Electrical safety
It's important that all UQ staff and students understand the potential health risks of working with and around electricity.
The Electrical Safety Procedure states staff at all levels are responsible for electrical safety
Electrical equipment
Purchase and acquisition
Read theSafe Procurement and Acquisition of Plant and Equipment Guideline for information on purchasing or acquiring electrical equipment for University purposes.
Installation and testing
Certain areas require special consideration when installing and using electrical equipment.
Hazardous areas
Hazardous areas are locations where explosive or flammable atmospheres may exist. These may be in facilities such as laboratories, chemical engineering workshops or chemical stores, or other areas where flammable chemicals are used.
WorkSafe Queensland provides more information on classifying hazardous areas and using electrical equipment in hazardous atmospheres.
Wet areas
There are specific requirements for installing electrical equipment in wet areas. These apply to any equipment that may be exposed to:
- weather
- sprinkler systems
- fixed, semi-permanent or agitated liquid containers.
These requirements also apply to the retrofitting of any liquid containers around electrical equipment.
All electrical installations in wet areas must meet these standards:
- AS/NZS 3000:2007 Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules).
- AS 60529-2004 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code).
To access the standards for specific requirements, search the SAI Global Standards Online database (UQ login required), or contact PF Assist for more information.
Test and tag
Test and tag is the periodic inspection and testing of portable electrical equipment to ensure its integrity.
Test and tag services are to be performed by registered test and tag contractors. Property and Facilities Division has negotiated competitive rates for test and tagging with UGL (the University’s electrical contractor). Please contact your Archibus Nominated User (PDF, 1 MB) who will log an Archibus user funded work request to undertake test and tag in your area.
Some equipment has specific testing requirements. See the Electrical Testing and Tagging Guideline for examples of specified electrical equipment and associated requirements for specific environments.
Electrical Infrastructure
The Property and Facilities Division is responsible for fixed wiring throughout the University. Please contact your Archibus Nominated User who will log an Archibus Work Request with any maintenance requests.
Safety alerts and recalls
Electrical-related safety alerts and product recalls can be found on the WorkSafe Queensland website.