important

Access to a safe toilet is a basic human right. We have a diverse community at UQ that includes transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and intersex people. The addition of all-gender toilets, alongside single-gender facilities, enables UQ to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment for our entire community.  

All students, staff, and visitors are entitled to use the bathroom of their choice. UQ provides all-gender toilets for people of any gender or gender expression. They provide a space for people who might not feel safe or comfortable using the gendered toilets. Additionally, all gender toilets benefit parents or guardians accompanying children, as well as people who require the assistance of a Carer.  

How to tell if it’s an All-Gender Toilet

All gender or gender-neutral toilets have signage with a toilet icon and the words “All Gender Toilet”.  On UQ Maps, you can search “all gender toilets” or search “toilet” and click the ‘Toilets – All Gender’ icon.  It will then show you where these are on campus.

Where do we need more all-gender toilets?

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion and Property and Facilities would like feedback on UQ locations you think need to be a priority for UQ to add or update all-gender toilets in buildings/worksites/locations. Please note that they are being rolled out gradually. By submitting a location for review, you are letting us know which locations need to be considered first. All responses are completely anonymous. We don't collect emails, names or any of your details. 

Highlight a Space

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How we support students


LGBTQIA+ young people are more likely to experience financial hardship and homelessness during their time at university than their heterosexual, cisgender peers.

Established in 2013, the UQ LGBTQIA+ Bursary supports UQ students of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities experiencing financial hardship at any point of their studies.

The UQ Ally Network proudly supports the Bursary with fundraising activities throughout the year, including The Annual Great Rainbow Bake Off, and since the start of 2021, over $30,000 has been donated to the fund.

Each year, scholarships of between $500 and $2000 are awarded to LGBTQIA+ students in need of support, including costs associated with changing their name.

Your support is highly appreciated and you can donate here. For more information, contact UQ Scholarship Office at scholarships@uq.edu.au

Alumni Pride Scholarship

LGBTQIA+ young people are more likely to experience financial hardship and mental health issues during their time at university than their peers, due to social stigma and discrimination.

Our goal is to establish The Alumni Pride Scholarship by creating an endowment fund, enabling an annual award of approximately $4,500 to help advance the educational experience of one LGBTQIA+ student experiencing financial hardship, every year, in perpetuity.

Thanks to the support of Alumni Friends, Professor Heather Zwicker, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and collective donors, we are close to reach our fundraising goal and start awarding the scholarship.

We are immensely appreciative for the generous support of our UQ community, and we would be grateful for your help to ensure higher education is affordable to LGBTQIA+ students at UQ. You can donate here.

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Staff development and guides

​UQ recognises that the LGBTQIA+ community faces specific forms of bullying, discrimination and harassment. For more information, we recommend all staff read these fact sheets from the Australian Human Rights Commission:

Other useful resources:

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Support services

You and your immediate family can access LGBTQIA+ specific support through the Employee Assist Program (EAP).

If you are travelling for work, and either yourself or your travel companions are LGBTQIA+ people, we recommend you regularly check the UQ ISOS Portal and complete the ISOS training on LGBTQIA+ travel. 

Students should refer to the UQ Union, UQ Union Queer Collective, a member of the Ally Network or Student Services for support and advice.

External services:

LGBTQIA+ friendly health services:

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