An increasing number of UQ websites and services are using UQ Authenticate for staff to sign in. This allows you to log in once to all services using UQ Authenticate, and enhances security by protecting your information with multi-factor authentication (MFA). UQ Authenticate will be enabled for UniFi, UQ’s finance system, from 15 May 2020.
To allow UQ Authenticate to be enabled UniFi will be unavailable for approximately two hours between 6pm and 8pm on 14 May 2020. It is important you ensure that you will not require access during this time. There will be no change to the functionality of UniFi. The only change you will see is that the existing sign in page will be replaced by UQ Authenticate when you access UniFi at the start of business on 15 May.
Additional websites and services are continually being enabled for UQ Authenticate. In addition to providing a more seamless user experience, UQ Authenticate enhances security with multi-factor authentication (MFA) and provides a standardised sign on process which protects against phishing. We will continue to provide updates as additional websites and services are enabled for UQ Authenticate.
For more information, contact IT support.