We're experiencing a high volume of water ingress requests across all UQ sites and P&F are currently working to resolve these requests as soon as possible.

Raise an Archibus request if you notice any areas that have been affected by the recent rain event and P&F will prioritise this work. 

You must request all maintenance services and new works through Property and Facilities (P&F).

P&F are the sole provider of maintenance services for UQ facilities and act as the building owner for all UQ properties. We have a range of maintenance programs and trade staff on site, with dedicated maintenance teams allocated to campuses and sites.

Making a request

To make a request you can either:

  • ask your Archibus nominated user to log the request in Archibus, the facilities management system, or 
  • contact PF Assist. 

When you submit a request you should indicate whether the work should be classified as maintenance work, small assets management or new works. If you're unsure, your Archibus nominated user or PF Assist can help you to determine the correct classification. 

    Classifying requests

    Requests are classified by the type work that needs to be done. The classification determines how the work is funded. 

    Maintenance works are the repair, replacement and upkeep of existing UQ building assets.

    Small Assets Management (Call SAM) requests are small maintenance requests.

    New works are:

    • upgrades, modifications or additions to existing assets
    • maintenance of departmental portable assets and equipment
    • replacement of existing assets due to cosmetic reasons.

    See examples of the types of requests in each category and the funding arrangements: 

    Maintenance works examples and funding

    Common maintenance requests include:

    • toilets are blocked
    • taps are leaking
    • lights are flickering or not working
    • air conditioning not working/too hot/too cold
    • door or lock is jammed, loose or not working
    • lift breakdowns
    • power outage
    • autoclaves not reaching temperature
    • fume cupboard not circulating air
    • bad smell (gas, damp).

    Work classified as maintenance is funded by P&F.

    Small Assets Management (Call SAM) examples and funding

    If the request is a small job, it may qualify under the Small Assets Management (Call SAM) service.

    The ‘Call SAM’ service is for minor new work requests across all UQ campuses, such as installing whiteboards, pinboards, pictures, hooks and brackets, door stops or closers.

    SAM will come to your workplace and assess whether the request is a small job. If the job is not a small job, it will be directed to P&F for quoting and your approval before proceeding.

    If the job is a small job, the labour will be free. Your unit will only need to order and pay for significant materials (e.g.  whiteboards and pinboards) through UQeMarket.

    If you already have the materials required, then SAM can do the job promptly. Alternatively, SAM can  return to complete the job when the materials you have ordered arrive.

    New works examples and funding

    Common new works requests include:

    • power point installations
    • degassing refrigerators and freezers
    • new carpet or blind installations for cosmetic purposes
    • erecting banners for events
    • installing new air conditioning units.

    All jobs classified as new work are funded by the building occupant. P&F provide the administration of any such work at no cost. Only the actual labour is charged to the client.

    Service delivery

    Maintenance services are delivered by dedicated Campus Operations maintenance teams that are allocated to precincts or zones depending on the campus or site.

    These teams provide organisational units with: 

    • personal and efficient service
    • a single point of contact for in-progress requests.

    See the: 


    P&F is responsible for:

    • the sole provision of maintenance services for UQ facilities and acting as the building owner for all UQ properties
    • acting as the building owner in respect to asset management and compliance with statutory and regulatory building requirements
    • maintenance and repair of the plant, equipment and services
    • setting up Service Level Agreements or Memorandum of Understandings where additional requirements are required outside the Asset Maintenance Policy
    • ensuring compliance against statutory and regulatory building requirements and the State Purchasing Policy
    • engaging contractors to undertake maintenance work relating to UQ building fabric, structure and services
    • managing procedures that call for the Contractors Safety Plan, with a MSDS, to be approved by the P&F Health & Safety Coordinator.

    Schools and faculties are the building occupants who identify the need for work and arrange for it to take place by contacting PF Assist.

    Building occupants are responsible for:

    • ensuring that facilities are kept in a safe and tidy condition
    • reporting building-related faults to PF Assist
    • funding building-related work that falls outside the scope of this maintenance policy
    • maintaining equipment owned by the school or faculty.

    Engaging contractors

    P&F are solely responsible for engaging contractors to undertake maintenance work relating to UQ building fabric, structure and services. Schools and faculties should not act as a principal contractor or engage contractors to undertake building-related work.

    All contractors must complete a P&F induction and have the relevant licenses and insurance.


    If there is an issue with the work that P&F have organised, raise a complaint with the relevant Client Facility Manager.