This guide is for sites built in the new version of Drupal (like Study or Scholarships).
If you're working on a Drupal 7 (UQ Standard) site, see videos on Drupal 7.

Adding a new video

Before you add a video you'll need to:

  • check if the video has already been added to Drupal. See how to search for and update videos
  • upload it to a video hosting platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo. Make sure you use an appropriate UQ account, rather than one associated with an individual staff member
  • add captions for any spoken content as a minimum. If you are using auto-generated captions, make sure you check them against the video and make all necessary corrections.

To add a new video:

  1. Once you log into Drupal, hover over 'Content' in the Drupal menu then select 'Media' > 'Add media' > 'Remote video'.
  2. Enter a name. You'll search for this name when you add the video to pages, so make sure it's distinct and descriptive.
  3. Enter the URL for the video.
  4. On Study, if the video should display for domestic or international users only, select the relevant student region.
  5. Save.
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Updating a video

If a video has been updated with a new version, you can replace it in Drupal. This will update it everywhere it's already used on the site. You can also edit the name of the video if needed.

To update a video:

  1. Once you log into Drupal, hover over 'Content' in the Drupal menu then select 'Media'.
  2. Search for the video (filtering by content type: 'Remote video' can help narrow down the results).
  3. Select 'Edit' for the relevant page.
  4. Update the name or URL as needed.
  5. Save.
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