UniFi (staff login required) has automated workflows, which require each task to be completed in the correct order by a user with an appropriate role to complete financial transactions.

For example, when a requisition is entered online, it initiates an approval and payment process requiring the response and involvement of other system users.

For workflow diagrams, find the relevant UniFi online training course for the transaction type within the relevant Finance Topic in Workday.

To find out more about workflows, roles and approvals, see the:

Contact Finance Client Support Services if you have workflow questions or issues.

Role requirements

For UniFi’s workflows to work, there must be at least one person in a business unit to cover each role that participates in a particular workflow.

Check the financial roles in UniFi (XLS, 2.9MB) (staff login required) to find out which roles and users are assigned to your business unit.

The automated workflow for a transaction will not complete if:

  • there is no one currently set up to act in a workflow role, for example if there is no financial delegate with a sufficient level of authority to approve a transaction
  • the nominated staff member can’t respond to their workflow, for example if they are on leave and haven’t assigned an alternate, are no longer employed at UQ, have transferred between units or can’t be contacted.

Covering staff absences and role gaps

To maintain transaction workflows and make sure transactions are processed efficiently, you must make sure that you fill any roles while staff are away. This is particularly important for the budget holder role, as there can be only 1 nominated budget holder for each operational unit or project.

If you're a UniFi user you may be able to nominate another user for workflow roles while you’re away, but you can only choose alternates who have the same workflow roles (or more) allocated to them as you do.

  1. To find users who have the same workflow roles as you, use the Check Alternate User query in UniFi. For instructions see the Check alternate user training (staff login required) topic within the UniFi - Finance WorkCenter and Queries (staff login required) training course. 
  2. To nominate another user in UniFi, follow the instructions in the Workflow select an alternate user training (staff login required) topic within the UniFi - Approver Resources (staff login required) training course.

Contact your Finance Professional Services team or Finance Client Support Services for more information on the alternate user function.

Finance staff

See information about UniFi modules and the batch process schedule.