This meeting room provides display and conferencing by using either the meeting room PC or connecting your own laptop which has a USB-C connection.

Using your laptop

  1. Connect the USB-C cable to your laptop. The LCD display will automatically turn on and the laptop will be presented.
  2. Open your conferencing software, e.g. Teams or Zoom, and navigate to the audio and video device settings.
    • Select the camera device 'Huddly L1'.
    • Select the audio device 'Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Devio SCR USB Audio)'.
  3. Ensure any blur or background effects are disabled within your conferencing software.
  4. If you're using a Mac, please ensure that FaceTime video effects are disabled.
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Using the in-room PC

  1. Log into the PC using the wireless keyboard and mouse provided.
  2. Open your conferencing software, e.g. Teams or Zoom, log in and join your meeting.
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If you experience any problems using the system, please contact AV Support on 336 54033.

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