With permission, UQ staff can access files and folders that are kept on UQ drives.

All UQ staff can access their H: drive (home drive) through 'myFiles' in the my.UQ dashboard. This will work on any device, no permission required.

To access files and folders on shared UQ drives, you'll need to:

  1. Request permission to access the folder. This will need to be approved by the folder manager. Go to requesting access to shared folders and follow the steps to submit a request.
  2. Connect to the UQ network. If you are on campus, you can connect your device to the UQ network via an ethernet cable. If your device is connected to a wireless network, or you are off campus, you can connect to the UQ network via VPN (virtual private network).
  3. Map the drive where the folder is stored. This involves creating a path from your computer to the drive by following the instructions below for your operating system.

UQ computers should automatically connect to the shared drives you have permission to access when you log in. Submit an IT request if drives aren't appearing.

If you are using a personal computer to access folders, or you need to manually enter a path to a network drive, follow the steps below:

  1. Open 'File Explorer' from the Start Menu, or by pressing 'Windows Key + E'.
  2. Within the left-hand side menu, right click on 'This PC', then select 'Map network drive'. A new window will open.
  3. Leave the 'Drive' field as 'Z:', or change the letter if your area uses a particular letter.
  4. Within the 'Folder' field, enter the path of the folder you want to map as per below:
    • Home Drive: \\staff-home.storage.uq.edu.au\home
    • 10GB Home Drive: \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\homes\uqusername . For example, \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\homes\uqjblog3
    • Shared Drives:
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\BEL
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\CA
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\EAIT
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\HABS
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\HASS
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\HMBS
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\IndependentOperations
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\Institutes
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\MBS
      • \\nas02.storage.uq.edu.au\SCI
    • Translational Research Institute (TRI) 'I:drive: \\trifs.int.tri.edu.au\tri_services
    • Research Data Manager (RDM) 'R:' drive: See the instructions on the Library website.
  5. Leave the 'Reconnect at sign-in' box ticked.
  6. If you are using a UQ computer, leave the 'Connect using different credentials' unticked. If you are using a personal device, tick the 'Connect using different credentials' option.
  7. Click 'Finish'.
  8. You may be prompted to enter your login credentials.
    • If you are using a personal computer, enter your UQ username in the format uq\uqusername (e.g. uq\uqjblog3) then enter your password and click 'OK'.
    • If you're connecting to the TRI drive, enter your TRI username in the format TRIAD\triusername (e.g. TRIAD\tjcitize) then enter your TRI password and click 'OK'.

If an error message appears after entering your login credentials, this may mean you do not have permission to access the shared folder. To apply for permission, see requesting access to shared folders.

All Mac users have to follow the instructions below, whether you're using a UQ computer or a personal computer:

  1. From your dock, open 'Finder'.
  2. Go to the 'Go' menu at the very top of your screen and select 'Connect to Server...'
  3. Within the 'Server Address' field, enter the path of the folder you want to map as per below:
    • Home Drive: smb://uqusername:*@staff-home.storage.uq.edu.au. For example, smb://uqjblog3:*@staff-home.storage.uq.edu.au
    • 10GB Home Drive: smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/homes/uqusername. For example, smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/uqjblog3
    • Shared Drives:
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/BEL
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/CA
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/EAIT
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/HABS
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/HASS
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/HMBS
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/IndependentOperations
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/Institutes
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/MBS
      • smb://nas02.storage.uq.edu.au/SCI
    • Translational Research Institute (TRI) drive: smb://trifs.int.tri.edu.au/tri_services
    • Research Data Manager (RDM) drive: See the instructions on the Library website.
  4. Click the + icon to add the drive to your 'Favourites'.
  5. Click 'Connect'.
  6. Select 'Registered User'.
    • Enter your UQ account username in the format uq\uqusername (e.g. uq\uqjblog3).
    • If you're connecting to the TRI drive, enter your TRI username in the format TRIAD\triusername (e.g. TRIAD\tjcitize) then enter your TRI password and click 'OK'.
  7. Enter your UQ password, then select 'Connect'.

If the window shakes, this means you don't have permission to access the shared folder. To apply for permission, see requesting access to shared folders.

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