
Prices displayed in UQeMarket are current and are updated regularly by suppliers.

Some products, like equipment that may need to be customised, may be listed as 'POA' (price on application).

Where an item is marked POA, seek a quote from the respective supplier and input the order as a free format order. For instructions, see the Create a free format requisition training in the UQeMarket online training module and the UQeMarket user guide (staff login required) (PDF, 2.9 MB).


There is no need for a quote to buy through UQeMarket because the listed product details and prices are equivalent to a quote.

You may still need to get a quote for:

  • products that are listed as ‘POA’ (price on application)
  • recurrent or periodic ‘standing’ orders
  • customised equipment orders
  • bulk or high volume of product.

You can submit a quote as a free format order. For instructions, see the Create a free format requisition training in the UQeMarket online training module and the UQeMarket user guide(staff login required) (PDF, 2.9 MB).

Volume pricing

Some suppliers offer ‘price breaks’, which give you lower unit prices when you order products in certain multiples. When ordering an item with a price-break, the unit price will automatically adjust.

Found a product cheaper?

Occasionally, you may find a product that is cheaper outside of UQeMarket. This may be because:

  • it hasn’t included other cost factors, like maintenance, consumables, delivery, installation and disposal
  • it hasn’t included special benefits, like extended warranty, better-quality components, upgrades or local support
  • the terms and conditions are more favourable to the supplier
  • the supplier is getting rid of old stock
  • there are compatibility issues
  • the product is a different quality or standard to the one sold in UQeMarket; it may not meet Australian standards.

Searching by a manufacturer’s part number will display all suppliers who have that product listed on their catalogue and allows you to quickly compare pricing.

If the price difference is significant, contact the UQeMarket team.