If you regularly need to email the same group of people, you can create a contact group to make the process easier.

A contact group is quick way of emailing multiple people without having to type each name into the 'To' line of an email. Instead, you just type in the name of the contact group, which will email everyone at once.

Contact groups are best used for small teams of people. For anything larger, or for bulk emails, you may want to consider a mailing or distribution list.

To set up a contact group, follow the instructions for your operating system, or for the Outlook Web App in the my.UQ dashboard.

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Go to the 'Home' tab and click 'New Items' > 'More Items' > 'Contact Group'.
  3. Enter a name for your contact group. It can be anything you like.
  4. Click 'Add Members' and select 'From Address Book'.
  5. Search for who you want to add to the contact group. Click the 'Members' button to add them to the group.
  6. Click 'OK' to continue.
  7. Click 'Save and Close' to finish.

You can now use the contact group to send emails, tasks and meeting requests. You can also include your contact group in emails to other people or other contact groups.

Creating a Contact List

  1. Open the Outlook app.
  2. Within the top menu, select Outlook, then select Preferences.
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Uncheck the Hide On My Computer folders option, then close the Preferences window.
  5. Ensure your email address is selected in the left-hand column under your account.
  6. Select the New Contact List option.
  7. Name your contact list and start adding members by typing their names and selecting them from the dropdown results.
  8. Once you've added all the members, click Save & Close.

Using Your Contact List

You can send emails to the contact list in two ways:

  • From the Smart Folders section, select the contact list and choose Email at the top.
  • Or, create a new email message and type the contact list name in the "To" field.

Your contact list will be available under Smart Folders, and you can now use it for sending emails, assigning tasks, or sending meeting invitations.

  1. Log in to the my.UQ dashboard and click 'Email'.
  2. Click the  contacts icon at the bottom of the side menu.
  3. Click the down arrow next to 'New' and select 'Contact list'.
  4. Enter a name for your contact group. It can be anything you like.
  5. In the 'Add members' field, start typing the name or email address of a person you want to add to the group. Click their name to add them to the group.
  6. Click 'Save' to finish

You can now use the contact group to send emails, tasks and meeting requests. You can also include your contact group in emails to other people or other contact groups..

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