Changes to UQ’s sensitivity labels

23 Feb 2024

UQ is applying minor changes to its Microsoft sensitivity labels as part of its update of the Information Security Classification Procedure on Friday 1 March. This procedure defines UQ’s information security classifications (including examples) which helps UQ staff to store and manage information securely. The latest version of the Information Security Classification Procedure is available online.

The updated procedure contains two changes to the information security classification names, to align further with the Queensland Government classification framework. See the changes below:

  • Official-Public becomes Public
  • Official-Internal becomes Official (this is the default sensitivity label classification).

These changes will be applied to UQ’s Microsoft sensitivity labels on Friday 1 March. Once the sensitivity label names are updated, any files and documents previously classified as Official-Public and Official-Internal will carry the updated label names. There will be no change to the functionality of sensitivity labels, or the controls applied for each classification.

In accordance with the Information Security Classification Procedure, staff should classify their Microsoft documents and emails using the sensitivity labels functionality, noting that the ‘Official’ label is applied by default.

Please Information Security Classification Procedure for further information on the classifications and some examples or discover more about Microsoft sensitivity labels.

If you have any questions regarding the updated procedure or sensitivity labels, email
