Xetta is UQ's official system for recording and receipting payments.

Only organisational units that are approved to use Xetta can accept and receipt in-person payments.

See the Receipting and Banking Procedures for more information.

Access for your organisational unit

If your organisational unit takes a high volume of in-person payments and has valid reasons for requiring Xetta for point-of-sale transactions you need to submit a business case to Revenue Services.  

Information to include in the business case:

  • the business being conducted by the organisational unit
  • the value and volume of payments
  • type of clientele
  • why there is a need for point-of-sale transactions.

Access for individual staff members

If your organisational unit uses Xetta and needs to arrange new access or update existing access, complete:

  1. both lessons in the Xetta online training. Note: Lesson 2 Training Success Meter requires a pass mark of 90%.
  2. a Xetta New User Request form. Note: The email address added for new users must be linked to their UQ Authenticate account (check this at https://auth.uq.edu.au) and the form must also include an existing user to copy permissions from.

Using Xetta

There are a number of things you can do as a user to ensure Xetta runs productively and effectively:

  • shut down your computer each day and restart each morning
  • make sure you log in to the Internet Management System/Single Sign On before logging in to Xetta 
  • run the End of Day process before you run the Session Manager process
  • if you get errors or the system freezes, tick 'Refresh Local Settings' when you log back into Xetta to refresh your computer.

Changing templates and product codes

If you need to add or change a template or product code in Xetta, email the details to Revenue Services.