
Workday is used by all paid and unpaid staff at UQ.  

You can use Workday to: 

  • maintain your personal details 
  • manage your banking details 
  • apply for leave and check your leave balances 
  • access your payslips 
  • view your employment history 
  • apply for UQ training courses and view your training history.

Supervisors are able to access relevant information about their staff: 

  • emergency contacts 
  • qualifications and licences 
  • current placement information 
  • leave balances and history 
  • training history. 

Apply for leave


MyAurion is used by paid staff at UQ.  

You can use MyAurion to: 

  • manage your Tax selections 
  • complete timesheets if you’re a casual staff member
  • request an On Call Allowance and Kilometre Claim. 

Log in to MyAurion 


Aurion is the system we use to manage payroll and HR information.

Access to Workday/Aurion can be requested via the 'My Requests' application in Workday.

Please follow the Request Workday/Aurion Access guide for detailed instructions on how to complete this process. 

Please find below list of types of Aurion access. For some access types, you may be required to complete training.

If you need help using Aurion:

Training and Help guides 

You can access step-by-step guides to complete requests in Workday or MyAurion on the Systems Training Hub.  

Below is the list of Aurion Access

ITS Service Desk

Can't find the answer?


Phone: (07) 3365 2623

Check the status of your requests and enquiries in my.UQ dashboard.

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Take our 5 minute usability survey.

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