This policy and related procedures are applicable to all staff and affiliates unless stated otherwise.

10. Managing consultancy, secondary employment and internal work

Staff responsibilities

Once you have completed the Secondary Employment Register, you will need to:

The staff member conducting consultancy work is responsible for:

  • declaring and managing potential, perceived or existing conflicts of interest in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy
  • ensuring work relating to consultancy activities does not adversely impact on primary work duties
  • considering and complying with any regulations and ethical guidelines applicable to the nature and conduct of that work
  • managing all project income and expenditure
  • budget preparation and identifying all expenses that relate to the consultancy work
  • applying and submitting consultancy work and
  • delivering and reporting requirements of the project.

Management responsibilities

In general, supervisors must comply with and must make sure that their staff take responsibility for complying with UQ’s Policies and Procedures and Disclosure and Management of Interests.


Provost is required to approve certain types of secondary employment for academic staff in accordance with the procedures. Provost approval is required for:

  • A consultancy account balance over $200,000; approval is subject to an appropriate spend down plan.
  • The classification of units or programs as Standard Consultancy Type 1 and Teaching Consultancy Type A.

The Chief Operating Officer is required to approve certain types of secondary employment for professional staff in accordance with the procedures.

The Chief Operating Officer is required to approve certain types of secondary employment for professional staff in accordance with the procedures.

Level 3 Authorised Officer responsibilities

The Level 3 Authorised Officer has responsibility within their organisational unit to:

Level 5 Authorised Officer responsibilities

The Level 5 Authorised Officer has responsibility within their organisational unit to:

  • Manage and approve internal work in accordance with this the Consultancy, Secondary Employment and Internal Work Policy and related procedures
  • Ongoing review of Secondary Employment Register entries and follow-up including resolution of any items that require further management in line with the Conflict of Interest Policy or other UQ policy or procedures.
  • Monitor management of potential, perceived or existing conflicts of interest in accordance with the Conflict of Interest Policy.
  • Approve standard and teaching consultancy in accordance with all relevant principles and conditions of the Consultancy, Secondary Employment and Internal Work Policy and Research and Consultancy Costing and Pricing Procedure. Considerations in granting approval by the Level 5 Authorised Officer for academic staff must include:
    • Strategic alignment of the nature of the work to the organisational unit’s objectives;
    • Impact of the work on academic workloads and the delivery of core activities in the organisational unit;
    • Nature of the work and benefits to the University and the individual’s professional development; and
    • Pricing in accordance with the Research and Consultancy Costing & Pricing Procedure.
  • Endorse CPP and TCP proposals;
  • Approve payments for academic consultancy work.

Human resources (HR) services

Human resources (HR) services are also responsible (as required) in monitoring and/or providing reports to heads of organisational units of the information disclosed in the Secondary Employment Register.

For more information about HR authority levels see the HR Authorisation Schedule.

Need advice?

Identifying consultancy, secondary employment and internal work may be complex for some staff.

If you are unsure how to identify, disclose or manage consultancy, secondary employment and/or internal work items, you can talk to:

For consultancy:

For secondary employment:

For conflicts of interest (COI):

For queries about conflicts of interest related to research:

For general queries regarding the disclosure and management of interests, contact:


Disclosure and management of interests - who needs to register?

UQ has created an integrated framework regarding the disclosure and management of interests, which simplifies and clarifies policies and procedures to ensure ethical and legal compliance.        

All fixed-term and continuing staff members are required to complete the Conflict of Interest Register. Casual, unpaid and honorary staff who have a conflict of interest to declare are required to complete the Conflict of Interest form (PDF 1.42 MB) and submit to your supervisor in your organisational unit. Note that this form is different to the Conflict of Interest Register.

All professional staff (HEW 8 level and above) are required to complete the Secondary Employment Register.

All academic staff (continuing and fixed-term contracts of 12 months or longer; conjoint appointments where UQ is the lead employer) are required to complete the:

These registers must be completed annually, even if there is no item to disclose, and when circumstances change.