OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud-based file storage service and is a simple way to store, access, sync and share files across your personal and UQ devices.
All UQ staff have access to 1TB of storage on OneDrive. If you use OneDrive on the UQ network your monthly internet quota is not affected.
To set up and use OneDrive, follow the instructions for your operating system, or for your web browser.
OneDrive data is stored in Australian data centres in Sydney and Melbourne. Data is encrypted when stored in the data centres, and an extra layer of encryption is used any time data is transmitted. Find out more about where Microsoft 365 data is stored.
Step 1: Download OneDrive
OneDrive is installed by default on UQ Windows computers. To install OneDrive on your personal device, go to the Microsoft website.
Once you've downloaded OneDrive, you can proceed to set up.
Step 2: Set up OneDrive
To set up OneDrive on your computer:
- Open the 'Start' menu, then search for and open 'OneDrive'.
- Enter your UQ username using the format For example,
- Click 'Sign in'. If the UQ Authenticate screen appears, enter your usual UQ account username and password and click 'Login'.
- Your OneDrive folder will be shown as C:\Users\uqusername\OneDrive – The University of Queensland. Don't change this location.
- You will be shown options for syncing your OneDrive folders to your computer. As this is your first time using OneDrive, you won't have any folders to sync – you can select these later. Click 'Next'.
- Read the instructions in the pop-up window.
- Select 'Open my OneDrive' folder to finish.
You can now access OneDrive from your computer or device. If you want to access your files and folders from another device, you can log in to OneDrive online.
Step 3: Using OneDrive
The information below covers the basics for using OneDrive. For more guides, see the OneDrive help & learning page.
Uploading files and folders
To upload a file or folder to OneDrive:
- Open the 'Start' menu.
- Search for and open 'File Explorer'.
- Find the file or folder you want to upload.
- Drag the file or folder to 'OneDrive' in the left side menu. This will move the file or folder to OneDrive.
Syncing folders
To sync your OneDrive folders with your computer:
- Select the OneDrive cloud icon in the notification area at the bottom of your screen.
- Click the settings cog wheel, then select 'Settings'.
- Select the 'Account' tab and click 'Choose folders'.
- In the 'Choose folders' window, select which folders you want to sync to your computer.
- Select 'OK'.
To sync a folder to your OneDrive that is shared with you:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click 'Shared with you'.
- Open the folder you want to sync.
- Click 'Sync'.
- Follow the prompts to complete the process.
The folder will appear in the File Explorer under 'The University of Queensland'.
To add a shortcut to a folder that is shared with you:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click 'Shared with you'.
- Click the circle to the left of the folder you want to add to select it.
- Select 'Add shortcut to My files'.
The folder shortcut will appear in 'My files' and in your OneDrive in File Explorer.
Any Outlook .PST archive files, EndNote or other database files stored in OneDrive folders will not be backed up and synced.
Sharing files and folders
To share a file or folder with another person:
- Open the 'Start' menu.
- Search for and open 'File Explorer'.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the left menu.
- Right click on the file or folder you want to share. Click 'Share'.
- Select 'People you specify can edit' to access the link settings.
- Depending on who you want to access the link, select one of the following options:
- to share with a UQ staff member, select 'People in The University of Queensland'
- to share with a UQ student or someone outside UQ, select 'Specific people'.
- Leave the 'Allow editing' box ticked if you want to allow the file or folder to be edited.
- Click 'Apply'.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to share the file or folder with. If you want to share the link with multiple people, enter each email address.
- Click 'Send'.
When sharing files or folders with an external business, you may encounter issues if cross-tenant file sharing is not supported. Please consult with the business to check if file sharing via OneDrive is possible. You may prefer to use alternative file sharing options such as RDM.
To view shared files and folders:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click the 'Shared with you' or 'Shared by you' tabs.
To stop sharing a file or folder with another person:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click the 'Shared by you' tab.
- Tick the file or folder you want to stop sharing, then select 'Manage access'.
- Select 'Stop sharing'.
Step 1: Download OneDrive
OneDrive is installed by default on UQ Mac computers. To install OneDrive on your personal device, go to the Microsoft website.
Once you've downloaded OneDrive, you can proceed to set up.
Step 2: Set up OneDrive
To set up OneDrive on your UQ computer:
- Press the 'Command' key and then spacebar to search for and open OneDrive.
- Enter your UQ username using the format For example,
- Click 'Sign in'. If the UQ Authenticate screen appears, enter your usual UQ account username and password and click 'Login'.
- Select 'Choose OneDrive Folder Location'.
- Your OneDrive folder will display in your home folder uqusername>OneDrive – The University of Queensland. Don't change this location.
- You will be shown options for syncing your OneDrive folders to your computer. As this is your first time using OneDrive, you won't have any folders to sync – you can select these later. Click 'Next'.
- Read the instructions in the pop-up window.
- Select 'Open my OneDrive folder'.
- Select the Apple menu icon at the very top of your screen.
- Select 'System Preferences' and then 'Extensions'.
- Select 'All' from the side menu and then tick the box next to 'OneDrive'.
You can now access OneDrive from your computer. If you want to access your files and folders from another device, you can log in to OneDrive online.
Step 3: Using OneDrive
The information below covers the basics for using OneDrive. For more guides, see the OneDrive help & learning page.
Uploading files and folders
To upload a file or folder to OneDrive:
- From your dock, open 'Finder'.
- Locate the file or folder you want to upload.
- Drag the file or folder onto 'OneDrive' in the left side menu. This will move the file or folder to OneDrive.
Syncing folders
To sync your OneDrive folders with your Mac:
- Select the OneDrive cloud icon in the menu bar at the top of your screen.
- Select 'Preferences' and click the 'Account' tab.
- Select 'Choose Folders' and choose which folders you want to sync.
To sync a folder to your OneDrive that is shared with you:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click 'Shared with you'.
- Open the folder you want to sync.
- Click 'Sync'.
- Follow the prompts to complete the process.
The folder will appear in the Finder, under your Home folder, then in the 'The University of Queensland' folder.
To add a shortcut to a folder that is shared with you:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click 'Shared with you'.
- Click the circle to the left of the folder you want to add to select it.
- Select 'Add shortcut to My files'.
The folder shortcut will appear in 'My files' and in your OneDrive on your Mac's Finder.
Any Outlook .PST archive files, EndNote or other database files stored in OneDrive folders will not be backed up and synced.
Sharing files and folders
To share a file or folder with another person:
- From your dock, open 'Finder'.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the left side menu.
- Right click on the file or folder you want share. Click 'Share'.
- Select 'People you specify can edit' to access the link settings.
- Depending on who you want to access the link, select one of the following options:
- to share with a UQ staff member, select 'People in The University of Queensland'
- to share with a UQ student or someone outside UQ, select 'Specific people'.
- Leave the 'Allow editing' box ticked if you want to allow the file or folder to be edited.
- Click 'Apply'.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to share the file or folder with. If you want to share the link with multiple people, enter each email in the 'Add another' field.
- Click 'Send'.
When sharing files or folders with an external business, you may encounter issues if cross-tenant file sharing is not supported. Please consult with the business to check if file sharing via OneDrive is possible. You may prefer to use alternative file sharing options such as RDM.
To view shared files and folders:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click the 'Shared with you' or 'Shared by you' tabs.
To stop sharing a file or folder with another person:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click the 'Shared by you' tab.
- Tick the file or folder you want to stop sharing, then select 'Manage access'.
- Select 'Stop sharing'.
Step 1: Download OneDrive
If OneDrive isn't already available on your iPhone or iPad, download it from the App Store.
Once you've downloaded OneDrive, you can proceed to set up.
Step 2: Set up OneDrive
To set up OneDrive on your device:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- On the Sign In screen, enter your UQ username using the format For example, Tap the right arrow.
- You'll be directed to the UQ Authenticate screen. Enter your usual UQ account username and password and tap 'Login'.
- If you want to enable OneDrive notifications, follow the instructions on screen.
To avoid excessive data charges, we recommend only updating OneDrive when you're connected to Wi-Fi.
To activate Wi-Fi-only updating:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- Select 'Me' from the menu at the bottom of your screen.
- Tap 'Settings'.
- Make sure 'Use Mobile Network for Offline' is turned off.
Step 3: Using OneDrive
The information below covers the basics for using OneDrive. For more guides, see the OneDrive on iOS page.
Uploading files
To upload files to OneDrive:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- Tap the icon at the top of your screen.
- Tap 'Upload'.
- Browse and select the files you want to upload.
Sharing files and folders
To share a file or folder with another person:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- Press and hold the file or folder you want to share. Release. A tick will appear.
- Tap 'Share' at the top of your screen.
- Tap 'People you specify can edit' to access the link settings.
- Depending on who you want to access the link, select one of the following options:
- to share with a UQ staff member, select 'People in The University of Queensland'
- to share with a UQ student or someone outside UQ, select 'Specific people'.
- Leave the 'Allow editing' box ticked if you want to allow the file or folder to be edited.
- Tap 'Apply'.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to share the file or folder with. If you want to share the link with multiple people, enter each email address.
- Tap 'Send' to share the file.
When sharing files or folders with an external business, you may encounter issues if cross-tenant file sharing is not supported. Please consult with the business to check if file sharing via OneDrive is possible. You may prefer to use alternative file sharing options such as RDM.
To view shared files and folders:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click the 'Shared with you' or 'Shared by you' tabs.
To stop sharing a file or folder with another person:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click the 'Shared by you' tab.
- Tick the file or folder you want to stop sharing, then select 'Manage access'.
- Select 'Stop sharing'.
Signing out of OneDrive
To sign out of OneDrive:
- In the OneDrive app, select 'Me' from the menu at the bottom of your screen.
- At the top of your screen, select the OneDrive account you want to sign out from.
- Scroll down and select 'Sign out of this account'.
Steps may be slightly different on your screen, depending on the version of Android you are using and your device.
Step 1: Download OneDrive
If OneDrive isn't already available on your device, download it from Google Play.
Once you've downloaded OneDrive, you can proceed to set up.
Step 2: Set up OneDrive
To set up OneDrive on your Android device:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- Enter your UQ username using the format For example, Tap the arrow.
- You'll be directed to the UQ Authenticate screen. Enter your usual UQ account username and password and tap 'Login'.
To avoid excessive data charges, we recommend only updating OneDrive when you're connected to Wi-Fi.
To activate Wi-Fi only updating:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- Select 'Me' from the menu at the bottom of your screen.
- Select 'Settings'.
- Make sure 'Update offline files using' is set to 'Wi-Fi only'.
- If this isn't the case, tap 'Update offline files using' and then select 'Wi-Fi only'.
Step 3: Using OneDrive
The information below covers the basics for using OneDrive. For more guides, see the OneDrive on Android page.
Uploading files
To upload files to OneDrive:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- Open the folder you want to add a file to.
- Select the icon at the bottom of your screen.
- Select 'Upload'.
- Select the file you want to upload. OneDrive will upload the file to the folder you have opened.
Sharing files and folders
To share a file or folder with another person:
- Open the OneDrive app.
- Press and hold the file or folder you want to share. Release. A tick will appear.
- Tap the icon.
- Tap 'People you specify can edit' to access the link settings.
- Depending on who you want to access the link, select one of the following options:
- to share with a UQ staff member, select 'People in The University of Queensland'
- to share with a UQ student or someone outside UQ, select 'Specific people'.
- Leave the 'Allow editing' box ticked if you want to allow the file or folder to be edited.
- Tap 'Apply'.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to share the file or folder with. If you want to share the link with multiple people, enter each email in the 'Add another' field.
- Tap 'Send' to share the file.
When sharing files or folders with an external business, you may encounter issues if cross-tenant file sharing is not supported. Please consult with the business to check if file sharing via OneDrive is possible. You may prefer to use alternative file sharing options such as RDM.
To view shared files and folders:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click the 'Shared with you' or 'Shared by you' tabs.
To stop sharing a file or folder with another person:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Click the 'Shared by you' tab.
- Tick the file or folder you want to stop sharing, then select 'Manage access'.
- Select 'Stop sharing'.
Signing out of OneDrive
To sign out of OneDrive:
- In the OneDrive app, select 'Me' from the menu at the bottom of your screen.
- Select 'Sign Out'.
- Select 'OK'.
Web browser
All users can access OneDrive through a web browser. All you have to do is sign in to Microsoft 365.
Sign in to Microsoft 365
To access OneDrive on the web:
- Go to the Microsoft 365 website.
- On Microsoft's Sign In page, enter your UQ username using the format For example,
- You'll be directed to the UQ Authenticate screen. Enter your usual UQ account username and password and click 'Login'.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
You can also access OneDrive on the web via 'My files' on the my.UQ Dashboard.
Using OneDrive
The information below covers the basics for using OneDrive. For more guides, see the OneDrive help & learning page.
Uploading files and folders
To upload files or folders:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Select 'Upload' from the menu at the top of your screen.
- From the drop-down menu, select 'Files' or 'Folders'.
- Locate the file or folder you want to upload.
- Select 'Upload'.
Sharing files and folders
To share a file or folder with another person:
- Sign in to the Microsoft 365 website.
- Select 'OneDrive' from the 'Apps' list.
- Select the file or folder you want to share.
- Select 'Share' from the menu at the top of your screen.
- Select 'People you specify can edit' to access the link settings.
- Depending on who you want to access the link, select one of the following options:
- to share with a UQ staff member, select 'People in The University of Queensland'
- to share with a UQ student or someone outside UQ, select 'Specific people'.
- Leave the 'Allow editing' box ticked if you want to allow the file or folder to be edited.
- Click 'Apply'.
- Enter the email address of the person you want to share the file or folder with. If you want to share the link with multiple people, enter each email in the 'Add another' field.
- Click 'Send'.
When sharing files or folders with an external business, you may encounter issues if cross-tenant file sharing is not supported. Please consult with the business to check if file sharing via OneDrive is possible. You may prefer to use alternative file sharing options CloudStor or RDM.
To view shared files and folders:
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click the 'Shared with you' or 'Shared by you' tabs.
To stop sharing a file or folder with another person:
- Click 'Shared'.
- Click the 'Shared by you' tab.
- Tick the file or folder you want to stop sharing, then select 'Manage access'.
- Select 'Stop sharing'.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Here are our answers to common questions about OneDrive:
What file restrictions and limitations are there with OneDrive?
How do I make sure my OneDrive files and folders are always available offline?
How can I free up space if my OneDrive is full?
How long are files kept for in my OneDrive recycle bin?
How do I run a OneDrive sharing report?
What is OneDrive Known Folders and how is it implemented on my UQ computer?
How do I restore files or folders in OneDrive?
How long is my data kept on OneDrive after finishing at UQ?
How does AutoSave work when opening or saving documents on OneDrive or UQ network drives?
How do I save my OneDrive files?