About UQ Update

UQ Update is your insight into what’s happening at UQ. It keeps you informed about news, events, deals, and projects relevant to UQ staff.

The weekly e-newsletter, which collates stories from the UQ Staff Updates and What's on pages, is a great way to get your team’s news out to your UQ colleagues from all of our campuses and locations.

The Staff Updates and What's on pages includes information to help you get the most out of life at UQ – from events and training programs through to deals and discounts, sustainability, and wellness. We also have a Participate in a research study page, where you can find out about opportunities to get involved in UQ research.  

On Monday 1 July 2024, a new-look UQ Update was launched. Read more about the changes on our information page

Complete the Staff Updates/UQ Update content request form

Distribution and publication

UQ Update is distributed every Monday (or Tuesday when Monday is a public holiday). It is sent to all UQ staff, HDR students and UQ-affiliated organisations (such as UQ Sport, UQ Colleges and UniQuest), reaching a readership of more than 27,000 people.

The Staff Updates page is updated every 2–3 business days.

Submission deadline

Please submit by 5pm Thursday to be considered for publication in the UQ Update e-newsletter the following Monday.

Space in the e-newsletter is limited, so we cannot guarantee that your item will be included. We may need to edit your item for style, length and clarity. Generally, you will not be consulted to approve any changes to this text. However, if the team needs to clarify something, they will contact you.

Choosing items for UQ Update

Generally, the UQ Update team tries to publish stories with a ‘call to action’ or event date within the coming 2–4 weeks. This helps to manage the length of the e-newsletter and gives priority to the most ‘urgent’ and relevant news for the week ahead.

If your event or deadline is more than 4 weeks away, the team may choose to publish your story in a later edition of UQ Update.

Expiring items

News items and submissions to the Staff Updates page will be deleted once the relevant date has passed or the information is no longer current. Items are not saved or archived and can no longer be accessed via the site or search engines after they are removed.

For longer-term projects and initiatives, you can request publication on the Projects and Initiatives page by emailing internalcommunication@uq.edu.au.

Who can submit?

Any UQ or UQ affiliate staff member who has information relevant for UQ staff can submit an item. The item must have either a direct connection to UQ-related activities or directly involve a member of UQ staff in their role as a UQ employee.

Examples of content

What’s appropriate content?

  • Events at UQ locations, targeted at UQ employees or open to UQ employees to attend; external events sponsored or co-hosted by UQ with UQ speakers/involvement.
  • Training programs and team challenges related to UQ initiatives (e.g., wellness, diversity, reconciliation action).
  • Information about how employees can get involved in UQ initiatives or programs (e.g., launch of new recycling/waste rules, invitation to join the Ally Network).
  • Deals and benefits for UQ employees (e.g. Fitness Passport, Employee Assistance Program, UQ-based programs/offers for wellness or health, other approved ‘benefits’ like superannuation, novated leasing, salary sacrifice).
  • Events and conferences hosted by UQ.

What’s inappropriate content?

  • An ad for an employee’s local sporting club's barbeque.
  • A link to a UQ team's charity fundraising page.
  • A link to a journal article or other research published by a UQ researcher – this should be sent to your faculty or institute instead.
  • An event hosted at or near a UQ campus but run by a non-UQ-affiliated group.
  • An advertisement for a business, service provider, event or deal not affiliated with UQ.

Submission requirements




You can provide an image via the submission form, or we can source a generic UQ or stock image (please note: we will not seek approval before selecting a generic image).

Images should contain no or minimal text and should not have any decoration (e.g., UQ flourish).

  • Minimum image dimensions are 640px x 640px.
  • .jpg/.jpeg format – PDFs are not suitable.
  • Under 1MB.
  • Landscape (preferred) or square orientation.

You can use an online image compressor to make your image smaller in file size. We will review images to make sure they're appropriate.


  • Videos cannot be used in place of images in UQ Update or on the Staff Updates page.
  • We can't upload videos to the website.
  • We can link through to a video on a different site such as YouTube or Vimeo.

Word limits

  • Headlines should be fewer than 30 characters.
  • Main text should be summarised in fewer than 60 words.


  • Ensure you follow the UQ Written Style Guide and the UQ Guide to Inclusive Language.
  • Provide a website link where readers can find out more about your submission; this should be to a webpage from UQ’s own websites (exceptions include event registration pages for UQ-run events).


  • News: for key announcements or topical items relevant to the broader UQ community.
  • Volunteer: calls for volunteers for UQ research projects.
    • Please note: volunteer items are not included in the UQ Update newsletter and are only uploaded to the Staff Updates page.
  • Deals: for special offers, prizes or discounts specifically for UQ staff.
  • Sustainability: for updates about, or initiatives related to, sustainability.
  • Training: for promoting professional or personal development opportunities.
  • Wellness: for sharing staff health or general wellbeing updates and initiatives.
  • What’s on: events, lectures, seminars and conferences held at, or affiliated with, UQ.

Submission edits

  • Submissions may be edited for length, clarity and style.
  • Generally, we will not seek approval before making any changes to submitted copy.
  • Please email update@uq.edu.au if you would like to make changes to your submitted content.

Contact the UQ Update team