UQ Drupal fundamentals training has been designed to provide you with a structured programme to develop your knowledge, skills, and confidence in using the UQ Drupal content management system.

The self-paced online training course will provide:

  • an overview of the functionality of UQ Drupal
  • opportunities to create and edit content according to best practice principles
  • resources to promote website accessibility and usability.

It's the required level of training for the following Drupal roles:

  • editor
  • reviewer
  • site coordinator.

Successful completion of the UQ Drupal Fundamentals course does not guarantee access to a production website. Access must be authorised by the website owner/approver.


Drupal Fundamentals Training Process
Click to view larger image

Required resources

  1. Distraction-free time - schedule approximately 4 hours to complete the online course. If you have been trained on a previous version of Drupal, you should be able to complete the training in less time.
  2. Technological resources - computer with preferably 2 screens; earphones for listening to the videos.

All tasks that ask you to create or update content must be completed in your personal sandbox website. To prepare yourself you will need to do the following:

  1. Generate your sandbox website
  2. Download images and files to use in your sandbox

Avoid using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer for Drupal training.

Generate your sandbox website

  1. Go to https://sandbox.drupal.uq.edu.au
  2. In the footer click Login and enter your UQ credentials.
    login link
  3. In selecting the template choose:
    UQ Standard for the site template (3rd option)
    Site Editor for your role
  4. Click Next
  5. Click Generate my sandbox. This may take up to 30 minutes.
    generate sandbox
  6. Refresh or re-open the page in 15-30 minutes for your sandbox details.

    View a generated UQ Drupal sandbox (training website)

Download images and files

Download images and files to use in your sandbox. Save these to your computer
Download images and documents for tasks

UQ Drupal training gives you a chance to learn by doing.

Performing the training tasks in the UQ Drupal sandbox (training website) allows you to become comfortable with UQ Drupal and make mistakes while you learn in a safe non-production environment.

After you receive confirmation of successful completion of the UQ Drupal Fundamentals course,  ask the Website owner/approver to email webservices@uq.edu.au stating that they approve your access to the production website. 

​If you are unsure who your website owner/approver is, go to https://web-publishing.uq.edu.au/support and ascertain who in your work unit is authorised to approve website access.

This email should include the name and url of your website, your UQ Username, the type of access to be granted, i.e. site editor.

Check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you are unable to find the answer contact us for further assistance.

How do I log in to my UQ Drupal sandbox (training website)?

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the login link in the footer.
  2. Enter your UQ credentials.

uq drupal login

Why does my UQ Drupal sandbox look different from the one in the training course?

It's possible a different sandbox was generated, i.e. UQ Standard - Faculty profile.

We recommend regenerating your sandbox and recommence the training (note you will lose any work previously created). If the sandbox is still different contact webservices@uq.edu.au and one of the team will escalate and troubleshoot.

Why can’t I upload images to my Website?

If you are using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer, logout and open your sandbox in Chrome or Firefox. Attempt to upload the images to your website again. If you still experience a problem, contact webservices@uq.edu.au

What do I do when I finish?

When you have completed all the listed tasks email web-content@uq.edu.au confirming you have completed the training and your name, email and sandbox URL.

How do I get access to a production website?

After you have received confirmation that you have successfully completed the UQ Drupal Fundamentals training, ask the website owner to contact Web Services to request that you get Site Editor access to the website.

How do I know who the website owner is?

Review the contact details for Drupal websites to find the website owner.

Please fill out the feedback form advising us of your learning experience – this will assist us in making improvements to the training.


Avoid using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer for Drupal training.