If you have an idea or initiative that’s likely to include IT aspects, you need to involve Information Technology Services as early as possible.

This could include, but is not limited to:

  • system development
  • implementation or integration of a system
  • cloud solutions
  • physical (built) environment projects with IT systems or needs 
  • purchase of major IT hardware or software.

The ITS Relationship Management team, or your local IT Manager will assist in progressing your idea through the steps and requirements including Technology Master Plan Goal Governance, Project Approval Board (IT PAB) submission, purchasing, integration with other IT systems, procurement and signing of contracts. 

What you need to do

Think about:

  • What problem are you trying to solve?
  • What steps have you undertaken so far and who supports it?
  • Who is involved in the project?
  • What is the scope and duration?
  • What are the risks if you do or don’t proceed?
  • Do you have funding for the project?

Once you’ve considered these questions, submit an IT request to your Relationship Manager to get the correct template to complete.

The IT Portfolio Management (IT PMO) website provides links to the templates and more information on how IT PMO can help you.

We're here to help

Before contacting us, try browsing or searching for common questions.

Submit staff IT request