Delivery arrangements

  • These arrangements are subject to change. Please monitor general communications for updates.
  • You should consider whether perishable goods require different arrangements.
  • Please reconsider your need to order items with an extended or unclear lead time for delivery.
  • All alternative delivery arrangements require prior approval. You can request alternative arrangements by emailing the Senior Manager Client Facilities (Property and Facilities) at with relevant details prior to changes being made by UQ Procurement. 

Deliveries to St Lucia, Gatton and Long Pocket are being redirected to local operating docks to reduce the amount of traffic moving around UQ locations.

Deliveries are being made to the following loading docks:

CampusDockBusiness unit
 CAI buildingCAI
 Chemistry dockSCMB
 Andrew N. Liveris buildingEAIT
 Goddard dockScience Faculty (except SCMB – see Chemistry Dock)
 Macgregor dockSBMS, CIPDD, UQBR
 QBI dockQBI
 P&F warehouseAll other units
GattonJack Jones dockAll units
Long PocketP&F warehouseAll units except ISSR
Dutton ParkBasement 3 loading dockAll units
Other UQ SitesAs per local arrangements.

You should contact your local dock for information about individual deliveries.

Purchase orders

You can continue to use your regular UniFi Ship To Location as address details have been updated to direct deliveries to the appropriate dock. 

UniFi Ship To Locations

View the list of Ship To Locations (XLS, 241 KB) (staff login required) for delivery addresses available in UniFi. This list is updated weekly. 

Each location code is constructed using the following information:

FFD-site-building-floor-description of unit e.g. FFD-01-0061-03 FBS

Site numbers include:

  • 01 - UQ St Lucia
  • 07 - UQ Herston
  • 29 - UQ Gatton
  • 45 - Dutton Park - Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence (PACE)
  • 76 - Dutton Park - Princess Alexandra (PA) Hospital
  • 81 - UQ Long Pocket.

Corporate cards

If you are using a UQ corporate card to order, your order should be delivered to:

  • your usual loading dock, or
  • the UQ P&F warehouse loading dock (UQ Warehouse Bld 99, Walcott Street, St Lucia QLD 4072).

Include your regular UniFi Ship To Location in the delivery instructions when ordering. This will ensure UQ staff managing deliveries have the information required for goods to be forwarded to their intended destination.