To report a fire or other emergency contact Security on 53333 immediately.

Report a fire system fault or request by logging a job in ARCHIBUS (staff login required). Contact PF Assist if you don't know who your ARCHIBUS nominated user is.

Access the Emergency Procedure cards for your area.

Complete a Personal Emergency Evauation Plan. 

Fire safety and emergency training

All UQ staff must complete the Fire safety awareness online training (staff login required) every year in Workday.

At the end of the module, you will need to complete the compulsory assessment to be tested on the material you learned.

If you don't have a UQ login, you can access the UQ Affiliates and Volunteers training.

Emergency Warden training

UQ staff who are Emergency Wardens are required to complete the Annual Emergency Warden Training in Workday. UQ Affiliates who are Wardens can access the training at UQ Affiliates and Volunteers training.

Emergency drills

Each UQ building must conduct a compulsory annual evacuation drill. This drill is a legislative requirement and must meet a certain standard to pass. A Fire Safety Officer, or their representative, and the Chief or Deputy Chief Warden must sign the completed PF264 Emergency evacuation practice form to evaluate the drill:

If you are taking part in an emergency drill, follow what you learned in your fire safety online training and follow the directions of wardens.

Fire equipment

Firefighting equipment is shown on emergency evacuation diagrams in all buildings. These diagrams also show evacuation paths and assembly areas. To request the diagrams contact your local Deputy Fire Warden, Chief Fire Warden or Safety Coordinator.

Fire extinguisher training

UQ staff can enrol to attend fire extinguisher training via Workday. UQ Affiliates will need to contact UQ Fire Safety at to register their interest.

To enquire about group bookings for schools/faculties please email Fire Safety.

Hot work and fire systems isolations

You can arrange to have part of the fire system isolated to prevent unwanted fire alarms while you undertake necessary work. To request fire system isolation:

  1. Complete the After Hours Access & Fire Systems Isolation Request form (DOCX, 68.2 KB).
  2. Have an authorised officer (P&F Project Officer, P&F Trade Supervisor or UQ ITS Staff) submit it to Security for approval no later than 3pm the day before the isolation is needed.
  3. Security will let you know if the isolation can go ahead.

ARCHIBUS access for emergency wardens

Information specific to emergency wardens is located in ARCHIBUS. If you are a Chief or Deputy Warden, or Safety Warden, you can request access to the emergency wardens module in ARCHIBUS.

To prepare in advance for fire emergencies, access the UQ Emergency Procedure cards.

Emergency wardens should complete the PF635 Warden checklist form for their area every 6 months and submit it to the UQ Fire Safety Officer:

If you believe the warden database is out of date and need to update your details, contact the Chief Fire Warden who will update the database using the Warden Database Form: