Standard agreements
A range of standard agreements are available to organisational units across UQ.
Standard agreements are pre-approved contracts that allow UQ staff to enter into contracts quickly, and on reasonable terms and conditions.
To determine who can sign a standard agreement, see the Delegations Policy and the Schedule of Delegations (staff login required). If the agreement is related to accepting a gift on UQ's behalf, see the Reportable Gifts and Benefits Procedure.
If you make changes to the terms and conditions of a standard agreement, it is no longer standard and will usually need to be signed at a higher level.
- agreements are updated regularly, so make sure you download the current version each time you use an agreement
- you still need to obtain all necessary approvals, comply with relevant policies, and follow appropriate procedures
- if you need help completing a standard agreement, contact Legal Services.
There are also template agreements available for research matters, which differ from standard agreements. Access to these agreements is limited to authorised staff only. For information on these agreements, see our Research agreements.
If a standard agreement is going to be notified to the Commonwealth under Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (Cth), clauses will need to be added to protect UQ’s interests. If AFRA clauses are added to a standard agreement, it will no longer be regarded as a standard agreement for the purposes of the Instrument of Sub-Delegation No 1 of 2020 (Contract Power). Please contact Legal Services for assistance when AFRA clauses need to be added.
The Chief Operating Officer and Legal Services have approved the standard agreements below. All standard agreements are secure – log in with your UQ staff login to view agreements.
Anthropology Museum Copyright Permission
Use this agreement when granting copyright permissions for material related to the UQ Anthropology Museum.
Anthropology Museum Copyright Permission - Fee (DOCX, 42.8 KB)Anthropology Museum Copyright Permission - No Fee (DOCX, 40.5 KB)Access to Collection and Museum Records Request Form (DOCX, 39.9 KB)Access to Collection and Museum Records Request Form - Public Domain (DOCX, 39.5 KB)
Anthropology Museum Standard Independent Curator Agreement
Use this agreement when engaging an independent curator for the UQ Anthropology Museum.
Anthropology Museum Standard Independent Curator Agreement (DOCX, 98.1 KB)
Art Museum Loan Agreement
Use this agreement when loaning work from the UQ Art Museum.
Confidentiality Agreements
Use these agreements when confidential information is to be disclosed by or to UQ.
Select the agreement that aligns with your situation (who is to disclose to who), then refer to the corresponding user guide for information on how to use it.
Use the following agreement when UQ is proposing to disclose confidential information to a party:
Confidentiality Agreement (Disclosure by UQ) (DOCX, 94.5 KB) User guide – Confidentiality Agreement (Disclosure by UQ) (PDF, 113.3 KB)
Use the following agreement when a party is proposing to disclose confidential information to UQ:
Confidentiality Agreement (Disclosure to UQ) (DOCX, 94.1 KB) User guide – Confidentiality Agreement (Disclosure to UQ) (PDF, 112.7 KB)
Use the following agreement when UQ and a party are proposing to exchange confidential information to each other:
Confidentiality Agreement (Mutual Disclosure) (DOCX, 45.9 KB) User guide – Confidentiality Agreement (Mutual Disclosure) (PDF, 108.1 KB)
Consultancy Agreements
Use these agreements when consultancy services are to be provided to UQ or by UQ.
Select the agreement for your situation, then refer to the corresponding user guide for information on how to use it.
Low-risk, low-value consultancy services provided to UQ
Use this agreement when UQ is proposing to purchase low-risk consultancy services valued at less than A$50,000.
Short Form Consultancy Agreement (Services to UQ) (DOCX, 53.2 KB) User Guide – Short Form Consultancy Agreement (Services to UQ) (PDF, 123 KB)
Low-risk, low-value consultancy services provided by UQ
Use this agreement when UQ is proposing to provide low-risk consultancy services valued at less than A$50,000.
Short Form Consultancy Agreement (Services by UQ) (DOCX, 52.5 KB) User Guide – Short Form Consultancy Agreement (Services by UQ) (PDF, 127.7 KB)
High-risk or high-value consultancy services provided to UQ
Use this agreement when UQ is proposing to purchase high-risk consultancy services or services valued at more than A$50,000.
Consultancy Agreement (Services to UQ)User Guide - Consultancy Agreement (Services to UQ) (PDF, 123.8 KB)
High-risk or high-value consultancy services provided by UQ
Use this agreement when UQ is proposing to provide high-risk consultancy services or services valued at more than A$50,000.
Consultancy Agreement (Services by UQ) (DOCX, 53.9 KB)User Guide - Consultancy Agreement (Services by UQ) (PDF, 130.9 KB)
Copyright Agreements
Use these agreements when UQ is giving permission to use UQ’s copyright material and to collaborate to jointly author works.
Select the agreement that aligns with your situation (what kind of permission is being given), then refer to the corresponding user guide for information on how to use it.
Use the following agreement when UQ is proposing to collaborate with the other party to jointly author a work in which copyright will subsist:
Copyright Joint Authorship Agreement (DOCX, 40.2 KB) User guide – Copyright Joint Authorship Agreement (PDF, 100.5 KB)Use the following agreement when UQ is proposing to give the other party permission to use UQ’s copyright material in return for a fee:
Copyright Permission Agreement (Fees Charged) (DOCX, 44.7 KB) User guide – Copyright Permission Agreement (Fees Charged (PDF, 103.6 KB)Use the following agreement when UQ is proposing to permit the other party to use UQ’s copyright material without charging a fee:
Copyright Permission Agreement (No Fees Charged) (DOCX, 39.5 KB) User guide – Copyright Permission Agreement (No Fees Charged) (PDF, 103.3 KB)Goods and Services Contracts
Use this contract for the purchase of goods and/or services.
Contract for Purchase of Goods and or Services
User Guide - Contract for Purchase of Goods and or Services
These are the terms and conditions referred to in UQ’s standard Purchase Order:
Health and Rehabilitation Clinics Services Agreement
Use this agreement when providing services through UQ's Health and Rehabilitation Clinics as an independent contractor.
Health and Rehabilitation Clinics Services Agreement (DOCX, 59.8 KB)
High School Work Experience Agreement
Use this agreement, provided by the Department of Education, when organising work experience placements for high school students (from state schools, non-state schools and home education work experience programs).
Performers Agreement
Use this agreement when engaging external performers at a UQ venue or event.
Performers Agreement (PDF, 904.8 KB)Guidelines - Performers Agreement (PDF, 58.9 KB)
Promotional Games Terms and Conditions
Use these terms and conditions when running a competition. Refer to the Promotional Games User Guide for information on using the terms and conditions.
Promotional Games User Guide (PDF, 83 KB)Promotional Games Checklist (PDF, 104.6 KB)Terms and Conditions (Game of Skill) (DOCX, 41.3 KB)Terms and Conditions (Game of Chance) (DOCX, 41.4 KB)
Secondment Agreement
Use the appropriate Secondment Agreement when an employee from one organisation is seconded to work in another organisation.
In a secondment, the secondee works under the direction of the organisation they are seconded to, as if they were an employee of that organisation. If the employee will be working under the direction of their employer, use a Consultancy Agreement instead.
Secondment Agreements may only be prepared by UQ HR staff. Contact your HR Client Services team.
Secondment from UQ – Agreement and General Conditions (DOCX, 50.1 KB)Secondment to UQ – Agreement and General Conditions (DOCX, 58.3 KB)
Speakers Agreement
Use this agreement when engaging external speakers at a UQ venue or event.
Sponsorship Agreements
Incoming sponsorships
Use this agreement when a person or organisation is proposing to sponsor a UQ event or initiative. Refer to the user guide for information on how to use the agreement.
Sponsorship Agreement (Incoming) (DOCX, 46.3 KB)User Guide – Sponsorship Agreement (Incoming) (PDF, 98.9 KB)
Outgoing sponsorships
Use this agreement when UQ is proposing to sponsor an event or initiative. Refer to the user guide for information on how to use the agreement.
Sponsorship Agreement (Outgoing) (DOCX, 46.4 KB)User guide – Sponsorship Agreement (Outgoing) (PDF, 30.4 KB)
Student Accommodation Preferred Supplier Agreement
Use this agreement to establish a formal relationship with a commercial student accommodation supplier. This agreement allows the supplier to be recognised as a 'UQ preferred supplier’ for student accommodation.
Student Accommodation Preferred Supplier Agreement (DOCX, 70.2 KB)
Student Placement Agreements
Use one of the following agreements (UQ standard form or UQ agreed overarching), to set out the terms and conditions between UQ and a provider, that will apply to a UQ student’s placement.
If you are unable to secure the placement using one of these agreements, you should negotiate the provider’s form of placement agreement.
UQ standard placement agreements
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) placements allow students to integrate theory with practice within work-based settings. WIL placements must be assessable by UQ (for credit) or a requirement of an academic course, shorter form credential, or program.
For more information, see UQ’s Work Integrated Learning and Work Experience Policy. UQ staff should also read Work Integrated Learning – information for staff.
UQ has approved the following standard placement agreements for you to submit to a provider. Once the operational details have been completed with the provider, you should arrange for the agreement to be signed by UQ (in accordance with the Contract Delegations Policy) and by the provider.
Overarching Student Placement Agreement (DOCX, 55.4 KB) Single Student Placement Agreement (DOCX, 54.3 KB) EAIT Thesis Project Placement Agreement (DOCX, 31.1 KB)
These documents are reviewed and updated periodically. Please use the links above rather than locally-saved copies, to ensure that the most up-to-date versions are in use.
General instructions for use – Overarching and Single Agreements
- All student placements, including for HDR Students, are governed by the Work Integrated Learning and Work Experience Policy.
- Appropriate due diligence should be conducted before engaging with any new placement provider (see section 3.0 in the Work Integrated Learning and Work Experience Procedures).
- In respect of insurance cover:
- UQ insurance cover will not apply to placements undertaken without UQ approval (see the Insurance Services website for more information).
- The level of insurance held by the Provider is no longer specified in the standard placement agreements, but must be considered as part of the Provider's due diligence:
- Providers should be expected to hold insurance that is commensurate with the scale and scope of their business. As a general rule, Providers should hold public liability insurance (ideally at least $10 million of cover) and professional indemnity insurance (ideally $5 million of cover).
- Whether or not to proceed with a placement where a Provider does not meet these criteria is a question of risk to be assessed by the UQ Placement Co-ordinator. This may be considered acceptable if the financial position of the Provider is strong (although that can change in future) and/or the risk of claims (or claims exceeding insurance cover) is low.
UQ Insurance Services can be contacted by UQ’s Placement Co-ordinator at for advice on insurance-related issues before the commencement of the Placement, including equivalency of cover for overseas placements (refer to clause 5.3/6.3 of the Single/Overarching Student Placement Agreement).
Special Conditions may be added to an Overarching Student Placement in accordance with the conditions and guidelines outlined in the Standard Placements Clause Bank:
Student Placement Agreement Clause Bank
Other special conditions may only be added in consultation with Legal Services and escalation to an appropriate UQ signing delegate.
Conditions for HDR Students
- All HDR placements must be managed and approved by the Graduate School
- HDR placement cannot be related to an HDR student’s thesis
- Intellectual property for the placement will sit with the placement provider
- The student must have a completed Student Intellectual Property and Confidentiality Deed Poll
- HDR placements are not research or consultancy services, which must be managed through a research and consultancy deed with a student schedule
- If funding or multiple parties are involved, a Scholarships Agreement or other agreement may be more appropriate
- Questions for HDR students can be directed to
UQ overarching placement agreements with specific providers
UQ has negotiated and agreed overarching placement agreements with the following providers. For a placement to proceed on the terms and conditions of one of these agreements, you should complete and sign the applicable schedule (in accordance with the Contract Delegations Policy) and arrange for the provider to sign.
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Deed of Variation 8 — fully executed (PDF, 10.6 MB) Schedule to Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Student Placement Agreement (DOCX, 18.2 KB)
Ramsay Hospitals Overarching Student Placement Agreement (PDF, 9 MB)Schedule to Ramsay Hospitals Overarching Student Placement Agreement (DOC, 53 KB)
Queensland Health
Queensland Health Student Placement Deed and Schedule (PDF, 1.2 MB)
What's new
Legal Services is currently updating our standard agreements. Check here for our recent changes:
new - UQ Purchase Order Contract Conditions
You can send feedback on updated agreements by emailing