Resolving staff grievances
UQ expects all staff to behave in a respectful and inclusive manner. We have policies, procedures and training programs that aim to prevent discrimination, harassment and bullying from occurring in the workplace.
But we acknowledge that discrimination, harassment and bullying may still occur. So we have developed a strong grievance resolution policy and procedures for staff who feel that they have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying in the workplace.
If you feel you have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying in the workplace, you may choose to:
- contact someone for support, advice or information
- follow the procedures for informal or formal resolution of your grievance.
Students should see the student grievance resolution process for contacts and procedures.
Who to contact
Who is most appropriate for you to contact for support, advice or information will depend on the circumstances. It should be someone you feel comfortable talking to.
At UQ, you can talk to:
- your supervisor
- our Sexual Misconduct Support Unit
- your HR Client Services team
- a member of the Workplace Relations team
You can also contact external agencies, such as:
- National Tertiary Education Union or your union
- Fair Work Commission
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Queensland Anti-Discrimination Commission
- community sexual assault support services.
Informal resolution
Where it's possible, appropriate and safe to do so, consider resolving grievances informally. This may take the form of you directly approaching the other staff member in person or in writing, carefully and clearly stating:
- the nature of the concern
- what a preferred outcome might be.
The aim is to reach an acceptable outcome that minimises any potential problems to ongoing workplace relations.
Only where informal resolution is not possible or inappropriate, should you continue with the formal grievance resolution process.
See the Staff Grievance Resolution Procedure for more information.
Formal resolution
Formal grievance resolution processes may be necessary if informal resolution hasn't succeeded, or is unsafe, not possible, or inappropriate.
If the alleged behaviour involves actual or threatened criminal behaviours (such as assault), you will be strongly encouraged to report it to the police.
Formal resolution takes place through these steps:
- Conciliation
- Investigation
- Review
- Final determination
- Transfer (if necessary).
See the Staff Grievance Resolution Procedure for more details about each step.
Confidentiality will be maintained where possible, but if you would like the matter to remain confidential the internal resolution process may be limited.
See the Staff Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure for more information.
Supervisor responsibilities
Grievance resolution is an integral part of a supervisor’s duties, as per the Staff Grievance Resolution Policy.
So far as reasonably practicable, supervisors should:
- recognise the early signs of disharmony in their teams
- identify, respond to and address problems in the workplace
- take early, sensitive and positive steps to prevent and resolve potential or actual grievances
- take all reasonable steps to ensure that victimisation of either a complainant or a respondent does not take place.
Workplace Relations
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