2017 UQ Awards for Excellence
At the 2017 UQ Awards for Excellence the achievements of 86 nominations across the 5 award categories were celebrated.
Congratulations to all staff members that have been nominated for a UQ Award for Excellence. The awards acknowledge and celebrate our achievements, and each year the Awards Selection Committee are amazed by the stellar contributions, innovative work, and exemplary leadership demonstrated by all nominees.
eLearning Team
Through their ongoing leadership, the eLearning team has positioned UQ at the forefront of the eLearning practice nationally and internationally. The University's eLearning systems are a cornerstone of the modern UQ student experience. UQ now has one of the most comprehensive, advanced and automated eLearning environments in Australia, where all courses have an online presence and assignments are largely submitted electronically and marked online. In addition, most lectures are recorded and available to students to access 24/7 aiding in revision and flexible learning. The eLearning team has kept UQ abreast of new learning technologies to enhance learning outcomes, improve efficiency and improve the student experience. UQ students and staff are now highly engaged with their eLearning systems and services. All of the services are designed to be scalable to maximize broad impact. Comprehensive training programs, a helpdesk and one-on-one support are provided for academics.
- Dr Simon Collyer
- Ms Ailsa Dickie
- Mr Michael Luyten
- Ms Elizabeth Wardrop
- Mr Gary Smith
- Ms Stephanie David
- Ms Eva Cegielka
- Mr Paul Dutton
- Ms Ksenia Savin
- Mr Nathan la Burniy
Associate Professor Philip Bodman, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor Philip Bodman is an energetic, innovative and reliable leader with great vision for change and the ability to 'get things done'. As Associate Dean (Academic) in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (BEL), Phil leads by example in promoting a culture that reflects and supports the University values. Phil is relentless in upholding the academic standards of the University and provides strong leadership and guidance to faculty and school staff in matters of policy and governance. He smoothly guided BEL through the transition into the Australian Qualifications Framework compliance, and has gained international recognition working with the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualification. Phil has driven the introduction of innovative new programs and continues to work on new program ideas with a multi-disciplinary focus. He has assumed leadership of the Faculty's student focused operations, and the restructuring and rebranding of the Student Experience Team.
QBI Advancement and Communications Team
Constantly striving for excellence, the Queensland Brain Institute's (QBI) Advancement and Communications team is an exemplar of successful and innovative performance. In 2016, the team maximised public awareness of QBI and UQ in the media, engaged with the community through a busy events program, and generated significant philanthropic support for neuroscience research.
- Ms Mikaeli Costello
- Ms Carolyn Barry
- Ms Donna Lu
- Ms Andrea Markey
- Ms Jessica McGaw
- Ms Katherine Robbins
- Mr Nick Valmas
- Mr Alan Woodruff
- Dr Lavinia Codd
Oral Health Alliance Team
The Oral Health Alliance is a ground breaking partnership between The University of Queensland and Metro North Hospital and Health Services. It was a complex negotiation that also involved consultation and involvement with Queensland Health and the Commonwealth. This alliance has established a model that will be used by the University for health service partnerships in other disciplines. It positions the School of Dentistry as a sustainable centre of excellence in clinical teaching, research and service delivery. While the outcomes will provide a lasting legacy for the School, health service and the community, this project has required an extraordinary level of commitment from staff across many University organisational units: School, Faculty, Human Resources, Legal Services, Information Technology Services, and Property and Facilities. Throughout the project, it was patently obvious that the University should be immensely proud of the professionalism, skills, resilience and teamwork displayed by the staff involved.
- Mr Mika Hayward
- Ms Amelia Stuckey
- Ms Tricia Williams
- Ms Stacey Vogel
- Ms Julie Waldron
- Ms Chelse Dunne
- Mr Anthony Lennon
- Ms Ann-Maree Waugh
- Mr Simon Thomas
- Ms Julie Morrish
- Mrs Cristy Sun
- Ms Jane Malloch
- Ms Niti Prakesh
- Mr Greg Conrick
- Mr Todd O'Connell
- Mr Dan Moradian
- Mr Stephen Ross
- Mr Kevin O'Sullivan
- Mr Peter Greenwood
- Mr Neil Taylor
- Mr Darren Ehrlich
- Mr Ben Baldwin
Professor HÂ Peter Soyer, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute
Professor Soyer, appointed as UQ's inaugural Chair of Dermatology in 2007, is an eminent leader in the dermatology field with particular expertise in dermato oncology and dermatological imaging. He established UQ's Dermatology Research Centre, now consisting of 4 cooperative clinical and laboratory research groups with an established global reputation. His innovative research "3D QMelanoma" was recently awarded a UQ Faculty of Medicine 'flagship' Health Outcome Program. He continues to implement new collaborative partnerships enabling UQ's dermatology and skin cancer research, and facilitates advancement in the field evidenced by his initiation of the Australian Skin and Skin Cancer (ASSC) Research Centre, a joint UQ/QIMR initiative. His commitment to dermatology, particularly to the early detection of melanoma, will ensure he contributes significantly to a world where "No one should die of malignant melanoma", stated so eloquently by his late mentor A. Bernard Ackerman over two decades ago.
Dr Victor Galea, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences
For almost 30 years, Dr Galea has taught and co-ordinated plant science and general biology in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs at Gatton campus. He has provided leadership for both research and teaching implementing many initiatives that have improved teaching quality. He has instituted support for early career researchers, supporting staff across a range of disciplines and pedagogy styles encouraging staff to find their own teaching styles. He is a key driver in creating a culture of teaching excellence within the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences (SAFS) that values people, their individuality and leads by example in teaching excellence. His teaching and learning outcomes have been recognised by UQ, national and international awards. In his role as deputy Head of School, he has helped shape career directions and develop longer term strategic plans for many staff, and in the merging of SAFS utilised his considerable negotiation and diplomacy skills to deal with internal politics and build collegiality amongst staff.
Dr Sandra Hall, Advanced Water Management Centre
As the Engagement and Business Development Manager for the Advanced Water Management Centre (AWMC), Eastern Region Executive Director for the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Water Sensitive Cities, Qld President for the Australian Water Association, and an International Water Association Fellow, Sandra has used all opportunities at her disposal to promote the Centre to a national and international audience. In 2016 the AWMC was undergoing a dynamic transitional period - the Enhancing Systems and Services (ESS) was being implemented, the AWMC Director was on long service leave, and the AWMC Operations Manager had just resigned. Sandra shouldered the role of acting centre manager, taking on personnel management and operational support roles in addition to her regular duties of engagement and business development. She remained committed to fully supporting the staff and students of the centre by providing a point of communication between the executives and the team, and leading by example in adopting new policies and procedures.
Mr Kevin Wathen-Dunn, UQ Biological Resources
As a Senior Facility Manager with UQ Biological Resources (UQBR), Mr Kevin Wathen-Dunn provides valuable support to meet the needs of the research community within the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology and wider UQ researcher community. Kevin is frequently called upon to manage additional large UQBR facilities all whilst being an active and prominent member of OHS committees, Training committees and Animal Ethics Unit Committees just to name a few. Kevin leads with personal credibility and integrity while earning the respect of the research community and his team. Kevin has a humanised management style where all persons are respected and the wellbeing of the team is a high priority. His motivation to lead change within UQBR initiatives whilst leading the UQBR-Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) team demonstrates his ability to lead in keeping with UQ's vision, mission, strategy and values.
Dr Irina Vetter, Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Irina Vetter is an inspiring example for every young as well as experienced researcher. Due to her exceptional dedication, high level of intelligence and ability to address problems in a strategical manner, she is having an immense impact on the scientific and social community. Irina is leading a group of excellent young researchers and students and her leadership goes way beyond her duties as a supervisor and group leader. She inspires and motivates her people to work hard, explore the unknown and to dare to apply unusual ways of thinking to address and solve problems. Additionally, Irina teaches, guides and prepares her students for an excellent career, ensuring that their future research will have a great impact on the knowledge about pain as well as the wellbeing of the patients suffering from pain. Most importantly, Irina is beloved by her students and employees owing to her friendly personality and exceptional support.
Mr Rik Taylor, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
The nomination of Rik Taylor, Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure Manager in the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology is based on his long history of creative leadership to deliver innovative solutions of the highest technical quality for the benefit of students and staff in the Faculty. Rik has created an exemplary supportive work environment and culture in the 20 people strong Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) IT Infrastructure Group in which the strengths of each individual are used to ensure optimal project outcomes. Because Rik is leading by example and has implemented a flat management structure, the flow of information between the different teams is excellent. This results in response times and response quality to any issue within the highly complex IT environment that are without comparison. The EAIT staff and students have benefited from these outstanding services, and it is long overdue to recognise the person who is instrumental for creating and delivering them.
Mrs Andrea Strachan, Student Serivces
Andrea has been an exemplary leader for Student Services, achieving much for the division. Navigating systematic and organisational changes, Andrea has provided clear strategic direction to further develop support services and improve the student experience at UQ. Andrea has also focused on driving initiatives that reflect a positive culture and environment for Student Services staff. Andrea has developed, overseen and collaborated on many key projects and initiatives for Student Services and the wider UQ community. As a key advocate for a positive culture environment she has implemented many changes to improve the recognition and value of staff, driven initiatives to ensure office collaboration, and provided a clear model for integrity, accountability and leadership.
Dr Hanna Sidjabat, UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Dr Hanna Sidjabat is a Research Officer at the UQ Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR). She has recently founded Probiotic Discovery and Development, a team dedicated to finding solutions to diseases resistant to treatment with antibiotics. To her team she is a pillar of strength, enthusiasm and inspiration. Her encouragement of student involvement in the laboratory and research process is inspiring a new generation of clinical researchers. She works actively to engage both local and international industry partners and collaborators, establishing UQ as a leader in research in alternatives to antibiotics, creating solutions to one of the biggest problems facing modern medicine: antibiotic resistance and superbugs.
Professor Adil Khan, School of Social Science
Professor Khan brings 40 years of international development experience into the classroom - training, mentoring and inspiring the next generation of international development practitioners. Through his leadership approach (which centres the needs of international and English as a Second Language students, and with the highest regard for respect and diversity) Professor Khan supports students to achieve success in their development practice studies. Through his provision of international placements in development settings and sustained mentoring of students over the long term, including while students are in the field, Professor Khan contributes a vital role to ensure UQ graduates are engaged, ethical and compassionate development practitioners. In addition to providing this leadership support to UQ students, Professor Khan has successfully delivered curriculum to Australian and foreign diplomats, demonstrating recognition of his holistic approach to development practice training.
Professor Peter Hayes, School of Chemical Engineering
Peter Hayes is nominated in recognition of his 40 years of leadership. Peter initiated the dual major program in chemical and metallurgical engineering. This involved building a team of six teaching and research academics covering the sub-disciplines of minerals processing, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy in a holistic manner. This program has been an exemplar for modern metallurgy training which has been emulated in Australia and throughout the world. Throughout his career, he has shown consistent leadership in research maintaining high levels of quality research output and research income, winning best paper awards and writing the book "Process Selection in Minerals and Materials Production".
Dr Campbell Gray, UQ Art Museum
Dr Campbell Gray displays a leadership philosophy that is based on empowering and nurturing his team to build a shared vision - both for our organisation's mission and for our team's culture. Campbell demonstrates exceptional personal credibility and a way of dealing with others that motivates individuals to model his behaviour. Campbell has led the UQ Art Museum through a period of significant organisational change, with the vision of making education a central focus of the Art Museum's creative activities within the whole university and across the wider community. This focus aligns fundamentally with UQ's Strategic Plan. It strives to provide innovative and enriching teaching and learning environments, where creativity catalyses learning and research. It provides for innovative educational partnerships with UQ's multiple schools, research centres and wider communities. These innovations are also at the forefront of Art Museum best practice nationally and globally.
Mr Stephen Fleming, Legal Services
As Acting Legal Director, Stephen demonstrated exceptional leadership of the University's legal function, fostering a collaborative culture and modelling a focused, results-driven approach with professionalism, sensitivity and humour. Stephen's hard work, resilience and grounded commercial approach in his acting role inspired colleagues, and his commitment was instrumental in ensuring that UQ's legal function continued to provide the University with appropriate support and advice.
Dr Jason Ferris, Institute for Social Science Research
Nomination 1:
Dr Jason Ferris is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). He leads Drug Alcohol and Crime Research and works within the Research Methods and Social Statistics (ReMASS) program. He holds affiliate positions with the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course and UQ School of Social Science. He is the chief biostatistician for the Global Drug Survey and currently holds a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) fellowship. Dr Ferris strives for excellence while making time to mentor colleagues and students. He has engaged in a range of formal leadership activities including ISSR postgraduate coordinator and program director of Methods for Social Science Statistics. He leads by example engaging with his research community through research advisory boards, postgraduate committees (NHMRC; ISSR), and conference committees. In 2016, Publons recognised him as an inaugural Sentinel of Science being among the highest achievers in peer review for medicine.
Nomination 2:
Dr Jason Ferris is a Senior Research Fellow and has been leading Drug, Alcohol and Crime Research at the Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR). He is on the expert advisory committee, and is the principal statistician for the Global Drug Survey, and part of the scientific program committee for the Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs. He currently holds an NHMRC fellowship and affiliate positions with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course and the UQ School of Social Science. Jason engages with his research community through research advisory boards, the NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme, the ISSR Higher Degree by Research (RHD) committee, conference committees, Statistical Society of Australia and involvement with the Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences. Furthermore, he has shown his leadership qualities as program director of the Methods for Social Science Statistics workshop series and as ISSR postgraduate coordinator.
Professor Roslyn Boyd, Child Health Research Centre
In an era where disability research is under focus with the launch of the National Disability Insurance scheme and funding for research is even more competitive, Roslyn Boyd, Professor of Cerebral Palsy Research in the Faculty of Medicine, has recently shown outstanding leadership for her team to achieve two major programs: an NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence and an Advance QLD partnership program, along with major philanthropic support and NHMRC fellowships ($5 million in 2016). Over the past eight years, Ros has led the QLD Cerebral Palsy (CP) researchers with innovative proposals to secure >$35 million. She has led a successful national Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) for an Australasian CP Clinical Trials network, and an Advance Queensland program which will improve early detection of infants at risk of Cerebral Palsy and fast track families to evidence-based early intervention changing the lives of families with children with this life-long condition.
Dr Greg Birkett, School of Chemical Engineering
Greg Birkett is an outstanding leader in the School of Chemical Engineering. He has been the Director of Teaching and Learning since the school inception in 2009, and has delivered a marked improvement in student satisfaction over 2009-2016 through strategic course coordinator appointments, implementing staff-student feedback and selflessly taking on core chemical engineering 1st, 3rd and 4th year courses. Greg has also successfully launched the new Bachelor of Engineering Master of Engineering (BEME) program in the school of chemical engineering that is now delivered across EAIT, and reshaped the new Master of Engineering (ME) program in chemical engineering to enable more ease of international student entry. Greg's best leadership quality by far is to work with unwavering engineering clarity on a project and integrating many people together from different parts of UQ to do so. "Losing Greg" was identified as the biggest risk to teaching in the School of Chemical Engineering, at the recent 2016 strategic school retreat.
Alumni and Community Relations Team
Over the past five years, led by the central Alumni and Community Relations Team, alumni engagement at The University of Queensland has grown into an established and robust series of programs and initiatives delivering on UQ's engagement objectives. Three of those programs have been recognised for excellence by Educate Plus - a national body of Advancement professionals. The Alumni and Community Relations Team provide strategic leadership across UQ to lead and drive change, working collaboratively with many Faculty and School colleagues propelling and impelling continuous improvement to achieve results. The University of Queensland has 240,000 alumni in over 170 countries worldwide.
- Ms Amanda Briggs
- Ms Jane Atkins
- Ms Prue Roche
- Mrs Mary Brown
- Ms Sarah Calderwood
- Mr Marc Orchard
- Ms Rebecca Jackson
Master of Data Science Team
The Master of Data Science team proposed and developed the flagship postgraduate coursework program in a short span of 18 months. The program responds to an area of national importance currently experiencing significant skills shortage. The strategic and timely launch of the program in 2017 allows UQ to be the first university in Queensland to offer a program in data science. The team mobilized experts from across the university involving multiple faculties and institutes to bring together an innovative curriculum that constitutes one of the most technically advanced offerings in Australia. Embracing the cross-disciplinary nature of data science, team members from computer science, statistics, mathematics, engineering, business, ethics, law and social science have worked collaboratively to ensure UQ graduates can become leaders in this rapidly developing field. The initiative has generated strong industry interest that will benefit both students and UQ researchers.
- Professor Shazia Sadiq
- Associate Professor Tony Roberts
- Professor Xiaofang Zhou
- Professor Xue Li
- Dr Ian Wood
- Dr Yoni Nazarathy
- Professor Michele Haynes
- Associate Professor Marta Indulska
- Dr Mark Burdon
- Dr Mohamed Sharaf
- Associate Professor Marcus Gallagher
UQ BLISS Symposium Organising Committee
Ongoing collaboration, innovation and career development for early- and mid-career researchers (ECRs and MCRs) is essential to ensure a sustainable and productive research framework in UQ and across Australia. To achieve this vision, ECRs from 9 different UQ Schools, Centres and Institutes came together to create and organise a one-day symposium. To maximise the symposium's impact, the organising committee also recruited ECRs from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), QIMR and Griffith and launched the inaugural Brisbane Life Science ECR Symposium (BLiSS). This event was spearheaded by the enthusiastic and committed UQ contingent and attended by over 200 ECRs to promote their research, develop their career and discuss on key issues in today's research environment. BLiSS' motto "meet/share/grow" epitomises the ability of this dynamic group of young researchers to lead change, work strategically and build a culture where networking and sharing ideas drives scientific innovation and creates the leaders of tomorrow.
- Dr Ilaria Stefani
- Dr Kirsty Short
- Dr David Poger
- Dr Alvin Lo
- Dr Zachary Houston
- Dr Maryam Ziaei
- Dr Diahann Jansen
- Dr Ella Trembizki
- Dr Frances Pearson
- Dr Linda Gallo
- Dr Nasim Amiralian
- Dr Ronan Kapetanovic
- Dr Florence Cotel
- Dr Alexandra Depelsenaire
ASD Domestic Admissions
Domestic Admissions have transitioned UQ to the new Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) admissions offering model and during the process have formed collaborative relationships with other UQ peers, clients and stakeholders. They have successfully implemented a major project in addition to providing outstanding services to applicants, and in doing so have firmly confirmed their professionalism, transparency and accountability to the wider community. In addition to this major project they initiated and undertook to further support and enhance the student experience through outreach activities and targeted individual support for prospective students supporting UQ initiatives in diversity and the constant pursuit for excellence of service. Domestic Admissions is a relatively small team who have answered more than 30,000 enquiries in the last year alone, including assistance to colleagues in other units in times of pressure. The team champion the University objectives and at all times strive to support the One UQ strategy.
- Ms Melissa Cross
- Mrs Fiona Brandis-Dalton
- Ms Tamalee Robbins
- Mr Greg Ferris
- Mr Clive McKeown
- Ms Candice Meyer
- Ms Stevie-Lee Lovejoy
- Ms Sarah Rochford
- Ms Saige Masson
- Ms Rachel Scott
Ms Esther Fink, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering
Esther is the epitome of the ethos and actions of the service culture that we strive for at UQ. Her efforts over the past six years, during a time of extraordinary and innovative changes that we have been making in EAIT, contribute strongly towards meeting the learning expectations of our hyper-connected and digitally-minded learners. Esther's commitment to supporting our staff in this endeavour has been instrumental in helping us establish the Centre for eLearning Innovations and Partnerships in Science and Engineering (eLIPSE) which is a vital step forward in achieving our vision of modernising and innovating our learning environment. Esther is the face of Technology Enhanced Active Learning not only within EAIT Faculty but clear across the wider community of Educational Designers at UQ. Esther's contribution to our innovative technology enhanced curriculum ENGG1200 Flipped Classroom has also been recognised nationally through keynote invitations to Blackboard conferences in Australia.
AIBN IT Department
For virtually every challenge faced (particularly during high stress situations such as the grant writing season) the IT team here can always be relied on to provide immediate, courteous, and capable support to allow the scientific staff of the AIBN to achieve their research goals. For continually be exemplars of service and competence, and continually delivering service which exceeds all expectations, I enthusiastically endorse their nomination for a UQ Excellence in Service Award.
- Mr Paul Watson
- Mr Luke Eppell
- Mr Nathan Boyd
- Mr Jaleel Yusia
- Mr Rodney Weatherall
HASS Student Administration Team
In 2016, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Student Administration Team demonstrated consistently exceptional service to staff and students in the School of Communication and Arts by providing academic advice and support for two, simultaneous, whole-of-program re-structures to the Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Communication (as well as impacted majors in the Bachelor of Arts). These program changes necessitated large-scale transition and completion plans, strategies for implementation, one-to-one academic advisory sessions; many hours of specialised program advice and impacted upon single and dual degree planners, credit equivalency, and exchange study, in addition to regular business. Despite these challenges, the HASS Team responded swiftly to enquiries; championed innovation (such as use of the BA Planner app and CRM system); and advocated for School initiatives. In short, they have built an enviable working relationship with our School based on clear communication, understanding and mutual respect.
- Ms Leanne Smith
- Ms Laura Aberdeen
- Mr Chris Burke
- Mr John Hughes
- Ms Jill Wardropper
- Mr Mark Holland
- Ms Jessica Pryde
- Mr Jordan Butler
- Ms Melissa Vickery
UQ GVEC Corrective Services Project Delivery Team
Queensland Corrective Services Delivery project commenced in 2012 when the Queensland Government State Body was seeking a new provider for Agricultural Training in Qld Prisons. The University of Queensland Gatton Vocational Education Centre (UQ-GVEC) excelled in its delivery mode and efficient operations resulting with the contract now entering its 6th year and UQ-GVEC is now the largest provider of Rural Training in the Queensland Corrective Services system. This relationship was strengthened under the Certificate III Guarantee model and is now UQ-GVEC's second largest contract and commercial income stream. The project is a complex arrangement requiring significant management relating to travel, accommodation, protocol, access, staff suitability and communications. This project is of significant value to UQ-GVEC and is proposed to continue for the foreseeable future with some scope of increasing its capacity. The current of number of prisons engaged by UQ-GVEC is nine and it is expected for this grow to 11 in 2017. Current Enrolments combined are around 500.
- Dr Carmelo Galea
- Ms Di Palmer
- Mr Mark Pace
- Ms Gina Sharp
- Ms Hope Young-Barney
- Mr Chris Clausen
- Ms Lisa Noffke
- Mr Glen Van Emmerick
Mr Chris Barnett, Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Seminal research requires excellence in infrastructure and support systems. Equally important is the need for people with the dedication, passion and the vision to enable it. For almost thirty years, Chris Barnett's work as Scientific Infrastructure Manager at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience (IMB) has created a research environment that allows researchers to focus on discoveries that create global change. Chris has pioneered innovations in research service support for seamlessness, empowers quality and the highest levels of the responsible conduct of research. His deep understanding of research helps him advance facilities and technology at an accelerated pace, guaranteeing that UQ's research outcomes from IMB are relevant and cutting edge. This also helps UQ attract and retain world-leading researchers who trust Chris to protect, support and champion their research. Chris is the invaluable person on whom all our research outputs and outcomes rely. I am proud to nominate him for this important award.
Ms Majella Fergusson, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Majella Ferguson's commitment to UQ's international endeavours is outstanding. It's not just her focus, responsiveness and capability, it’s her generosity in helping others achieve the things they need to succeed. Majella has made a huge contribution to UQ over the past decade, most recently in the humanities and social sciences. She has written applications for the alumni award winners, managed the UQ-Capitol Washington Internship program and helped secure multi-year New Colombo Plan funding for the UQ Reporter in India program. She has negotiated and nurtured longstanding partnerships with Universitas Indonesia and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and more recently with institutions in China. Majella was invited to act as Executive Officer in the International portfolio during 2016, supporting two Deputy Vice-Chancellors during a time of leadership change. Majella Ferguson makes everyone she works with achieve more, enabling them to create change.
Ms Sharon York, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Over the last 12 years, Ms Sharon York has demonstrated reliably excellent performance, combining outstanding technical knowledge with creative problem-solving skills in ways that consistently promote UQ's values. Sharon establishes and develops robust, mutually beneficial alliances between UQ research teams and a wide variety of partners from public and private sectors. The outstanding quality of service Sharon provides to both internal and external stakeholders has facilitated several important and strategic research partnerships. Sharon has also been commended for making significant and pivotal improvements in both policy and procedures, across a broad range of areas including intellectual property (IP) support and research contract management. Her outstanding professional and personal qualities, together with her customer focus and willingness to go the extra mile mean that Sharon has made noteworthy contributions to building the professional standing and reputation of the UQ community.
Mrs Michelle Wright, Rural Clinical School (Bundaberg)
Michelle has provided an outstanding service to our School of Medicine students. Her service goes beyond the call of duty in that she makes herself always available to students and is willing to ensure that the well-being of students goes beyond mere academia. I have observed her interactions with students and it is always warm and welcoming. Moreover, Michelle's passion for the provision of outstanding compassionate professionals in the rural and remote sector is visible by her genuine efforts to ensure that students have a genuine experience whilst placed here. Lastly, her desire to promote the University of Queensland's motto of Excellence within the wider community can be observed by the work she did in coordinating initiatives for the prevention of suicide within the Bundaberg and surrounding areas. I nominate her because her excellence in service to medical students and the wider community should be recognised.
Ms Kerry Vinall, School of Agriculture and Food Sciences
Dr Kerry Vinall has been instrumental in facilitating teaching and research for the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences academics and research groups for several years. She has streamlined processes for the maintenance and good order of facilities and shared equipment. She has assisted in the applications for quarantine and biosafety permits and served as a direct link with the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) authorities. Dr Vinall undertakes training of all new users for expensive and complex scientific equipment and supervises their use in order to maintain the equipment in good working order. Before her arrival, many of the very expensive equipment fell into disrepair due to the lack of care and supervision. She always endeavours to help even in those cases that clearly fall outside her duties. Her dedication and professional attitude has had a very positive influence on the scientific output of the academic groups. Most importantly, Dr Vinall has created a culture of "service with a smile" in which users are actually encouraged to contact her.
Mr Michael Tobe, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Michael Tobe, the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Laboratory, Technical and Field Manager, has played a critical leading role in delivering two major teaching laboratory refurbishments. The first (in the former School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management) resulted in the delivery of the Physical Geography teaching laboratory in Steele Building for teaching in 2016. The second has been the on-time completion (with an extraordinarily tight schedule) of a complex and extensive laboratory rebuild for Earth Science in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences that was ready from day one of semester 1, 2017. Both these new facilities provide for exceptional student learning experiences, and facilitate staff implementation of the latest in pedagogical innovation. Michael single-handedly represented the school and worked with architects, Property and Facilities and builders to ensure an outstanding result for all users of these facilities. Michael consistently provides this outstanding level of exceptional service. Feedback from students and industry partners with whom our students gain experience is overwhelmingly positive.
Mr Eros Romero, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Eros Romero is a highly valued member of the professional staff in the newly formed School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES). The merger of two similar sized schools (School of Earth Sciences (SES), School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management (GPEM)) was always going to present challenges to staff providing support services. Eros stands out as the individual who, despite a workload that doubled, continued to provide the best experience at every interaction. Already well regarded in GPEM for his innovation in improving customer service for loans and our poster printing facility, as part of the merger he took on additional scope and enormous uncertainty with emotive extras such as key custodianship, space, office and seating allocations. He tirelessly works to achieve outcomes while being exceptionally personable and mindful of the customer - staff or student. The result is over 15 staff offices and the front service counter of SEES relocated, with appropriate repairs, infrastructure and signage to ensure a seamless first day of semester.
Mr Scott Phillips, Information Technology Services
Scott Phillips made extremely significant contributions to several large Infrastructure projects in 2016, including the upgrade to the optical network between St Lucia and Herston campuses, delivering more robust and higher capacity connectivity between these locations, the "Next Generation" data centre project which delivered a cutting-edge platform for application delivery to the University and the "Medici" project which delivered an advanced distributed storage platform for research data and high performance computing. He also delivered the cabling solution used to interconnect data centres at St Lucia, instrumental to the delivery of many existing IT applications. Scott Phillips's exceptional fibre-optic cabling work on these projects was essential to their success. He worked tirelessly to ensure that cost and quality objectives and timelines were met, applying his extensive knowledge and experience as well as planning expertise.
Dr Daniel Park, School of Clinical Medicine
Dr Dan Park has only been course coordinator for a year but the changes he implemented in the clinical skills program is reflective of 20 years progress. He has produced several video recordings of examination for each body system, giving the students an invaluable visual learning tool, which will be of great use for all the new cohorts of students to come. He has made assessment tools user friendly and streamlined, enabling the much needed standardisation in assessments of physical exam. The substantially updated handbook is a very useful resource. He is always approachable, offered platform for feedback and cordial collegial discussions. Dr Park's cheerful and resilient attitude is inspiring for us all. The exponential benefits we are seeing today have not been without volunteer time, good will and effort on his behalf, whilst battling all the odds. He has worked tirelessly to bring substantial improvements in such short time, and his creativity and ingenuity is a real gift to the faculty.
Mr Thomas Palmer, UQ Library
Thomas works in Library Services to assist staff and students to utilise library services. The emergence of e-books has created opportunities and challenges for library users. A particular cohort who has benefited from eBooks is staff and students with print disabilities. Over the last few years I have worked extremely closely with Thomas to understand, review and write on e-books. Thomas always responds to emails on holidays, works late, comes to my office, uses their networks to resolve issues, and has become extremely engaged in promoting an inclusive UQ. His efforts have contributed to greater access to the written word for persons with print disabilities, such as me. He has also assisted with research. I have published several refereed articles on eBooks and have a 2017 monograph with Cambridge University Press which would have been difficult to complete without his help. He is an exceptional person and I want his great work and commitment to excellence and UQ recognised.
Ms Vicky McNicol, School of Communication and Arts
Vicky is an exceptional academic administrator. She consistently provides outstanding quality of service to students and academic staff.
Mrs Lyndall Kennedy, Faculty of Medicine
I nominate Lyndall Kennedy for her outstanding service contribution to the Phase 2 students completing their Medicine rotation at the Princess Alexandra Hospital:
- Lyndall facilitates the coordination of a core clinical rotation within the MD/MBBS program ensuring that the joint objectives of the school and health service providers are achieved.
- Lyndall develops and supports effective relationships with our teaching clinicians.
- Lyndall shares our principles and vision to ensure students receive an exceptional learning experience while on rotation at the Princess Alexandra Hospital.
- Lyndall is committed to her role while actively and enthusiastically supporting her teams members
- Lyndall consistently initiates new ideas and concepts to improve the delivery of the medicine program
- Lyndall provides significant contribution to building the professional standing and reputation of the UQ community and is a valued member of our team
Ms Selena Hobbs, School of Biological Sciences
A core function of The University of Queensland is the delivery to students of a world class learning experience and over many years Selena Hobbs has strived behind the scenes to achieve this objective through her role in setting up laboratory classes and managing logistics for field-based courses. Selena also helps achieving The University of Queensland's learning, postgraduate student training and field-based research objectives by managing a fleet of twelve four-wheel drive vehicles, and organising regular four-wheel drive driver instruction courses for UQ staff and postgraduate students. Selena also organises six first-aid training courses per year which are essential for UQ personnel involved in teaching field courses, boating and diving activities. Finally, Selena makes a vital contribution to promoting UQ to the broader community through her enthusiastic behind the scenes organisation of the 'Science Experience' high school workshops run through the Faculty of Science.
Mr Dain Heffernan, School of Veterinary Science
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital implemented a new practice management system, RX Works, over 2016. Dain Heffernan led this very significant, highly technical and complex project. The software transition resulted in major process improvements including clearer reporting metrics, improved student learning, staff satisfaction and improved fiscal risk controls. Among the challenges was the need to continue all routine functions of a veterinary hospital and the daily ongoing clinical teaching and research requirements. Projects of similar size and complexity would normally be managed by project teams, and Dain demonstrated exceptional skill to manage risk, complexity and ambiguity as the sole driver of the project with only the assistance of a project officer for a three month implementation stage. Dain overcame significant challenges in delivering the project in full and within budget. It was an outstanding achievement.
Ms Gwendoline Fletcher, Integrity and Investigations Unit
Gwen has an extensive background in accounting, auditing and investigations, but none in the development of training programs, let alone online training programs. Gwen accepted the challenge to develop, from the ground up, an online training module for the prevention of fraud and corruption. The development of this program was also done whilst she was carrying a heavy workload and with no additional resources. When funding was made available to have the materials transformed into an online format, Gwen continued to project manage the work and has delivered a high quality online training module which is shortly to be made live at the University. She also ran the procurement process. It is indeed a fine example of a person stepping outside their comfort zone and delivering on time and under budget.
Associate Professor Paul Dawson, MRI-UQ
Assoc Prof Paul Dawson has provided exceptional service in the administration, support and mentoring of research higher degree (RHD) and other students at Mater Research Institute (MRI-UQ). His efforts are above and beyond the expectations of his predominantly Research Only appointment. His conduct exemplifies outstanding professionalism, integrity, and transparent and respectful stewardship, as well as passion for facilitating and promoting an exceptional experience for RHD students at MRI-UQ and within the wider UQ community. Paul has been responsible for implementing innovative vision for postgraduate education focused on excellence and support, and has broadened MRI-UQ educational impact to vocational training and high school student engagement. He provides respectful and compassionate mentorship to all MRI-UQ students without prejudice or favouritism, irrespective of the high demands on his time. He devotes his time and energy without expectation of recognition or reward.
Professor Gideon Chitombo, Sustainable Minerals Institute
Gideon is an exceptional researcher who prides himself in expanding the frontiers of knowledge and application in the mineral industry. Having achieved a rewarding career which spans across several decades, Gideon has over the last few years focused his professional career in nurturing the next generation of the mining workforce - a task he has strongly committed to in recent times with passion, vigour and excellence. He is a reliable, productive and efficient supervisor who does not only provide academic guidance to his students but also guides them through their professional journey. Speaking to half a dozen of his past and present students, words such as: supportive, understanding, extraordinary, effective and caring, were a few of the adjectives used to describe his impact on his students. His dedicated effort and passion to exceptionally develop the next generation of the world's human resource is a selfless service worthy of emulation and reward.
Mr Jeronimo Carrascal Tirado, School of Civil Engineering
Nomination 1:
Mr Jeronimo Carrascal is the manager of the Fire Laboratory at the School of Civil Engineering since this was inaugurated in June 2014. This laboratory is a world-class and unique laboratory in Australia that serves to more than 40 academic staff and students. Mr Carrascal is one of the main responsible persons for that achievement. Jeronimo joined the school in late 2012 to organize all the logistics associated with the development of the Fire Laboratory. He has liaised with Property and Facilities (UQ) and its consultant group (DM2 Architecture Pty Ltd and MTS Multitech Solutions Pty Ltd), contractors, testing equipment manufacturers, suppliers and other laboratories around the world to deliver what is currently Australia's best Fire Research facility. Mr Carrascal's activities and contributions strongly support the values of our University. He acts with integrity and professionalism, and is strongly committed to transparency. He shows great respect to all the people working with him. He ensures the safety and wellbeing of those working in the Fire Laboratory. Overall, Jeronimo is a significant contribution to building the professional standing and reputation of the UQ community.
Nomination 2:
Mr Jeronimo Carrascal is the Research Officer and Manager of the Fire Laboratory at the School of Civil Engineering. He was integral to the establishment of this Laboratory, managing the installation budget, building renovation, and equipment commissioning, and it is now the top Fire Research facility in the southern hemisphere. Mr Carrascal's activities strongly support the values of our University as he is involved in consultancy, research, teaching, and provides constant and excellent professional support to staff, industry partners, RHD and undergraduate students. He acts with integrity and professionalism, and is strongly committed to transparency and the safety and wellbeing of those working in the Fire Laboratory.
Nomination 3:
I would like to nominate Mr. Jeronimo Carrascal for the category of Service in the UQ Awards for Excellence 2017. Mr. Carrascal holds the position of research officer and manager of the Fire Laboratory at the School of Civil Engineering. He coordinates and supervises multiple research activities taking place within these facilities, thus enabling undergraduate and postgraduate students to achieve success in their research. His work is not limited to maintenance of the Fire Laboratory, but his contribution is fundamental for the adequate progress of multiple ongoing prestigious research projects in the fire research group and the School of Civil Engineering. Furthermore, his role is essential for the escalating research activities developed under the umbrella of the Centre for Future Timber Structures. He also plays a key role in the research activities jointly run with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, coordinating the strategical alliance between UQ and this institution.
Nomination 4:
I would like to nominate Mr. Jeronimo Carrascal for the category of Service in the UQ Awards for Excellence 2017. Currently Mr. Carrascal is employed as a research officer and manager of the Fire Laboratory at the School of Civil Engineering. He is playing a key role in the fire research and teaching at the school by coordinating and supervising the activities taking place within the fire laboratory. His contribution is also admirable in maintaining excellent relationships with external collaborators such as Queensland Fire and Emergency Services , Arup etc.
Ms Sheryl Budgeon, School of Pharmacy
I wholeheartedly, unreservedly, and gratefully nominate my colleague, Sheryl Budgeon, for the UQ excellence award. Sheryl is an exceptional individual who performs her job to the highest standard. What is quite rare and specific to Sheryl is that her excellence is maintained at all times throughout her very many roles and the amount and scope of work that is usually performed by several people in academia (as I have experienced in my previous academic employments). When I first learnt about the roles that Sheryl performs in the course of one academic year - I could not envision how this could be accomplished by one person. It became clear to me very early on, however, that not only is Sheryl managing to fulfil all the roles, but that she does it in an impeccably planned, structured, team-spirit manner, well before the deadline, and with a smile on her face. Sheryl, as our Placements Administration Officer, also administers the School's Internship Training Program, and supports her colleagues.
Mr Christopher Brookhouse, Information Technology Services
Chris has been nominated due to his significant contributions to IT Services. The services provided include essential infrastructure support for the student evaluation system, as well as for other key applications. This work is often unseen and can go unrecognised due to its nature. Christopher's service commitment to evaluations has been consistently maintained since the online system implementation in 2014. He contributed to the achievement of considerable cost and environmental efficiencies by helping to eliminate the need for paper and reducing the manual processes related to handling paper surveys. Christopher's contributions have helped to improve the student and staff experience by providing students with greater flexibility and streamlining the data collection process to enable the improvement of reporting functions to staff. Without Christopher's support, approximately 140,000 surveys per semester would not be deliverable to students nor could they be reported to 3000 staff.
Ms Debbie Bertram, School of Pharmacy
Nomination 1
Debbie Bertram has been my manager and mentor at the School of Pharmacy for over the last year. I have worked at The University of Queensland for a number of years now (as well as being an alumnus) and have not been as impressed by student service as I have with Debbie. I am proud to be mentored by a staff member who has dedicated her services to the university for over 20 years. Debbie will always go 'the extra mile' in helping students, contributing to and improving the university processes and managing our team effectively. She exceeds normal expectations through her genuine care for our university community and the people around her. Debbie is an extremely dedicated employee and will happily work extra time, volunteer for UQ events and ensures she is available to contact if needed when she is sick or on leave. Debbie's contribution to the School of Pharmacy is evident in every aspect and she is a credit to both the school and UQ. This is seen through her relationships with staff and students.
Nomination 2:
Debbie Bertram is the Manager of Student and Academic Administration at the School of Pharmacy, and as such, reports to my role. Debbie has a vast store of knowledge, and a wonderful commitment to providing the very best service to our students. As noted by her team members in their individual nominations, none of us has encountered anyone as dedicated to students as Debbie. Her continued patience, understanding and empathy towards our students is outstanding, and this is reflected in the students' attitudes towards Debbie, and toward other members of the Administration team who benefit from her influence and reputation. Her team members are always learning from her vast knowledge and find her very approachable if they need to discuss work matters, or those of a more personal nature. Debbie's contribution to The School of Pharmacy is evident in every aspect of student activities. Debbie does indeed consistently provide outstanding and exceptional quality of service.
Nomination 3:
I wish to nominate Debbie Bertram our Manager of Student and Academic Administration at the School of Pharmacy for Excellence in Service. I commenced working at the School of Pharmacy in January this year. It was not long before I realised how fortunate I am to have a supervisor of her understanding and calibre. In the short time that I have worked with Debbie, she has taught me almost everything I now know about student administration. Her commitment to our pharmacy students and unwavering support of them is outstanding and sets a high bar for me to strive to reach. Debbie is never too busy to assist her staff or students. This quality is not that common from my previous experiences and therefore makes me feel very passionate about nominating her for this award.
Nomination 4:
Debbie Bertram is the Manager of Student and Academic Administration at the School of Pharmacy. In all my time with the University of Queensland, I can honestly say that I have not encountered someone as dedicated to students as Debbie. Her continued patience, understanding and empathy towards our students is outstanding, and this is reflected in the students' attitudes towards Debbie, and other members of the Administration team. Not only is Debbie a great support to our students, she also exceeds expectations in her managerial role. Her team (of which I am part of) are always learning from her vast knowledge base and find her very approachable if we need to discuss work matters, or those of a more personal matter. Debbie's contribution to The School of Pharmacy is evident in every aspect and it is with great pleasure that I nominate her for the UQ Award for Excellence in Service.
AIBN IT Department
The support given from the AIBN staff constitutes the highest level of service I have seen. For virtually every challenge faced (particularly during high stress situations such as the grant writing season) the IT team here can always be relied on to provide immediate, courteous, and capable support to allow the scientific staff of the AIBN to achieve their research goals. For continually be exemplars of service and competence, and continually delivering service which exceeds all expectations, I enthusiastically endorse their nomination for a UQ Excellence in Service Award.
- Mr Paul Watson
- Mr Luke Eppell
- Mr Nathan Boyd
- Mr Jaleel Yusia
- Mr Rodney Weatherall
Anatomy Online Training Team
Dr Claire Aland, a teaching-focused academic, and Ms Trudi Summerhayes, Student Services team leader, worked closely together to develop and implement online modules for training casual staff and students in the discipline of Anatomy, within the School of Biomedical Sciences. All students and casual staff must undertake training in ethics, and health and safety, before they can work in the anatomy facility. Over 2,500 students and 100 casual staff now complete their training online at a time that suits them. They attend their anatomy teaching sessions fully prepared, and can concentrate wholly on teaching and learning anatomy during their practical sessions. The initiative shown by Claire and Trudi, and their willingness to put in time and effort well beyond their normal workload allowed them to create a solution to a previously time and effort-intensive process, and contribute to a better student and staff experience.
- Dr R Claire Aland
- Ms Trudi Summerhayes
ASD Domestic Admissions
Domestic Admissions have transitioned UQ to the new QTAC admissions offering model and during the process have formed collaborative relationships with other UQ peers, clients and stakeholders. They have successfully implemented a major project in addition to providing outstanding services to applicants, and in doing so have firmly confirmed their professionalism, transparency and accountability to the wider community. In addition to this major project they initiated and undertook to further support and enhance the student experience through outreach activities and targeted individual support for prospective students supporting UQ initiatives in diversity and the constant pursuit for excellence of service. Domestic Admissions is a relatively small team who have answered more than 30,000 enquiries in the last year alone, including assistance to colleagues in other units in times of pressure. The team champion the University objectives and at all times strive to support the One UQ strategy.
- Ms Mel Cross
- Mrs Fiona Brandis-Dalton
- Ms Tamalee Robbins
- Mr Greg Ferris
- Mr Clive McKeown
- Ms Candice Meyer
- Ms Stevie-Lee Lovejoy
- Ms Sarah Rochford
- Ms Saige Masson
- Ms Rachel Scott
Aurion v11 Upgrade Project Team
This team has successfully implemented a major upgrade to UQ's HR and payroll management system - MyAurion and Aurion. Checking your pay, applying for leave and other such daily tasks are now significantly quicker, much easier and can be done on-the-go on your smartphone, tablet and other mobile devices. With approx. 12,000 staff at UQ who are also regular users of the system, this contributes to exceptional time and cost savings to the University. During the course of the project, the team went above and beyond normal duties in educating and communicating with all UQ staff in use of the new system, which is already receiving outstanding reviews across the UQ community. Traditional face-to-face training for HR community (approx. 150 staff) is now replaced by a superior online training framework, which is supported by utilising existing UQ tools such as Blackboard and Drupal CMS, allowing the community to provide powerful and useful resources to their staff at all times.
- Mr Varun Narula
- Ms Glynnis Richardson
- Ms Jade Pomroy
- Ms Dinesha Weragama
- Mr Anand Veeramallu
- Mrs Trish Baird
- Ms Mey Britz
- Mr Benjamin Tse
- Ms Liza Leibbrandt
- Dr Silviu Risco
Central Glasshouse Services Unit
I am proud of the achievements that my team have made this year enabling us to aim higher and to support our clients. The CGSU team (Daniel, Evan and Scott) go beyond what many would consider reasonable to ensure that they provide excellent service. As the manager of this team I have seen major improvements and dedication towards client services and interaction. Some of the things that my team have gone beyond these parameters: coming in for many temperature alarms organising glasshouse repairs; working in the hot sun on rotation to keep experiments cool when there has been a chiller fault which has taken hours to rectify; and collaborating with clients to work towards the best outcomes for their experiments.
- Mr Daniel Schwartz
- Mr Evan Foster
- Mr Scott Offer
Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development
The CIPDD is recognized as the premier, GLP-accredited biomedical discovery-translation research Centre in Australia. Since inception in May 2005, CIPDD personnel have delivered exceptional outcomes in R&D studies undertaken in collaboration with a large number of industry and academic collaborators. To this end, more than 700 R&D studies have been completed in collaboration with >200 clients since inception. This outstanding level of industry engagement contributes to the very high reputation of UQ both within Australia and internationally and the premier university in Australia in terms of industry collaboration.
- Dr Ai Leen Lam
- Dr Andy Kuo
- Ms Angela Raboczyj
- Mr Michael Osborne
- Dr Drew Brockman
- Dr Sussan Ghassabian
- Dr Nemat Khan
- Dr Steve Edwards
- Dr Felicity Han
- Dr Peppermint Lee
- Ms Jacintha Lourdesamy
- Ms Kelly Sweeney
- Ms Chris Wacker
- Mr Simon Lake
Delta Study Group
Laura and Simon are teachers at the Institute of Continuing TESOL Education who in 2016 effected great change using their initiative, knowledge and passion for helping others. They empowered a group of colleagues to gain a highly valued, internationally recognised qualification, the Cambridge Delta. There is currently nowhere in Brisbane offering this course, making it difficult for teachers, particularly casuals, to do it as it means significant time away from work. Laura and Simon, knowing some teachers were interested, spent their own time building a course from scratch and guiding the group over a 12 month period. Despite the enormous emotional and physical undertaking, the quality of their work, their giving and selfless attitude and willing availability to candidates at any time throughout the year, has resulted in UQ having more highly-qualified teachers. It was truly above and beyond.
- Mr Simon Feros
- Ms Laura Fairbrother
Future Students Contact Centre
Organisationally situated within the Office Of Prospective Students and Student Equity, the Future Students Contact Centre (FSCC) was created to provide a centralised space within the University of Queensland where prospective students can obtain general advice about UQ from a knowledgeable, engaged team. The FSCC works collaboratively with other UQ services and faculties to compliment the services they provide and refer detailed enquiries on where appropriate. Enquiries from prospective students are generated by new and existing campaigns, events and via the new Future Students website. The FSCC is an accessible, friendly and positive first contact for prospective UQ students.
To date, the FSCC has received over 26,000 enquiries from prospective students by the way of (not limited to) emails, phone calls and live on-line chats in regard to studying at The University Of Queensland.
- Mrs Linda Edwards
- Mrs Olivia Brown
- Ms Claire Bishop
- Mr Kris Kumar
Gross Anatomy Facility Upgrade Team
Wes, Carl and Bruno have been instrumental in driving innovations and upgrades to student service delivery in the Gross Anatomy Facility. Their efforts have produced a world class teaching facility with enhanced security, safety, data management, and training systems that will enhance UQ's reputation for producing world class medical graduates. They have contributed enormous amounts of time and energy to the task, liaising closely with the regulatory body to ensure that the best possible outcomes for students and the reputation of the University can be achieved. This team has demonstrated time and again great dedication, resilience and enthusiasm for the task of improving services to students, and strongly deserve recognition for their exemplary work.
- Dr Carl Stephan
- Mr Wes Fisk
- Mr Bruno Rey
HASS Student Administration Team
In 2016, the HASS Student Administration Team demonstrated consistently exceptional service to staff and students in the School of Communication and Arts by providing academic advice and support for two, simultaneous, whole-of-program re-structures to the: Bachelor of Journalism, and Bachelor of Communication (as well as impacted majors in the Bachelor of Arts). These program changes necessitated large-scale transition and completion plans; strategies for implementation; one-to-one academic advisory sessions; many hours of specialised program advice; and impacted upon single/dual degree planners, credit equivalency, and exchange study - in addition to regular business. Despite these challenges, the HASS Team responded swiftly to enquiries; championed innovation (such as use of the BA Planner app and CRM system); and advocated for School initiatives. In short, they have built an enviable working relationship with our School based on clear communication, understanding and mutual respect.
- Ms Leanne Smith
- Ms Laura Aberdeen
- Mr Chris Burke
- Mr John Hughes
- Ms Jill Wardropper
- Mr Mark Holland
- Ms Jessica Pryde
- Mr Jordan Butler
- Ms Leanne Smith
- Ms Melissa Vickery
Psychology Postgraduate Administrative Team
The Psychology postgraduate team of Alison Pike and Rachelle Croton have exemplified the UQ Values of "Pursuit of Excellence" and "Supporting our people" through their provision of outstanding service to prospective and current postgraduate students and academic staff within the Psychology school. Alison and Rachelle's commitment to providing excellent service to postgraduate students is demonstrated from the first point of contact of a prospective student, to administrative support for students and staff in successfully progressing through the program of study. At all times, they provide this level of service with a human point of connection and understanding of individual requirements and circumstances and careful diligence and constant review of processes to assist staff and students to achieve successful outcomes.
- Mrs Alison Pike
- Mrs Rachelle Croton
School of Pharmacy Student Recruitment Team
When faced with a down-turn in domestic applications for pharmacy undergraduate places, the School of Pharmacy (SoP) realised something needed to be done. Through liaising with OPSSE, the School developed an activity program for high school students. This program involves inviting high schools to PACE, giving the students a talk, a tour and a taste of what it's like to be a pharmacist by completing a compounding activity in the wet labs or a dispensing activity in the dry labs. The running of this initiative was taken on by staff members, in addition to their other responsibilities in an attempt to turn around domestic QTAC applications. This year for the first time in at least 10 years, first preference applications for the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) were up by 12% against a general downturn University wide. The School also encourages visits from schools targeted in the UQ Outreach Program.
- Ms Debbie Bertram
- Miss Maria Moran
- Mrs Stacey Collie
- Mr Brendan Hughes
- Mr John Bassett
- Miss Alice Bong
- Mr Jared Miles
- Miss Amelia Cossart
- Mr Sachin Thakur
School of Psychology Team
Academic life can make students life stressful. But the team at the School of Psychology know very well how to entertain students and staff. As an international student, I can feel that they are so friendly and warm.
- Ms Karen Perkins
- Ms Astrid Sirowatka
- Mrs Jennifer English
- Ms Stephanie Kerr
- Ms Nathacha Castillo
- Mr Paul Jackson
- Ms Lisa Perry
- Miss Roxanne English
- Mrs Alison Pike
- Mr John McBreen
Science Workshops Team
The Faculty of Science Workshops supply a broad range of unique and innovative research-oriented services to their clients. The services are capable of dealing with a large and complex range of technical design and manufacturing requirements, production of ultra-high precision work, light to medium industrial grade fabrication and a wide ranging electronic, electrical and optical equipment maintenance and repair service for teaching and research needs. There are an enormous number of world class research laboratories and centres located within UQ that undertake complex experimental research on a daily basis. In order to remain competitive in these leading edge fields, it is vital that these laboratories and centres have access to advanced R&D workshops with the capability of producing high precision, customised and/or unique experimental devices and equipment. It is the innovative, can-do and dynamic attitude of the Faculty of Science Workshops Team which greatly assists successful research outcomes.
- Mr Robert Webb
- Mr Evan Jones
- Mr Paul Lovegrove
- Mr Christian Forster
- Mr John Zenta
- Mr Dave Perkins
- Mr Neil Griffiths
- Mr Helmut Land
- Mr Peter Gordon
- Mr Graham Bell
- Mr Steve Keller
- Mr Dan Nar Leigh Crouch
SCMB Finance and Human Resources Administration Team
The SCMB Finance and HR Administration Team have for many years provided a pivotal service in equipping the School with the staff and infrastructure essential to the School's missions in research, teaching, and engagement. The team has managed the complex financial administration of this large School with unfailing professionalism, frequently going beyond expectations to deliver against tight deadlines. The team's outstanding contributions have been built on an integrated service model they developed to seamlessly connect clients with results across a diverse and often highly specialised range of finance and personnel matters in a dynamic, fast-moving environment. The team's dedication to quality has demonstrably enhanced the School's ability to pursue excellence in its core missions and has earned them widespread respect from their colleagues, clients, and suppliers. In all their work, the team members have displayed the highest professional standards and commitment to UQ's success.
- Mrs Belinda Schmerl
- Mrs Birgit Calos
- Ms Carol Fawcett
- Mrs Andrea Gray
- Mr Ben Konarov
- Mrs Cathy MacTaggart
- Mrs Sumi Netting
UQ GVEC Corrective Services Project Delivery Team
Queensland Corrective Services Delivery project commenced in 2012 when the Queensland Government State Body was seeking a new provider for Agricultural Training in Qld Prisons. UQ-GVEC excelled in its delivery mode and efficient operations resulting with the contract now entering its 6th year and UQ-GVEC is now the largest provider of Rural Training in the QCS system. This relationship was strengthened under the Certificate 3 Guarantee model and is now UQ-GVEC's second largest contract and commercial income stream. The project is a complex arrangement requiring significant management relating to travel, accommodation, protocol, access, staff suitability and communications. This project is of significant value to UQ-GVEC and is proposed to continue for the foreseeable future with some scope of increasing its capacity. The current of number of Prisons engaged by UQ-GVEC is 9 and it is expected for this grow to 11 in 2017. Current enrolments combined are around 500.
- Dr Carmelo Galea
- Ms Di Palmer
- Mr Mark Pace
- Ms Gina Sharp
- Ms Hope Young-Barney
- Mr Chris Clausen
- Ms Lisa Noffke
- Mr Glen van Emmerick
UQ School Liaison Team
The UQ School Liaison team aims to support principals, guidance officers, year level coordinators, teachers, parents and future students with comprehensive information about The University of Queensland. The School Liaison team is part of the Office of Prospective Students & Student Equity (OPSSE).
The team are responsible for the we dissemination of information about UQ study options, pathways, scholarships, services and facilities to schools throughout Australia. The team attends attend major Queensland and selected interstate career markets, expos and open days. In 2016, the team attended the Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Darwin career markets. Additionally, the team represented UQ at almost 25 career markets held throughout the state. From Cairns, to Charleville and down to Lismore, the team represented UQ. The team organise and host school visits to hundreds of schools throughout QLD plus arrange on-campus engagement for schools to the St Lucia, Gatton, Herston and PACE.
- Ms Steph Neulinger
- Mr Sebastion Marx
- Ms Monique Pountney
- Mr Joe Groth
- Ms Isobel Whiting-Davis
- Ms Hayley Camman
UQ VETS Small Animal Hospital
Ziggy - the two year old Border Collie - is a happy, healthy wonder dog thanks to the dedication of his owners and the outstanding achievements of the UQVETS Small Animal Hospital team at UQ Gatton Campus. Ziggy was adopted in 2014 from the RSPCA by two UQ PhD students - Rebecca Colvin and Glenn Althor - with a history of abandonment, a badly fractured right front leg that required amputation, and a deformed left front leg that was threatening his ability to walk at all. At UQVETS, specialist veterinary surgeon Dr Jayne McGhie spearheaded a multidisciplinary team that applied cutting edge imaging, surgical and supportive care to fix Ziggy's remaining front limb and provide him with the capacity to walk and fully enjoy a normal three-legged life. Jayne and the team used a creative and ground-breaking approach to complex surgery to significantly improve the outlook for a three-legged rescue dog.
- Dr Jayne McGhie
- Dr Margie McEwen
- Dr Mark Haworth
- Dr Ann Thompson
- Dr Alana Rosenblatt
- Mr Gary Fitzgerald
- Mrs Trish Hauser
Online Applications Project Team
Prior to delivery of the Online Applications (OLA) platform, students' application-to-enrolment experiences were highly inconsistent. Labour intensive manual processes increased complexity. While tracking application status or cycle time was difficult, cycle time was long and led to higher withdrawal rates. The OLA project has delivered a bespoke online application platform, catering for all core study at UQ. It offers a world-class student experience right at the beginning of their journey with UQ. The platform leverages the existing student management system, reducing the need for additional skill development or licensing. The OLA project facilitated collaborative development of shared application processes across the different areas of UQ, which resulted in efficiency and consistency for both students and staff. The OLA project has also directly helped to increase application numbers, reduce effort per application, and lower cycle times, making UQ more responsive to student needs.
Mr Adam Nielsen, Information Technology Services
The UQ Animal Ethics Unit (AEU) nominates Adam Nielsen for his behind the scenes work providing outstanding innovation and technical expertise to support UQ's research and teaching community. Adam has employed his technical expertise to implement significant improvement in the systems and procedures of the AEU for the management of Animal Ethics data. His willingness to facilitate changes to electronic systems, and his advice and understanding of the unique needs of the AEU, have resulted in improved functionality, implementation of completely new functions, and enhanced accessibility and usability for the AEU and also the wider research and teaching community. Adam's enthusiasm and ideas have had a significant impact on the daily work of the AEU and have helped enhance the services we provide. With more improvements to come, we believe his contribution to the success of research and teaching at UQ should be recognised.
Carving a History Team
Carving a history: a guide to the Great Court' is a comprehensive guide to the sandstone centrepiece of UQ's St Lucia campus - the Great Court. This beautiful book catalogues all 1280 carvings - identifying their sculptor, history and meaning, and matching them to a foldout map that correlates with newly installed markers. Complementing the printed book is the innovative 'UQ Carvings' - a free app that uses GPS technology to identify and explain the carvings. The compilation of the book required the combination of existing resources with new research. Usability was enhanced by the installation of navigational markers and new signage. Office of Marketing and Communications (OMC) staff collaborated with the University sculptor, Property and Facilities, UQ Art Museum, UQ Library and other areas to deliver an easy and accessible way for visitors to discover the carvings' history. This project exemplifies what can be achieved when passionate employees collaborate across units. This innovative guide is leading the way in promoting UQ's heritage.
- Ms Camille Layt
- Ms Suzanne Parker
- Mr Paul Thomas
- Mr Craig Oddy
- Ms Katrina Shimmin-Clarke
- Ms Jennifer McLeod
- Ms Rebecca Everett
- Ms Tanya Ziebell
- Ms Kath Kerswell
P&F Energy Management Team
The price of energy has more than doubled since 2010, and now accounts for around $23 million of expenditure each year. Energy usage is also responsible for more than 98% of UQ's carbon footprint. The Property and Facilities (P&F) Energy Management Team is addressing this challenge by driving an innovative program to challenge and change the status quo. Their work is resulting in significant operational cost savings while also improving UQ's sustainability. In 2016 alone they delivered over 145 individual projects in areas such as procurement, lighting, air conditioning, hot water, and solar energy. Combined, these projects will save UQ over $1.7 million annually. They will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of taking 4000 cars off the road. The team's work in recent years has seen energy usage drop by 9.5% since its peak in 2014, and it is continuing to fall thanks to these efforts.
- Mr Andrew Wilson
- Mr Neil Brown
- Ms Danielle Shaffer
- Mr Jackson Ball
- Mr Harrison Zhou
- Dr Carlos Fujita Dimas
- Mr Ivan Forero Estupinan
- Mr Adrian Mengede
Professor Neena Mitter, Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Professor Neena Mitter has strived throughout 2016 to bring the innovative product of BioClay to light. This innovation will bring about better food security to farmers and consumers by vastly reducing the crop loss caused by devastating viruses. Being the first lab to demonstrate plant virus resistance at a potentially commercial scale, this achievement has beaten the best efforts of competing firms to show successful results. Through the further development of BioClay, Neena Mitter will provide Australia with the first-in-market viruscide.
Mr John Koy, Enhancing Systems and Services
John has demonstrated outstanding innovation and leadership through the conception and delivery of an innovative cross-border payment solution for commencing international students. The solution, which is fully integrated with the Online Applications Portal, allows international students to make payments to UQ in their home currency, via familiar local payment methods, with foreign exchange conversion rates superior to traditional banking channels. This positive experience for the international student cohort is further enhanced through a 24/7 multi-lingual support service, providing reassurance to families while transacting significant sums of money. For professional staff, the payment solution provides full transparency of funds in transit, as well as amounts guaranteed to be received by UQ, allowing the accelerated dispatch of confirmation of enrolments to international students. Since go live in September, this solution has facilitated more than AUD $10 million of payments from international students in over 45 countries, and generated over $230,000 of tangible financial savings to both students and UQ.
Professor Robin Burgess-Limerick, Minerals Industry Safety and Health Centre
This nomination is submitted to recognise Prof Burgess-Limerick's role in the development of the Whole-Body Vibration (WBV) iOS App and the study outcomes demonstrating the validity of the tool. Its application is growing in industry (multiple industries beyond coal mining, including construction, transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing) and provides a means for a low-cost (free) screening of whole-body vibration to identify workplace hazards, and determine action to improve health conditions and exposure to workers. This is an excellent example of disruptive technology to radically improve industry performance. Prior to this, I believe (by report of industry partners) that many enterprises found the commissioning of WBV assessments cost prohibitive or simply did not have access to professional support to conduct the screening.
UQeMarket Implementation Team
The UQeMarket Implementation Team created an easy to use eMarket portal which links directly from the University's Finance system (UniFi), allowing academics and researchers to search and buy products quickly and efficiently. With over 2 million products from 40 suppliers, academic and research staff can search products by brand, chemical name or CAS numbers, and compare the same or similar products from different suppliers and pricing. The UQeMarket went live in January 2017 to all staff, and processed over 1400 orders in its first month of operation. There are now more than 800 active users, and in 2017 the team will introduce electronic invoicing (eInvoicing) and other categories into the UQeMarket including office supplies, furniture and information technology items such as computers, laptops and associated peripheral items. The UQeMarket platform brought UQ into the 21st century providing research and academic staff with a fast, data-rich integrated purchasing system.
- Dr Harmony Rose
- Mr Adam Massingham
- Ms Simone Saltmarsh
- Ms Mariela Pastelin-Campos
- Ms Rachel Johnson
Equity and diversity
UQ Young Achievers Program
Since 2009, the UQ Young Achievers Program has been supporting the tertiary education aspirations of deserving students. The program has proven to be exciting and innovative for many high school students and has been designed to provide university exposure and access for students, especially from regional and remote areas of Queensland. Since inception, the program has nurtured and developed the educational ambitions of participants through mentoring, financial assistance and opportunities for personal growth and leadership development. Each year, almost 120 deserving students are nominated by their high school principal to participate in the program. In 2016, almost 50 schools from throughout Queensland nominated students. Throughout the year, students from Years 11 and 12 attended a residential camp at the St Lucia campus, attended Open Days and received monthly phone mentoring from current UQ students. This Program deserves recognition for its commitment to equity and diversity.
Ms Pam Schindler, Learning and Research Services
The print library is a closed book for people with print disabilities. UQ Library however now subscribes to tens of thousands of e-books which can be accessible to people with print disabilities using screen readers. If these e-books are formatted in a particular way, then this opens the library to staff and students with print disabilities. Pam has used her role in the library to drive access, and has assisted in performing research herself and supporting researchers in this space at UQ. Her work is contributing to a transformation in disability rights.
Disability Action Plan Working Party
The UQ Disability Action Plan Working Party (DAPWP) is comprised of volunteers who have achieved outstanding success in a relatively new area of focus. Through significant University-wide engagement, energy and concerted efforts, the DAPWP has achieved extraordinary results within a very short period. The working party delivered and progressed The University of Queensland Disability Action Plan 2016-2018, which constitutes formal recognition of the University's commitment to persons with disability. The plan presents a framework of principles, objectives, actions and reporting accountabilities to ensure that the University is a 'disability confident' organisation that is inclusive and accessible for people of all abilities. The DAP was operationalised during 2016 and the report from the first year of implementation shows some truly impressive progress in disability inclusion at the University.
- Mr Anthony Lennon
- Ms Glenda Jacobs
- Mr Jim Carmichael
- Ms Kris Fraser
- Ms Annette McNicol
- Mr Gregory Brown
- Ms Jordan Tredinnick
- Professor Alan Rix
Wellness and safety
BRAHSS Project Team
The Behavioural Response of Australian Humpback whales to Seismic Surveys (BRAHSS) project aimed to measure the behavioural responses of humpback whales to seismic air guns. It involved extensive field experiments at sea with multiple small boats, very close approaches to large whales, the use of potentially dangerous high pressure equipment, and up to 130 field personnel spread over 12 operational platforms. The work was funded by the oil and gas industry, which meant a very high expectation of health and safety management. The BRAHSS team therefore developed an extensive and innovative safety management system. This system ensured a culture of 'safety first' and relied on excellent training as well as other active safety management tools. More than 90,000 hours of work were conducted with no 'reportable' incidents. This acts as a model for the development of comprehensive and innovative safety systems which are essential for enhancing the safety and well-being of all participants in large, complex field projects.
- Associate Professor Michael Noad
- Dr Rebecca Dunlop
Ms Vicki McNabb, Occupational Health and Safety Division
Vicki McNabb, Manager of the UQ Wellness program has led the introduction of the Fitness Passport program across UQ, an initiative of the UQ Wellness Program for 2016. Fitness Passport is a corporate health and fitness program that allows its members to access a wide range of their local health and fitness suppliers, including UQ Sport. Vicki's role involved being the advocate for the program, seeking approval for the program, negotiating with the service provider on behalf of UQ, and once approved, arranging for the promotion of this innovative initiative. Adoption of the Fitness Passport program clearly adheres to the UQ Wellness Program aim of promoting, supporting and enhancing the health, well-being and work-life balance of staff through a sustainable and comprehensive staff wellness program. As at 28 February over 980 membership cards had been distributed; 460 of these were for staff, the remainder for their family members.
Implementation of UQSafe Incident
The collection of OHS incident information is a crucial compliance requirement and business intelligence tool to assist UQ understand risk areas at UQ, and to allow appropriate targeting of prevention resources. This nomination is for the group who implemented UQSafe-Incident, UQ's new incident reporting system. UQSafe-Incident is a sophisticated and intuitive system, that allows for all OHS incidents and near-misses to be recorded and for an appropriate action plan to be created and approved by supervisors. Led by Amanda Jones, the group developed a successful business case, undertook a procurement process and a systems configuration process, and led a pilot process and training program to implement the system. It is a great example of staff from across UQ working together to determine the need for and to implement a significant enterprise wide system that meets our compliance requirements and produces better OHS outcomes for staff and students.
- Dr Amanda Jones
- Dr Paul Lovelock
- Mr Gerard Ross
- Ms Leanne Ritchie
- Mr Marshall Butterworth
- Mr Tony Lam
Ms Leanne Ritchie, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Leanne's creativity and independent thinking have been exemplified through her work as the Workplace Health and Safety Manager for the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences (HaBS). All activities that Leanne identifies as a key area of focus for review or improvement have been carefully thought through and planned in a manner that is consultative and inclusive, but also align closely with UQ's overarching goals.
Leanne's Monthly Focus initiatives have resulted in significant improvements for HaBS in both safety and wellness. A prime example of these initiatives is Leanne's development of HaBS Ergo Month, which has resulted in zero requests for assistance, equipment or work-related injuries reported since it was implemented approximately nine months ago. Planning of Ergo Month also saw Leanne conceptualise, scope, initiate and actively contribute to the development of an ergonomics app in conjunction with colleagues and students. This effective but low-cost app is currently being made available UQ-wide on the OHS website.